Duckdns reboot issue

I’m new in this world :wink:
I have HA Supervised installed on a Pi4 in a Docker container.
I want to acces from outside with my phone, so I need to install DuckDns.
Add-on installation is good , logs after starts is okay but after that …

When I add these lines on my configuration.yaml and I reboot , I have the message: connection lost. Reconnecting , and nothing happen.

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I need to comment these line using a SSH connection for boot my HA.
My router configuration is like this:

Does some one can help me ?

in your duckdns configuration, do you have accept_terms: true?

Yes, I have

Trying changing your router configuration in
Local IP adress / Device name, try setting it to the ip adress of your rasp pi.

You should be able to find it by searching for Connected Clients in your router to see all the devices connected to that router

Same issue after doing that.

Maybe your isp uses something called CGNAT, which means you don’t have a public IP. I had to contact my isp and request a public IP and only then my duckdns worked.

Check if your IP address that is in your router settings is the same one you get when you google whatismyip?

It’s no the same , on my router my laptop has an ip like 192.168.0.xx and on google I have 76.65.xx.xx
So what can I do ?

I have the same problem in HA supervised installation (Debian) with addon Duckdns ( HA fails to load with http integration).
The internet accesss is based on 4G router with public dynamic IP


validate your configuration if you recently made some changes to your configuration and want to make sure that it is all valid
Configuration invalid

Component error: ssl_key - Integration 'ssl_key' not found.
Component error: ssl_certificate - Integration 'ssl_certificate' not found.

But the 2 files are present in /ssl directory

yes i had the same issue, maybe you are lucky and your internet provider has thought about this and you can go on their website and try to find a public ip request form, otherwise you can email them and ask about it. They will ask for your MAC number and a ip numper, both you can find in your router settings.
I had this issue and they got me a public ip in a couple days and after that duckdns worked like a charm.

I just see on my duckdns page, the ip on the current ip input is the good ip of my router.
So it see me but , HA don’t restart with these lines.

I don’t think your problem is the same as me.

Are you going to the https:// address or still using http://?

I use

Now that’s working but only if I’m on LTE , if I’m on my wifi I need to enter https://ip_of_my_pi:8123

I read about NAT loopback , but my router doesn’t have that function.
How can I do ?

If your router does not support NAT loopback then you could look into using an NGINX reverse proxy

Does it resolve my issue ?

It would allow you to use http inside your network and https outside.

I tried but nothing good ,
I have this

but when I click on the link …nothing because i’m connect to my wifi router.
if I go to this adress on my phone on LTE it’s ok , maybe the redirection not working ?


Is it working with the “http integration” enabled in configuration.yaml ?
How do you solve this issue ?

I just add these lines

ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

I forwarded my port 443 and 80 like nginx say but , nothing work
Have you a tutorial or help me ?

No, I don’t use it. My router supports loopback.