Easee EV charging station

where are these values taken from ? I have set in application some values and Euro but they don’t seem to appear in this sensor:

And there is also this one:

And this one:

Great that it is working. The site cost is coming from the Easee API, I just checked mine and they seem to fit. I set them in the Easee cloud long time ago.

The locked/unlocked question is as per HA design, see issue.

The kWh sensor is taken from the integration, did you set it up as Wh or kWh? This is an option in the integration, but perhaps I didn’t do it in the card.

Inputs and suggestions are welcome both for the integration and card, but at this level I suggest they are opened as issues on github for the respective source code in order to do it properly.

I will open issues too. many thanks for your help !
It seems the cost and currency was updated after all but after many hours.
for the Session Energy sensor no matter what I configure in the integration it shows the same. It should be 1.937 kWh but the sensors shows 1.937 Wh and the card shows 1937 kWh. I think neither of them is good.

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Is it possible to feed the new energy feature in HA 2021.8.x with data from Easee? I can’t find any Easee related entities in the list when I tried to add items in the energy setup.

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Can someone explain what “SmartCharging” means (the switch) and maybe how we can switch from 3 phases to 1 phase for lower current when doing sun-powered charging only? or is this done automaticaly?

FYI, there is an OCPP integration that supports OCPP now, can be found here:
Not sure whether it works for the Easee EV. Anyone care to check?

This is to enable the smart charging mode only.
But there is no inbuilt service in HA to set phase 1/3 and current for the Easee. Hence the switch is more or less useless.

You may use this service for “smart-charging” based on your solar production: EV-Autocharge - EV-Autocharge

Would it be possible to add the statistics too? I’d like to add my chargers to the individual monitoring in the new energy tab.


When I set the limits as below the car charges with 10 amp on P1 but not on P3. Should it be possible to charge using 2 phases only?
currentP1: 10
currentP2: 0
currentP3: 10

This is likely a limitation of the actual charger in the car, the one doing the actual converting of AC power to DC for the batteries. I have never heard of a charger that can handle two phase power. They can either charge with one phase or three phase depending on the power from the wallbox/charge-cable.

Most hybrids go with one phase because of smaller batteries and most modern EV’s (at least in europe) go with 3-phase.

Anybody already set up automations for pv charging by using an external energy meter?

Does anyone have a full YAML code of that card that is in preview on the github?
There like Wifi Icon top left, or stats at bottom and something but no code how and what to set to get that

I get that error when try use firmware update

Fehler beim Aufrufen des Diensts easee/easee.update_firmware. Service not found

Try using button in charger-card

Hi @Reudiga,

Do you have the Easee integration correctly installed? Try to see in Developer Tools → Services and then see if you fint the update_firmware service in the list there.

I assume you mean the charger-card and then it should be easily setup in Lovelace just by using UI and add the main sensor (named xxxx_status) to it and it should find the other sensors from the Easee integration which it uses to pull data.

I tried again… getting some items of EV to “unavailable” like “Firmware update available”…

I dont know why? Any ideas?

And also, with new Update of HA Core, the buttons in charger-card (actions) doesnt work anymore…

But also doesnt find any way to see the full YAML Code of the example of charger-card item.
I have xxx_status included, it shows the current status but no wifi icon or something

Can you show the full yaml code of the charger-card that is in example on github?

Also, i cannot see the buttons of actions after HA Core Update anymore, but when i click it what i doesnt see, than i get also the same error as before… but in services i can find it

You don’t need any yaml, it is setup with UI and finds all the sensors based on default naming. Perhaps it is because you did not add all sensors from the Easee integration? The wifi-symbol comes from a sensor called xxxx_online, see if you find that one.

If the firmware update doesn’t work, please verify first if the service is working (if it isn’t it may be a bug in Easee integration) and then check if the card is working (it may be a bug in the card). It should be reported as a bug in the respective github if this is the case (with logs).

But where can i add the online sensor and something?

I see UI… but i dont see where to put wifi sensor

thats currently mine

type: custom:charger-card
entity: sensor.easee_home_XXXX_status
    - entity_id: sensor.easee_draussen_power
      unit: kW
      subtitle: Aktuelle Power
    - entity_id: sensor.easee_draussen_session_energy
      unit: kWh
      subtitle: Verbrauch Session
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.easee_draussen_basic_schedule
      subtitle: Schedule
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.easee_draussen_update_available
      subtitle: Update verfügbar
  - name: Firmware Update
    service: easee.update_firmware
      charger_id: EHXXXXX
    icon: mdi:sofa

And yes, i find online sensor but where put that in?

You don’t put it in, it should be found automatically if it is added based on the naming of main status sensor. So if main status sensor is sensor.easee_home_XXXX_status the online sensor should be binary_sensor.easee_home_XXXX_online.

Could it be that the names are not correct? Or there could be a bug of course, but I’m using the card myself and it looks fine.

The name is not really same. But i doesnt changed anything. I will reconnect whole Easee configuration and check again. Thanks for helping

Fixed: That was it… the naming was wrong for some reason.
I deleted the integration, logging in again and than works :slight_smile:

Amazing, thank you :slight_smile:

Is it possible to translate some things to german? It shows me “Current Limit” in default in the stats bottom and something, but all english not german (just the status and one word is german = Energieaufladung)

And when i add now

  - name: FW Update
    icon: mdi:file-download
    service: easee.update_firmware
      charger_id: EHXXXXX

it says Fehler beim Aufrufen des Diensts easee/easee.update_firmware. Service not found.

Doesnt work :confused: and yes, i find that service in dev tools

Good on the first part. About the service, have you tried to call the service from HA without the card? If it doesn’t work there, it is the integration.

About, German, translations are welcome on github. Just follow the link in my initial reply and you can propose to add language.