DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

I’ve updated my outdoor and indoor station with new firmware to reproduce the error code 29. Now I can’t even make a call:( I can view video on indoor station but when I press doorbell I get “calling failed” message. Indoor station version: v2.1.20 (build 210420), outdoor station version: v2.2.45 (build 210430). Has anyone solution for calling failed problem?

yes, i had that too
its because you probably updated from old 1.0 to 2.0 releases, then you have indeed calling failed
you need to factory reset, especially the indoor , and then make sure the registration passwords from indoor and outdoor are the SAME!

so when you register again the indoor, then it should work again

keep us posted!

Has anyone tried the new firmware (V2.2.50_210630)?? It looks like HV released…do we have any documentation on what it fixes/adds new?

Factory reset on both device, and installing v2.1.24 (build 210617) to indoor devices solved the problem, thanks.

Perfect, and is your Linux setup , working or same error?

Where do you see it? I am browsing on UK portal, but i don’t see it?

Current firmware

that gives an error? where do you have it from? is it for kd-8003 ?


Linux version same as before (no error code 29 for me). Motion detection also not working well on Linux, the motion should be on channel 0 but on Linux there is no info about that. Same script on Windows (leftside) and Linux (rightside):

Note about Linux SDK found in docs:

System Supported by SDK

Device Network SDK for Linux 32 bit:

  • The version is requested to be gcc 4.1.2 or above
  • The supported OS:CentOS 5.4, Redhat AS5.4,ubuntu 9.10, Fedora12 or above

Device Network SDK for Linux 64 bit:

  • The version is requested to be gcc 4.1.2 or above
  • The supported OS: CentOS 5.4, Redhat AS5.4, SUSE10 or above

As I wrote earlier I use 64bit Ubuntu which is not officially supported (and maybe thats why I see invalid data). Can you try the script on any linux version from above?

ah, i am trying indeed to run on HassOs, that runs Alpine, thats maybe why i have the error 29
ill try to create an HA addon later running one of those supported systems, maybe it doesnt give that error then
anyway, still strange that error 29

what is gcc 4.1.2 anyway?

GCC is C++ compiler, I think it doesn’t matter if it is installed or not because we use the SDK from Python (.so files already built so no need for C++ compiler )

ill try centos, 5.4 is the minimum, right? so i can use 8.0 also ?

The link tothe new firmware is at the botton of this page:

I don’t know. I think yes but you should try it.

ok, gonna try it out later

Its available on the global site.

Yeah , but it’s not for the 8003 system

that seems to be it, i have now created an add-on based on CentOS, now i dont receive an error
but i also dont see any log info? except for this line? what am i missing

edit, ok i know why, it stops logging, tried on ubuntu, when running the script, i see this error :
any idea?


edit: also tried ubuntu 32 bit, with 32bit lib files, same issue :frowning:

How does the door contact sensor display in hahikvision4

what device do you have?