DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

There is a max duration setting but the minimum allowed is 65 seconds. I wonder if sending the ISAPI command to remote open the door would stop it ringing? Do you know how I could test that?

The command for open door is in first post, but I doubt it will stop the callā€¦

Only opening door with sip (DTMF command) stops the call for me, this is because you are in the call session

When I try that command it returns ā€œ< was unexpected at this time.ā€


I tried to upgrade the firmware to the one listed above (to use ISAPI)
But after that I cannot connect anymore to the intercom (ip is still active/ ping ok) , i got an error during upgrade ā€œnetwork errorā€¦ā€ webpage closed down, and now i canā€™t access itā€¦

i can still acces it on hik connect and view the live view etc.
on nvr4000 it is also online but canā€™t access remote mgmt or see which firmwareā€¦

Can i hard reset it on the device itself?
i found a button on the back but that didnā€™t change anything :-/

Not sure, I think you can also reload firmware with the serial port?

I saw to serial port but no sort of serial cable included in the box which one do I need?

Indeed, you need to buy it ā€¦ I never tried it though

Ah i found a tool on the website from hikvision (batch configuration)
there i can upgrade againā€¦ but now i see the custom firware is only for 8003 version?
I have the DS-KV8113ā€¦(stupid i know)
can i just update this version to the latest from hikvision websiten? and use ISAPI?

Depends what you want to do?

ISAPI command : Open a door / Relay

ISAPI command : Doorpress event

I Also get calling failed when pressing the call button, do you know how to fix that?

For open door , you donā€™t need customā€¦ Open door events , doesnā€™t work on yours, there is no custom firmware for thatā€¦ Better use the SDK ?

This you have to fix it with IVMS

BTW I am still at having no doorbell press events, and Hik-connect now works one time out of 20, totally unusable for getting the call or doorpress event. And I still do not get it how to make ISAPI work (its alwas on IDLE my sensor.doorbell_status)

So I try a different route, capture the doorpress event from the intercom.

My video intercom is far from WiFi reach so attach a Shelly dry contact to the exit of the video intercom is not possible (I would need a range extender in the garden with all sort of problems (bringing POE cable and so on).

I could attach a shelly to the Indoor station and get the doorpress event from there to a dry contact Shelly, but the Shelly is 220V, and is not nice to have a 220V to an almost open shelly where my Indoor station is located nice and clean in the center of apartment.

Any CLEAN solution? Are there any ready made Shelly type ESP, in a nice box that can get 220V ??

Any hint/ideas

Damn I didnā€™tr think it was SOOOOOOO COMPLICATED to have a damn doorbell work in home automation

I used a nodemcu, verry cheap, with esp on itā€¦
Indoor station works on POE, with only 2 pairs, you can use one pair to attach the relay, and place the esp board on your Poe switch location

Sorry what is ā€œonly two pairsā€ you mean disassemble the ethernet cable?

Or use something like this?

I just disassembled , worked perfectly

mmhh sorry I still do not get it. I mean the Ethernet cable is conencted to the Indoor station with an RJ45 connector, how do you connect the 2 extra wires from the relay to the ethernet cable??? Confused

Just remove the RJ45 connector, take out the 2 pairs that are not needed, and place a new connector on itā€¦
You have todo this at both endsā€¦

Edit: you donā€™t even have to cut of the connector, just cut in the plastic and take out the 4 wires that are not neededā€¦

So that gives you 4 extra wires, you only need 2 ā€¦ So you have 2 left for other purposes

Ok I also try again with the rest sensor solution.

password is correct, this is the result of the CURL command from a raspberry inside my LAN, but the rest sensor in Home Assistant stays IDLE also when I press the doorbell button ā€¦ so of course no automation is fired

perhaps this unauthorized is a problem (but after its says 200 OK) ??

Model is DS-KV8213

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 17:26:38 GMT
Server: webs
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop="auth", realm="DS-0BAB8328", nonce="ZTk4MDRkMTM3ZTQzZGE0MDk3NDEwMTFmNWQwNjc5Y2Q=", stale="false", opaque="", domain="::"
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 17:26:38 GMT
Server: webs
Content-Length: 42
Connection: close
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json

        "CallStatus":   {
                "status":       "idle"

You are sending the command to outdoor station right? Maybe itā€™s just not supported on your modelā€¦

You can maybe also use the hikconnect integration if you only want callstatus? Or the SDK ?