Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Hi, i’m looking for Wiser solution for roller shutter, whichs sensors are available ? Recognize as roller shutter ? Position appear or not ? a slider is possible to open roller shutter at xx% position ?

If you have a Zigbee stick already, you could use Zigbee2MQTT and pair the ‘passive’ iTRVs to that network instead of directly to the wiser hub - then you should be able to control setpoints etc but the iTRV will not be able to call for heat so it’ll only be able to warm the room when the hub’s iTRVs demand heat.

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In Europe you have a Wiser solution for shutter that can be managed by the integration

here is an example of my dashboard managing a shutter

I was wondering if anyone had been having similar problems recently, my valves aren’t fully closing so when a radiator is calling for heat in one room, several rooms that are already at temperature are also heating up. They are open so little I can hear the water attempting to squeeze through and gets quite loud.

I’ve reset each thermostat several times but doesn’t provider a long term solution. The only way to fix it when it happens is to increase demand for the rooms and reduce again so the valves open and close, or to recalibrate.

It really defies the purpose of having thermostats in each room. I’ve logged a call with zendesk and am yet to hear back

I know it’s not directly related to the HA integration, but I’ve been monitoring the issue through it and thought it would be a good place to reach out to an active community.

I’ve reset the thermostats, checked the pins (which move normally), checked the thermostats are seated correctly, the link signal is good and the battery is around 50% and 6 months old.

Welcome @turnah! Can you check to see which firmware version your TRV’s are currently running?

Hey Johnboy,

I have the same scenario, i have lots of wiser trvs but then in strategic locations (hallway, a spare bedroom) i just have a “normal” trv set to 2-3 (18C). The idea here is that radiator will only emit heat when another radiator (Wiser trv driven) calls for heat.

For me this means, the hallways are heated whenever a room demands heat (premise being one will walk in/out rooms to the hallway) and secondly , if you only have one trv demanding heat then the boiler wont be as efficient as it could be… from my r&d boilers work less efficiently with a low number of rads…

You could put a zigbee trv but i didnt bother and it works perfectly


My observations are similar to your R&D findings that the boiler is very inefficient when providing a low level of output. You’ve probably covered all this ground before.
Once the rooms have reached temperature, they don’t require much energy to hold them there. It’s like having a 15kW (or whatever rating your boiler is) electric fire in the room, switching on for 10 seconds every 10 minutes which gives enough heat.

Exactly what Boiler Cycling is.

I don’t know whether there’s a standard for this, but my previous Honeywell wall thermostat did exactly the same thing.
I later found it’s settable by a control selection setting in the Honeywell.
Oil fired: gives 3 cycle per hour. (Every 20 minutes).
Gas fired: gives 6 cycles per hour. (Every 10 minutes).
Electricity: gives 12 cycles per hour. (Every 5 minutes).

Boiler type is a setting that no longer works on the Wiser app?
Settings > Devices > Hub > Heat Source Type. Can’t select / change anything.
So perhaps this system should only be used for gas fired boilers?

Having recently had a new gas boiler, Boiler Cycling is the very reason I moved away from the Honeywell thermostat to a ‘Smart’ control system. I didn’t realise, the smart controller works on exactly the same principal of a 10 minute cycle. I somehow thought it would be smarter than that. 

What I’m trying now is programming the set temperature of a room up and down to force the boiler to stay on (and hence off) for longer periods. There are three rooms with iTRV’s. Probably uses batteries quicker but their cost is likely inconsequential to the gas cost. The other rads have regular TRV’s. (I wanted some of those to work ‘passive’).

Boiler cycling is a problem as I see it:-
Every 10 minutes, the boiler ‘fires up’.
Control electronics being powered up.
Fan motor starting.
Gas valve solenoid opening/ closing.
Gas purge cycle.
Spark generator operating.
Likely not running long enough to benefit from either of:
condensing mode.
output modulation.

Often only burns for 1 minute.
Terribly inefficient.

Just being able to select Oil Fried Boiler would halve the above operations and likely double the life of the boiler (& pump)?

I don’t think it can be accessed via HA, can it?

Would it not be better to lower the temperature of the bolier itself? (honest question).That way the boiler would cycle less (it would take longer to arrive to target temperature with less chance of overshoot) and it would spend more time in condensing mode. Just asking.

Thanks for the input.

I tried lowering the boiler setpoint.
It doesn’t work.

There are two problems.

The boiler itself then shuts the gas off to regulate the temperature.
So it also creates it’s own cycling.
It’s not on long enough to use ‘modulation’ to reduce the gas input.

In fact, this boiler only modulates from 16 to 7.5kW.
There are better boilers out there with 4 or 5:1 modulation.
But like most people, I had no clue about this stuff when a new boiler was fitted.


The boiler also feeds the hot water tank. (It’s heat only, not a combi).

To achieve the HW target of 60c (ref:legionella) it obviously needs to be set higher than that.

You are correct though.
The recommendation for greater efficiency is lower the temperature to take advantage of the condensing feature. (Return water must be below 55 c).

I see only two ways to achieve this.

  1. High water flow to take the heat away quickly.
  2. Have a dual rated or maybe two boilers. One big, one small.

Problem with 1. Is :- You’ll need huge radiators, large pump and big bore piping to dissipate the heat.

Else the temperature of the water will still be high as it returns back to the boiler…. :slight_smile:

And if you do have huge radiators and big bore piping, be prepared for the high room temperature overshoots. :slight_smile:

As for 2.
Has anyone seen a dual installation?

I guess this is what modulation is trying to achieve but needs improving.

Could just have a small boiler but it would obviously struggle on the occasions when it needed to heat the whole house from cold. Either way, an expensive experiment.

Ours is a microbore radiator system so we seem to be screwed no matter what.

As I understand it this is a bug in the app.
I have had 3 versions of the app on my phone since using Wiser. In the first version, the boiler type was configurable (at least it was at installation time). Then it disappeared. Now, selection appears and is editable but it seems hit and miss (6.1.5).
Most of the boiler cycling is caused by one or other of internal boiler thermostats rather than the controller. That seems the case for me.

@jamiebennett Hi Jamie, is there any update on a fix for the Hubr Heat Source Type selection not working in the Wiser app?

Yesterday I tried adding a 6th iTRV to my system and I was struggling to pair it with the app. I had to put it off.

Today, while checking HA, I was surprised to see that the iTRV appears in my Z2MQTT panel as a device! It seems since I had “Enable join” it autopaired with my Zigbee adapter before than with the app. Is this normal? I can definitely pair it with the app now, but my point is that I thought that we couldn’t use iTRVs (and Drayton smart plugs) outside of its own Zigbee network. But this seems to not be the case.

It actually exposes the specific iTRV temp reading (instead of the zone value), and also the % of valve opening?

Am I missing something and this is just normal? Or have I stumbled into something?

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That’s interesting that you could see those values when it paired with your zigbee coordinator.
I had a similar experience when I first installed my Wiser hub and tried to set up the roomstat. I had accidentally left ‘Permit join’ enabled in Z2M when inlast used it to add a device, and couldn’t for the life of me work out why my new roomstat wasn’t pairing with the Wiser hub - until I glanced at my device liat in Z2M amd realised what had happened!

It’s cosmetic only (the functionality works as expected). This is fixed in an internal build and we hope to push out a new release at the end of this month.


All, just released a v3.2.3beta version with the following new things/improvements/fixes. Please can those on this forum who use heating actuators with floor temp sensors and also those with opentherm boilers please test the new functionality and report back any issues/successes. Thanks Mark.

New Functionality

  • Add support for Heating Actuator floor temp sensor. This allows setting of min/max floor temps (using climate entity) and offset value (using number slider).

  • Add service for setting opentherm parameters - to support some of the community who have opentherm boilers experiment with changing some of the hub parameters that are not available in the app. Documentation for using is here and you can see the available parameters by downloading the diagnostic file and looking for the opentherm path towards bottom of file.


  • Fix error setting away mode action for shutters raised by @LGO44

  • Add event data to wiser events - wiser events now provide the following data:

  • Improve error handling/notification for setting schedule via YAML file - this was raised due to a change in the yaml engine used in v3.2 which is only yaml 1.1 compatible and therefore times greater than 10am have to be quoted in the yaml file. This will now give you an error if you have invalid times in yaml file.


Thanks Mark,

These are the options I have by default for my OpenTherm setup.

Thank you.

I’ll reinstall tomorrow and see if it’ll work with a chFlowActiveUpperSeetPoint of 700 / 70⁰C.

Can I make sensors out of some of the other diagnostic data like exhaust temperature?

Thanks Mike. Are you able to change these with the new service amd does it make any difference?

Ok great. At the moment, not all these params are available. Will look to add missing ones when release this beta as full release - maybe an opentherm sensor with attributes.

Will have a check as soon as I can to see what can be changed.

Have noticed a new error though this morn, unable to use the “boost all heating” function. Gives me a Failed to call service button press delta error but working okay in the Wiser App.
