Dreame A1 Robot lawn mower

Hello All,

Dreame has recently released a new automatic lawnmower, the Dreame A1, which has to nice feature to NOT need any wires or beacon installation, nor a direct permanent view to the sky for GPS. It uses Lidar and mapping, like the Dreame Vacuum cleaner do quite efficiently.
So I contemplate choosing this model has my first automatic lawnmower (so far, it’s been a full manual and inconsistent job by me…)

Question new, has anyone heard about it and about possible integration within HA?
For my cleaner Dreamde D9, I use the HACS xiaomi miot integration, runs well…
Any info?


I’m also interested in an integration, Thanks

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I’m also interested in an integration, thank you…

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Also interressted

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Im also interested

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I am also interested, thanks!

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Yes, would be great if some guru could implement the Dreame A1. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’d love that too

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I’m also inteested in

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me too, I could support in terms of testing and sharing data in order to build an integration.

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Sign me up - also willing to help in whatever way I can to make this happen.

I’m also interested:)

Count me in, I have one and am based in Australia if any testing is required. Keen to help out where I can.

Ich auch! me too!

the normal HACS-plugin use the Mio-account, but the Dreame A1 can´t sign in in the Xiaomi-Cloud.

Something is starting to happen in the A1 topic.

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I’m also interested, so to follow

trackback… I´m waiting :slight_smile: