Dyson not connecting anymore

Hi, I faced the same issue with not able to locate the Dyaon.

I have copied all the files into a new ‘dyson’ directory… however, I’m not familiar with custom components setup, would you kindly advice what need to be changed at the configuration.yaml file in order to kick in the custom component ?

Hello everyone!

I have just encountered this problem. For 2 days now i can’t connect to my DYSON fan anymore. I used to just restart HA and it will connect after a few tries. Has anyone else encountered this? and does anyone have a fix?

I’ve tried doing the custom components as well but nothing works.

I have attached the dyson part of my config file and removed the USER and PASS

username: USER
password: PASS
language: US
timeout: 5 # optional
retry: 1 # optional
devices: # Optional, only if discovery is not working
- device_id: “YN5-XG-KDA0077A”
device_ip: “”

Hope you can help! Thanks in advance!

Same Issue for me.

Same for me, starting yesterday…

Error Log:

Not connected to Dyson account. Unable to add devices

I came here looking to see if there was a problem as I have just recently got a new Dyson fan and was looking to get it working. I’m getting the same results:

2020-08-07 13:32:39 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.dyson] Creating new Dyson component
2020-08-07 13:32:39 DEBUG (SyncWorker_2) [libpurecool.dyson] Disabling insecure request warnings since dyson are using a self signed certificate.
2020-08-07 13:32:39 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.dyson] Not connected to Dyson account. Unable to add devices
2020-08-07 13:32:41 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain dyson took 2.1 seconds
2020-08-07 13:32:41 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for dyson: Integration failed to initialize.

I wonder if they have changed the address again like the previous error was. The dyson ios app is working fine.

Looks like an issue with requests being blocked, see here : https://github.com/etheralm/libpurecool/issues/24

I have used the updated dyson.py file from libpurecool (in that issue libked above) and its all working now.

Where did you use the updated dyson.py file? Did you create a custom component with manual updates?

Where did you put this file?

I just replaced the original file in the python library with the updated one using the find command to see where it was for me. I’m guessing that’s not permanent as the Docker container will presumably get re written on the next update, but it helped prove what was wrong and that a fix exists.

Im using the home-assistant docker container.
I added a volume to my docker-compose.yml file:

           - '/path/to/new/file/on/docker/host/dyson.py:/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libpurecool/dyson.py'

got the new file from here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googanhiem/libpurecool/90a17ecc32ff17196044773b55649364444508b9/libpurecool/dyson.py


Thank you, the find command doesn’t return anything related to this library with my setup. I am using HassOS.

Funny thing is, mine was working fine until i had to restart for something different. Seems like as long as you had a connection you were ok. Now just need to wait.

Thanks for this. :+1:
On my HA Core 0.110.7 the folder in the container is slightly different.

Hrm…just updated to 114.3 and it’s still a problem. When will this get added?

a post by @monsieurlatte this worked for me…

  1. Downloading the dyson component folder
  2. Changing the manifest to point to Jason’s repo (thank you @jason0x43)
  • Change this line to "requirements": ["https://github.com/jason0x43/libpurecool/archive/api-update.zip#libpurecool==0.5.0"],
  1. Add that dyson folder to your /config/custom_components/ folder

nevermind it stopped working… just did a server restart and poof! gone again!

You’d want to update to libpurecool 0.6.3. You should be able to updated the manifest to:

"requirements": ["libpurecool==0.6.3"]

Just a note, you can also overwrite the dependency by running pip3 install libpurecool==0.6.3 or adding it to your global requirements.txt file

This is happening to me again, starting yesterday. I updated to 2021.2.3 just in case, but still broken. Anyone else?

Dyson is really been bad mojo for me lately. I had to get one replaced under warranty (good luck with Dyson support…terrible). Now this.


My dyson stopped working as well. Home Assistant logs the following (unable to login to Dyson account):

Logger: homeassistant.components.dyson
Source: components/dyson/init.py:60
Integration: dyson (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:05:14 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:05:14 PM

Not connected to Dyson account. Unable to add devices