Dreo Fan Integration?

Same concern here, this still requires the cloud, it would be great if it could be a completely “offline” (cloud independent) integration, so we’re not dependent on what will eventually be unmaintained by Dreo, increased risks of user/data leaks, etc.

Obviously it’s understandable that it was easier to do the API calls to Dreo’s cloud than to break the cert pinning of the app to RE the local calls, so I’m still glad I found this integration and appreciative of the hard work that when into it :clap: .

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I’m sorry I just saw this. Yes, we use the cloud API that we traced from the app. I don’t know what protocol the fan actually uses to talk to its servers. If anyone knows that, we could consider making it local.


Thanks for the response, really appreciate the hard work that was done so far!

Looking at the traffic between the (AWS EC2) cloud and the fan, it clearly is MQTT based, but all is encapsulated in TLS1.2 rendering RE a bit more complicated (need an mitmproxy setup, and hope that certs can be bypassed…).


I really like this card, great work! Can u share the code for this with the timer? :slight_smile:

What is the support like for the PolyFan 513s? Looking to pick one of these https://a.co/d/0boiLZGb up and wanted to see if it’s fully supported. Thanks!


Hello all, I worked my way through a hacking adventure and built a completely cloudcut integration for my Dreo fan (Pilot Max S), via a local ESPHome device:

For those who are interested in getting rid of the cloud portion of the HA integration…

This only works for the DR-HTF004S and is not expected to work on any other fan model. Other fan models would require their own investigative work.


Got to step 5 and it doesn’t load anything. I may be doing it wrong, or my model may not follow the same steps. Great project though

Feel free to open an issue on Github so we can exchange details/move the discussion there.

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Thank you for the git instruction update. Bout to try the file upload.

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Does anyone have a working sensor code to expose the presets of the fan in HA? I have a DR-HAF003S:

attributes: object
preset_modes: array[5]
    0: "normal"
    1: "natural"
    2: "sleep"
    3: "auto"
    4: "turbo"
oscillating: false
percentage: 75
percentage_step: 12.5
preset_mode: "sleep"
temperature: 86
model: "DR-HAF003S"