Hi all
With the following code I show my rooms with any entities:
type: picture-elements
- type: state-badge
entity: sensor.lumi_lumi_weather_temperature
top: 73%
left: 20%
transform: scale(1,1)
color: Transparent
ha-state-label-badge: null
.: |
:host {
color: orange;
--label-badge-background-color: white;
--label-badge-text-color: black;
--label-badge-red: red;
I’m using espresense to detect my devices inside my rooms.
Inside the picture-elements card, is it possible to change the positions (left and top) from a state-badge, state-icon etc. based on a state from one of this espresense entitites?
For exmpales:
if the phone is in my office (buero) then the position should be: left: 20% and top: 65%
if the phone is in the kitchen then the position should be: left 70% and top 45%
Is this possible with card-mod or in any other way
Thanks and best regards