I have a setup to display Dexcom Blood readings in Home Assistant but struggle to position the look of it on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra in the Dwains Dashboard
I added it with a Lovelace card with a Custom Sugartv Card
added my Dexcoms Entities to it
And changed the columns to try to get the position on a PC as well as a Mobile, and the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
All goes well apart from just the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra which will not go into a good position.
Can anyone help me with this, please?
I will show how it looked on a PC and Mobile and lastly the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra!
On PC:
ON Mobile:
On Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra:
I have changed the Colum 2, 3 and 4 positions around but makes no difference to the look on the Tablet and only makes the look on the PC worse!