Duckdns reboot issue

yes i had the same issue, maybe you are lucky and your internet provider has thought about this and you can go on their website and try to find a public ip request form, otherwise you can email them and ask about it. They will ask for your MAC number and a ip numper, both you can find in your router settings.
I had this issue and they got me a public ip in a couple days and after that duckdns worked like a charm.

I just see on my duckdns page, the ip on the current ip input is the good ip of my router.
So it see me but , HA don’t restart with these lines.

I don’t think your problem is the same as me.

Are you going to the https:// address or still using http://?

I use

Now that’s working but only if I’m on LTE , if I’m on my wifi I need to enter https://ip_of_my_pi:8123

I read about NAT loopback , but my router doesn’t have that function.
How can I do ?

If your router does not support NAT loopback then you could look into using an NGINX reverse proxy

Does it resolve my issue ?

It would allow you to use http inside your network and https outside.

I tried but nothing good ,
I have this

but when I click on the link …nothing because i’m connect to my wifi router.
if I go to this adress on my phone on LTE it’s ok , maybe the redirection not working ?


Is it working with the “http integration” enabled in configuration.yaml ?
How do you solve this issue ?

I just add these lines

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I forwarded my port 443 and 80 like nginx say but , nothing work
Have you a tutorial or help me ?

No, I don’t use it. My router supports loopback.

I do not use “base_url” has been depreciated in HA 0.110 .

HTTP - base_url is deprecated and replaced by an internal_url and external_url core configuration setting "in the UI ". - (@frenck - #35224) (basic config docs) (http docs)

Concerning the guides , for the moment I use the HA doc for Duckdns addon as it should be sufficient for DDNS and LetsEncrypt certificate


Duck DNS is a free service that points a DNS (sub-domains of to an IP of your choice. This add-on includes support for Let’s Encrypt and automatically creates and renews your certificates. You need to sign up for a Duck DNS account before using this add-on.

Remote access is working using http + 2FA for the moment with Duckdns but I do not want to switch to Duckdns+LetEnscrypt + NGINX before basic configuration with Duckdns works (https)

So what’s you duckdns configuration ?
Can you show me ?

Here it is :

  accept_terms: true
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
token: xxxxxxxx
aliases: []
seconds: 300

does it works like this ?
and you configuration.yaml , can you show me ?

Like this part of Duckdns addon works for ddns + remote access using http only no https

The configuration file with http part commented because it prevents HA to start/restart

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
sensor: !include sensor.yaml
notify: !include notify.yaml
alarm_control_panel: !include alarm.yaml
#  customize: !include customize.yaml

    media: /config/media/music
    - /config/media/camera
    - type: totp
# HTTPS with DuckDNS 
# http:
#  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
#  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem


and with this setup you can access remotely on your HA server ?

with http integration commented , I can access remotely using https but the certificate is not valid

So i am always back to this http integration issue

Other topic with same issue with Duckdns+Letencrypt addons

I tested again after my head rested during several days and it works with http integration enabled in configuration.yaml file.

I think I made mistakes somewhere when testing with http and not with https in local network as it should be ( https://192.168.1.x:8123 works )