Frontend Panel for Diabetics using a Dexcom CGM

.local is only accessible on your home network.

Samba Addon is a Home Assistant add-on. Go to Settings, Add0ns and click on the Addon Store.

Thanks, yes I know local in only on the home network, I was wondering how to get to Samba I did not fully understand the Answer given. And I already have Samba installed, but Ive never used it. Do we Ftp to the files on my server? I’m also not using Yellow, Green, or a Raspberry Pi to run a Home Assistant it’s on an Ikoolcore R2 so I’m not fully sure about the www that is mentioned.

Why won’t you read the damn docs addons/samba/ at de30123a5c930830590ae2db0c946f4d4273968d · home-assistant/addons · GitHub

How do I find out my servers address to log in to Samba as this information is not in the Docs it just says go to your router, and like I have said many times to you I have got Dyslexia so please be patient and not get Dammed at me :slight_smile: According to my Router, this is the IP address into Home Assistant but its not logging in!

Obfuscating a local IP address is a complete waste of time. Almost everyone’s Home Assistant is on 192.168.1.x

On a PC, ping homeasstsiant.local /4
This will give you something like
Enter this on the address bar of your file explorer: \\

Just correcting a few typos: it’s ping homeassistant.local /4 and \\\ (notice the two \)

Thanks! this is doing nothing at all! I know the IP address of home Assistant but I just cannot get to it! I’m using a Ikoolcore will this make any difference?

ok great I got in now finely, but the ping never worked at all! I had to go to the router to find the IP address and also supervisor to see the ip address. then I added it to Explorer with \\ Ip address

which then gave me the folders.

Looking at it just the same as in Studio Code Server so why Im I getting told to go here? :roll_eyes: :rofl:

But at least I know now thanks!

I have now started a new topic for the

Dwains Dashboard Dexcom position!

Hope its spelt correctly enough for you! x fingers it is :slight_smile:


And …

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Thanks for the reminder, so how do I get lights now to go red when low Blood levels and Blue when normal levels. I’ve tried to do it but the lights go red when Im low with the sensor but when back to Normal the light still stops red! Im not sure what I’m doing wrong on this automation or how to use the helpers I made instead.

I’m also not sure what code to post to give you some clues what I’m trying to do! Can you help on thid in here? As its Dexcom CGM I’m trying to do it with.

I thought it might be better or easier to use the Config.yaml file but I know this can mess HA up so I have to be careful on doign so.

This what I have at moment and also now made two Threshold Helpers but not added or attempted to add yet, as Im not sure how too or where too.

alias: Turn Lights on if low - colour
description: Turns light on if low with colour change to red
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.blood_sugar
    id: Low-readings
    above: 0
    below: 70
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.blood_sugar
    id: normal-readings
    above: 75
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.blood_sugar
      hours: 0
      minutes: 2
      seconds: 0
    id: Normal-readings-turn off light
    above: 76
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: time
            after: "22:00:00"
            before: "08:00:00"
              - sun
              - mon
              - tue
              - wed
              - thu
              - fri
              - sat
        sequence: []
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - Low-readings
          - action: light.turn_on
              entity_id: light.bedroom_led
            data: {}
          - action: light.turn_on
              entity_id: light.bed_side_lamp
                - 255
                - 0
                - 0
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - normal-readings
          - action: light.toggle
                - light.bed_side_lamp
                - light.bedroom_led
                - 5
                - 159
                - 255
          - action: light.turn_off
                - light.bedroom_led
                - light.bed_side_lamp
            data: {}
mode: single

Low Blood Reading Helper:

High Blood Reading Helper:

Normal Blood Range:

I am far, far from a YAML expert, but I suspect that it is because you are trying to put two triggers in one automation. I do something similar to this, but I use two automations. One for when the glucose goes low and another when it goes up.

Keep it simple.

Yes, I normally do it like you say but got used to doing more triggers! But this trigger needs 3 now has one for Low one for High and one for Normal

The Normal one wants to be Between 72 and 162 and be Blue light:

The Low needs to be 72 and anything below that: For red Light:

And High needs to be 162 and anything after for Red colour again.

They are helpers I have made but not added them to the Automation as I do not know how to add helpers yet!

But I will try to see if doing two Automation might help!

I know the red light comes on ok and goes off ok but it just does not go back to blue colour.

The helper is simply an entity. You use its state in an automation like any other entity. Do you mean how to create helpers? You just go to settings → devices → helpers and click on “Add a helper”. For this you probably want a number helper.

I mean to add it to here!

Or will it be at the trigger part when I add them?

I know how to Make a helper!


I made 3 helpers!

I have made a new Topic here to ask how to do it!
How do i add a threshold helper to an automation

I think I have figured how to get the Helper into a Automation with getting the entity of the helper!


And add the name I gave the Helper to the Entity State then give it a Id name
The add an

Binary helper is on or off.

Come to think of it, why would you need to use a helper at all?

As I said, I am hopelessly lost in YAML, but I try.
Something like this in three automations:

{% if states("sensor.sensor.blood_sugar")|float > 75}
# Light turn on
{% else %}
# Light turn off
{% endif %}
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I was told better to use a helpers though at first I was trying in one Automation but now its better even harder with what to do really. Also hard for me to explain it all and how the lamp is behaving! I have two sets of light one are Leds the other Beside lamp and I want both to run like sunset sunrise. but then after this th exchanging of the light colour only on the lamp so the other will turn on as normal when I used the motion sensor I have setup to detect me when I stick my hand out to go to my mobile, this triggers the Leds to come on!

I’m also no good on Yaml only to copy and past into it or try to change the code a little if I feel its right and I have backed up.

Not at all sure where I would put this code your showing me. I been side tracked due to a shed coming to be thinking on this! Takes me ages to get my head around to knowing what to try.

Too many variables really but should be easy is maybe I should start again with a new lamp and keep it off the other things I already have setup! Then is one fails the other will work as normal :slight_smile: Also any excuse for a new Lamp :rofl: :rofl: :kissing_closed_eyes:

Not sure what a Binary helper is on or off is? never used it before!

It’s getting it to the colour but its harder to get it to go back to a normal colour!

@Bart_Huitsing Love the idea of the radial chart and im playing about with Measureit as suggested though it appears to measure in seconds … what scale is this graoh using as right now the % are not what they should be
