Dreo Fan Integration?

Been having some problems with the integration recently after working fine for the last few months.

With the latest update, everytime I give a command to a fan example turn on, it will turn on however any subsequent commands will not work. If I reload the integration it will work again once then fail again.

I also got the homebridge plugin and that works fine, also on latest 3.3.3 version

Which version?
Can you go post an issue on GitHub?

Ok it is with the latest pre release version which I believe is 1.0.0b2.
Not sure why HACS got me pre-release version, I should have been better at reading the notes :smiley:

Once I rollback to 0.8.4, all works great.

Do you still want me to open an issue @JeffSteinbok ?

Yes please. Want to know what’s broken in the beta before I promote it to a real release.

Also which version of HA are you on?

Ok, found a bug w/ Air Circulators in b2. Fixing in b3 in a few mins. Try that one.

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You’re quick, I’m on the latest HA 2024.9.1

It’s just past midnight here in Ireland, I will test it first thing morning. Thanks for being so responsive :slight_smile:

I’m trying to get the stable before I go on vacation. :slight_smile:

I just updated to the beta and it screwed with my fans power on/off.

To power on I have to increase the percentage to above zero, then press power

To turn off, I have to set power to zero.

When you try to click the on/off button it just skips back to previous state without doing anything.

Rolling back to prebeta fixes it

Drop an issue on GitHub.

In a previous version someone added additional power switches to each fan. Those shouldn’t have been added. The Power button from the Fan entity should work.

Now, if this was in b2 and an Air Circulator it may have been broken. If it’s still not working in b4 open an issue and attach logs and such.

Works for me now, thanks @JeffSteinbok :smiley:

Enjoy the vacation!