Custom Component: Dreame Vacuum

Hey @tasshack
Thanks for all your efforts relating to this great integration. I have it working with my L20 Ultra using a beta release, with mapping and sensor data. Almost a full Dreame app replacement, but awesome to have bot data in HA. Maybe one day it can be local only without having to replace the firmware in the vac.

Sadly, it is not designed and engineered to work without a cloud. Most of the brands are started doing it like this nowadays.

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Hey @tasshack first of all let me thank you for all your hard work on this intergration and efforts to answer even idiotic questions on this forum.

I ordered my Dreame L20 Ultra but it did not arrive. I did installed the Dreame app and created my account, however I cannot run the setup wizzard as I hit the “credentials” are not valid wall.

Just wanted to make sure I can set it up before it arrives… Is it possible credentials are failing because I did not added yet a device in the Dreame app?

I installed the beta (dev) version manually but same thing happens: “Could not login, check the credentials.”

Not sure what you are doing wrong but Dreamehome account support is only available on Beta but I am sure you will figure out the problem yourself if you read enough of the conversations that you have mentioned.

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So after today I got my L20 Ultra… I have found out what I was doing wrong. In the app, there is an username, which I happily set to my liking. But in dreamehome login, when it asks for username, it really wants the email address. It works like a charm.

Thank you!

I hope you can find someone for helping development of the project but I doubt it.

This integration is just awesome. Gotto find a way to buy you a coffee because you just blew me away!!!

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Hi there,

one question: Is there anyway I can have Room cleanup as default option instead of Zone cleanup? I guess this setting is mandated by this line in the card configuration

vacuum_platform: Tasshack/dreame-vacuum

so I guess this is pretty much a default setting that can’t be altered?


Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 21.51.42

I bought an X40 Ultra during Prime Day but I haven’t set it up yet. I would like to use it as offline as I possibly can. Does it work with the Mi Home app?

I understand that this integration needs the cloud to get map data, and I’m trying to think of whether there is some kind of workaround to letting the vacuum fetch JUST the map data, and then kill the cloud connection.

I considered using Valetudo, but it doesn’t support the plumbing kit yet (which I plan to buy in the next few months/years), and I cannot revert to stock once I root, so it’s not an option for the moment.

It cannot be installed to the Mi Home app for the same reason and it is not possible to use the dreamehome account without cloud. I suggest you buy another vacuum if you want to use it offline.

I also installing Valetudo to X40 downgrades the device to a L10s since it cannot control any of the latest and advanced features including second cleaning, cleangenius and advanced carpet preferences.

Is there some documentation on how to get through the 2FA (two factor authentication)?
I just created a new Xiaomi account and disabling 2FA does not seem possible. This integration gives an error showing a 2FA url; I have opened that URL in the webbrowser and can authenticate it. It returns “ok”. But after that I still cannot login with this integration, it returns a new 2FA url.

Solution for me: While typing this comment I tried again to reproduce the problem and it suddenly worked. So maybe doing the authentication and then cancelling the process of adding the integration and start all over will do the trick for other people as well.

Another remark: Installation through HACS gives me version 1.0.4 while it states it is at version 1.0.5.

This is a bug of Miio, there is nothing I can do about it.

Latest released stable version is 1.0.4 but the latest commit is 1.0.5.

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Hi Team!
I’ve change my ip address on vacuum so the integration can’t connect. How can replace it? is it set on some yaml file? I can’t find this.

thanks you!

Integration gets it from the cloud.

I just got an X40 Ultra also. I haven’t had much luck with the HA integration so far, as when you try to authenticate the integration fails and asks you to visit a 2fa url.

The 2fa url says you are now authenticated, but for whatever reason the integration doesn’t recognise this, and continues to fail.

It’s not the integrations fault, that’s the clouds bug that does not you login even it says authenticated.
You can observe same behaviour on the other integrations that are using Mi Cloud like the Miot Auto.

Hello, just trying to log to the cloud without success so far. Correct server is selected as per documentation. Interface reports: check credentials. I’m currently using Dreame home app for X40

I changed my Xiaomi password and now the integration can’t connect to the vacuum. How do I update the credentials the integration is using? Tx

@kolia , @DavidTinker - have you tried the beta version? I also have a X40 and connected through my Cloud account with success. It works like a charme :smiley: