I have modified dreame-vacuum-integration so that it works with the Dreame A1 lawn mower.
There will be a lot of bugs, but the basic functions (start, pause, dock) work.
Maybe someone is interested in helping with the “transition” from the vacuum-integration to the full working lawn-mower-integration
Would love to help with testing - but I’m fairly new to Home Assistant, so I´m not really sure if i´m able to.
I´ve tried to install the integration but after installing it via HACS, it does not show up when I´m trying to install a new integration. I´ve enabled the beta-versions - but this is an alpha. What do I have to do?
I´ve also installed the integration - it seems to be working fine so far. In the next few days I will only start the A1 with the integration, pause it in between or send it back to the dock. Would you like us to observe or test something specific?
One more thing that I wanted to say: thank you for your work!
The basics like dock, start, pause work fine… the future updated need more testing… i don’t own a A1 by myself… a friend of mine has one and asked me if i can integrate it in home-assistant.
So currently all I have is a tcp dump from which I am trying to implement functions
TCP dump let alone won’t help you but you need to reverse engineer the app plugin to check the conditions of sending an API command also because device does not have any checks on the client side. Sending a command that the device won’t expect at that time can result crashes and unexpected operations/bugs with the device so use this project with caution because Dreame support cannot help you if that happens.
For instance; my integration can break the app just by sending an empty customized cleaning setting because neither app nor the device expects it to be empty so it results with the app rendering an empty white screen that you cannot do anymore.
Working great for me too, thanks a lot! At least the basic functionality (status, and start/pause/dock commands). Sure it would be nice to view the map, or be able to select zones for mowing, but the base functionality is good enough for me.
Question though; does anyone have a list of all the possible statuses and the state value?
the source still contains lot of the vacuum-robot code … i’ll start changing that ne next weeks… are the errors shown sill somehow related to the “real” errors that ouccured?
No I dont think so. Just mowing, returning to dock, charging? Either way I would much prefer not to have any persistent notifications at all, even if they where accurate.
Is this integration still usable for everybody? I was looking to pick up a dreame A1 but unfortunately don’t have the know-how to write or improve code for integrations.