Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

Maybe a silly question, but does the integration definitely stop working? I have noticed that the History Graph cards often do this and don’t update properly (at least under Firefox, I’ve not checked in Edge/Chrome). When I see this, if I refresh/reload my browser they ‘magically’ then display the correct history. Some sort of bug with the History Graph cards is my assumption.

If not and this doesn’t get to the route cause, are you able to reload the integration rather than restarting Home Assistant? If you can and if you can identify a trigger e.g. something becomes unavailable or state hasn’t changed in 10 minutes, as a temporary workaround you could create an automation to reload the integration.

# Reload integration
- service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
    entry_id: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # ID is found in .storage\core.config_entries

My integration stopped working on the 12th / 13th Jan. I know the hub went offline that day but pretty sure I’d sorted it by 5:30pm.

It definitely stopped working as this room wasn’t calling for heat all night :smiley:

I just assumed it was one of those things and it hasn’t happened since :man_shrugging:


Slightly confused about your passive TRV automation.

So you’ve set your spare room temperature to 12 if it drops below 12 it will only look for heat if an active iTRV is calling for heat?

Also I can’t figure out how to create the Passive TRV Limit Temperature, please help

All, just released a v3.2.3beta3.

This includes some fixes and new flow and return temp sensors for opentherm boilers. Also adds many more opentherm attributes on the flow temp sensor.

For those who are brave, there is also a new passive mode (very beta!) for rooms inspired by @robertwigley. This is default disabled but can be enabled by enabling automations in integration config. Will create a switch for each room to turn on/off and change the termostat card to allow setting of min/max. If room below min, it will call for heat. If in min/max range will only heat when non passive rooms are heating. No documentation yet and i have asked @robertwigley to review but feel free to give it a go and feedback if you want. As i say, very beta so usual at your own risk etc. Will show as in heat mode on the wiser app with changing target temps. Not finished testing how it handles changes being made in wiser app.


@PJR101 Looks exactly like my problem posted about.

@robertwigley I’ve pretty sure integration stopped working as even know it shows 3 hours of constant on heating, without any change in iTRV temperature for that time with next log entry appearing after HA restart.

@msp1974 server that runs HA has IP assigned to it in router based on server MAC, so IP address never changes.
HeatHub logbook entries below. As you can see signal and on/off keeps changing quite often, but it stops at 8:27. It starts working again at 11:39 after HA is restarted.

Wiser Away Mode Affects Hot Water turned on
11:39:21 - 8 hours ago
Wiser Eco Mode turned on
11:39:21 - 8 hours ago
Wiser Valve Protection turned off
11:39:21 - 8 hours ago
Wiser Heating changed to On
08:27:08 - 11 hours ago
Wiser Heating changed to Off
08:26:56 - 11 hours ago
Wiser HeatHub Signal changed to Good
08:00:55 - 11 hours ago
Wiser HeatHub Signal changed to Medium
07:59:55 - 11 hours ago
Wiser Heating changed to On
07:51:30 - 11 hours ago

This is interesting. I honestly don’t expect Drayton to release that, and at the same time I’d prefer them not to. Ideally it would be amazing if this integration allowed to introduce an external temp sensor like the Aqara one you mention, and override the temp reading from the iTRV and use the sensor instead. I think that’d be a perfect solution, cheap, and being able to place the sensors wherever we want. :frowning:

Atm I have a bedroom where the iTRV has much higher values when heating than the actual room (about 3 degrees). This would solve this issue completely.

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I mean’t the integration config where the ip of your hub is specified.

It appears the set schedule from file option for water and appliances is broken

No, not quite. Basically if the heating is on because any of the main rooms i.e. ‘Active TRVs’ are calling for heat, meaning there is heat in the system, it will bump the unused room thermostats up by half a degree in a loop slowly over time until it hits the limit temperature (or until the heating switches off because the ‘Active TRVs’ are no longer calling for heat), so that it pulls a bit of the ‘spare’ heat already in the system into those rooms without actually calling for much additional heat.

It’s really just about not wanting the little used rooms to fire the boiler if no other rooms need heating and to try and heat them mainly when the boiler is already on, so it’s as close as possible to mimicking a traditional non-smart TRV that would turn on and off with the heating, without actually switching the heating on itself i.e. passive. A number of people were asking for this feature in the Wiser device settings, but it doesn’t exist and it got me thinking about how it might be possible to mimic that with an automation and that is what this is.

I’ve actually made quite a few more changes, as while I’ve been using it I’ve found that it’s not quite working as I wanted it to under all circumstances. e.g. if I move the Spare Room out of my Unheated Rooms schedule and into my Bedrooms schedule when we have guests staying, I don’t want it to behave that way any longer and I want it to become one of the ‘Active TRVs’ until I move it back into the Unheated Rooms schedule when they leave.

I’ll post the updated (version 2.0) code in the next few days (I’m still tweaking it), if anyone wants me to.

To create the ‘Passive TRV Limit Temperature’ input_number, you just create a ‘Number Helper’ with the settings in the screenshot. Go to Settings → Devices and Services → Helpers → Create Helper and choose ‘Number’ from the list.

I thought it was worth asking/checking, especially as I have seen the History Card do this before and need a refresh.

Can you provide better info. Broken how, any error?

I’ve just finished catching up on the rest of the posts today and see that @msp1974 is working to include ‘Passive Mode’ in the integration itself. I’m both honoured and grateful to Mark for thinking this is a worthy addition to the integration, so I’ll try and work with him to get this working properly in the integration itself.

When trying to set a schedule from a file I am either getting the error “Error converting to Wiser schedule: ‘bool’ object has no attribute ‘title’ or Error converting to Wiser schedule: bad operand for type abs():’str’

The first error seems to appear if the times aren’t formatted as ‘06:00’, the second error appears if the times are formatted this way, it even happens even if I save a schedule using the get.schedule service and then try to set.schedule using the file it just created.

This is happening for both appliances and water, heating is still working okay however I have noticed by saving a water onoff schedule and a heating schedule the times are formatted in different ways, heating ‘07:00’. onoff 07:00

Ok i’ll have a look at it.

Does the api limit you to 0.5 steps in the target temp or can it be any decimal? Testing the passive mode and you can end up with the max passive temp being well over the current temperature but because the current temp wiser thinks is near the 0.5 set point it either turns off the heating or doesn’t call for heat for the radiator if it was already off.

Target high temp - 20
Wiser app current temp - 15
Actually current temp - 15.2
Set point - 15.5

Trv now turns off until temp is 15.5 or drops back to 15.

In most of my rooms it isnt too long between low percentage demand, 0 percentage demand (off) and back to low percentage demand (although do wonder how quickly this will eat through the batteries) but in my attic room where the radiator is massively undersized is can be 5+ minutes which will be nicer on the batteries but isnt efficient for either the room temp or for the boiler as it dumps a radiators worth of much cooler water back into the system.

If the target temp could always be current temp+0.5, i.e. setpoint would go 15.5, 15.6, 15.7…, it’d be much more efficient for all the hardware involved.

Also assume its a weird quirk in HA but changing the target max/min temps via dev tools doesn’t update the temperatures written to the file so effectively doesnt work (as they revert back to the file data) and you’re forced to change them via a thermostat card

Its a quirk of the wiser system that target temp is in 0.5 increments. The code actually does do current temp + 0.5 which wiser rounds up to nearest 0.5. This is an outstanding to make sure it is a least 0.5 above.

Having eco mode on also affects this but no yet fully got my head around how. Not sure it closes the valve but says not calling for heat. I think it uses residual heat in system to reach desired temp before closing valve. My rooms are certainly hitting the max temp with eco mode on, but yes, looking at attributes may be a little confusing.

Will look at the dev tools method and fix that. It should work so not sure as yet why not.

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I’ve locked mine to one specific AP on my UniFi WiFi network. Before I did that, the HubR insisted on connecting to the AP outside in the back yard, which is opposite end of the house.

I’m really close to home-brewing my heating system with a couple of Sonoff Zigbee relays and thermometers. Wiser has been less than reliable (and I’ve tried tado and Hive in the past, they’re pretty much worse).

I cant recreate your error setting via dev tools. I do see that if you dont set min and max then it does error but googlimg seems to suggest this is a HA quirk even though they are both showing as optional. Can you shed more light on what you are doing/seeing.

@msp1974 The integration stopped working for me again this morning. Coincidentally - or not - I’d been tidying up old schedules and rooms in the app. I’ve just had a bit of a play and have discovered that if I add or delete a room the integration stops working until reloaded. I’ve repeated this a couple of times with the same result.

Edit; how do I delete all the dead trvs & rooms that are now loitering in HA?

Don’t worry, I’ve figured it out

Hi, just curious, is there any reason this isn’t a built in home assistant integration?