DS-KD8003 - DS-KV8113 - DS-KV8213 - DS-KV6113 - DS-KV8413 and .... integration Hikvision HikConnect Video intercom doorbell

normally yes, if you stay below 2.2.50, then you can do anything
but remember i’m not responsible if yiu brick anything :slight_smile:

the custom firmware is your responsibility :wink:

No worries! At the end of the day I will buy a new KD8003 :slight_smile:

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when you activate, make sure to put in the same session password as before, so your indoor devices can register again

When remove still_image from configuration i get invalid config. I want take a snapshoot from camera by automation.

i dont think its possible

install the motion eye add-on, that will give you a stream url for image

i never got isapi url’s to work for still image, i think those isapi urls are only designed for cameras

So I have update it to V2.2.45 build 210721
It did go through without problems.

Then I did a “RESET ALL” as per our conversation.

I can now confirm that the following command is working and the door opens.

curl -i --digest -u admin:1234qwer -X PUT -d '<RemoteControlDoor><cmd>open</cmd></RemoteControlDoor>'

However the callstatus sensor remains IDLE. Even though when I press the button.
I have to admit. This was a dissapointment… :slight_smile:

Here is the code I am using


  - platform: rest
    name: Hikvision Doorbell Status (main entrance)
    authentication: digest
    username: admin
    password: 1234qwer
    scan_interval: 1
    value_template: "{{ value_json.CallStatus.status }}"

yes, for some unkown reason the isapi url for 8003 owners must be :
you need to add this part : &channelType=tripartitePlatform
verry good news that you can do door open now!! :slight_smile:

now that you are running the custom firmware, try this command too in a shell :

"curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx"

will give you and endless file normally, that will present you events like when someone opens the door, so you can turn on the light/spotify :slight_smile:

I confirm that it works with this URL! Bingo!!! :slight_smile:
Big day today! Thank you very much

no problem!! do you also see the correct number now?

Don’t need this. I can do so many other automatons with call status!
I wish there was a way to distinguish each house.
So to be able to create automation only when my house’s button is pressed …

Because no matter which nametag is pressed, call status always gives you “ring”

correct number?

you told on outdoor, there are 3 buttons for appertment, do you see what apperment is ringing in callstatus?

if I press the button, i get callstatus “ring”
I don’t know how to check if I receive something else apart “ring”

ok, but you dont know what apperment is ringing?

I know the number of my apartment.
But I think that this information is not passed on the call status …

Unless is something that I miss …

indeed, the callstatus is useless for you? because you dont know what apperment is ringing? :slight_smile:

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Exactly! I know the doorbell it rings but I don’t know which apartment’s button was pressed.
So if I make an automation that will popup a tab on tablet when callstatus is “ring” this will be for all the apartments (houses).

Unless if someone have a walk-through for this …

try the hikconnect cloud integration , maybe that sensor will tell you the number

if that doesnt work, you can also try the SDK script, thats the one i use, i dont use isapi anymore for callstatus

I am not using hikconnect. I want a lan solution not a cloud one … Besides it is slow comparing to yours …

Can try SDK but I couldn’t understand how to install it …