DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

the strange thing is that the batch configuration tool also didn’t work like latest iVMS

Never used it… What can you do more with it?

Nothing more than ivms just much lighter app

Wow this is beautiful, I have been waiting for a long time to be able to integrate the Hikvision videointercom on my hassio. I have the kv8113 model but I did not understand how to insert the call in hassio:

curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx -X PUT -d '<RemoteControlDoor><cmd>open</cmd></RemoteControlDoor>' http://192.168.0.xx/ISAPI/AccessControl/RemoteControl/door/1

I would simply like to insert a button to open the door (relay 1) and then create automations. But I didn’t understand how or where to insert the call. can you please help me understand where and how to insert this string? unfortunately I am a beginner


you can use a shell_command , afterwards its just a service like any other service

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guys, anyone tried ISAPI to capture events? events like door open/closed or key/nfc swiped …

can be found it this manual “ISAPI - Person-Based Access Control.pdf” , see first post, but seems my 8003 doesnt support events, maybe other doorbells?

I have first generation DS-KD8002-VM (80 port is closed).
And also have indoor panel DS-KH8520-WTE1 & DS-KV6103-PE1 (near door on the floor)

I need to open DS-KD8002-VM.

Yesterday I captured packets (via WireShark) which send DS-KH8520-WTE1 to DS-KD8002-VM for open door.
Do you have any idea how open door?

I test open door over Indoor panel and hik connect app.

PS If noway to do it over tcp - I think i buy android phone and automate it over ADB.

I started too with capturing traffic , but opening doors command from intercom was based on SIP, so you need to initiate a call based on SIP and then enter a command like #1 for opening door…
Isapi is easier

Maybe you can do a firmware update?

I also has 1 generation model DS-KV8102-IM and indoor panel DS-KH8301-WT(2 device -one by floor) and if you need i can help with test. Also user name @Bix from this thread , write also that can write integration and write to HikVision but now not reply… I dont know what he can.

over TCP , i think it will be difficult, cause opening doors is done by hikconnect cloud
from indoor panels, its based on SIP , not TCP

but its an interesting road, cause we could also capture events, like a doorpress todo automations in HA

My own device is indoor panel (DS-KH8520-WTE1) and doorbell (DS-KV6103-PE1).
DS-KD8002-VM - is home own - I can’t update it.

It configured to use SIP - hikvision standart!
Today I want upgrade indoor panel to latest firmware version.
And check.

yeah, i tested prevously with FreePBX as server, it worked well, i could open door with a Linphone client for example… the problam was that i could not initiate the call to the 8003 , only from 8003 to sip clients
so therefore i was not able to open door, if there was no call initiated… i stopped looking and switched to ISAPI

Did anyone try the new template sensor to implement events API?

I parsed traffic from app to cloud and make php file which open door. It’s not good solution, but it’s work for me.


cool, can you share?
can you also see traffic like , when someone pressed doorbell? or when someones opens the door with badge/code ?

Maybe with some php servers that does some polling, that way we could make automations on doorbell press events… And maybe on a door open event, but that’s difficult i think, if we open the door from the 8003 itself

I have checked the callStatus method support on my DS-KV6113-WPE1 (firmware V2.2.43 build 210407). Everything works great! I get json-formatted responses that are easy to use in automations.
I am ready to conduct other checks, if anyone is interested. Just email me.
@pergola.fabio please update your first message. DS-KV6113 works great!

ok will update the thread …

what kind of sensor did you create? for doorbell press? whats your interval seconds?
i have the 8003 , so i need to wait for next firmware

I am using the generic mqtt sensor. I display possible statuses in the form of text. I receive data from the intercom with a frequency of once a second. To receive data I use curl which is launched by means of nodered, I send data to mqtt.
I use homeassistant to store device statuses and integrations with them. I use nodered to automate and plug in “hard cases”. However, there is no problem to obtain and use by Homeassistant.

ok, so you curl every 1 sec the ISAPI url? your device dont get hammered? good to know indeed

I have no problems with the operation of the device in this mode. However, I will continue to test. If I have any problems, I will definitely let you know.