Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Thanks. What I’ll be interested in is if the below shows or does anything with Media Player:

I purchased the four handset version and it’s tied to Amazon but technically you have to push a button down to activate Alexa and do not think each handset gets exposed to Amazon individually.

I just upgraded to 0.103.0. The following shows up in my log:
2019-12-12 12:45:07 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel] Setup of platform alexa_media is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.

As such the alexa_guard entity is not getting created.

I don’t know if related but I also noted the following comment in the blog for version 0.103.0:

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I’m afraid it’s not related - in my case it was an abstract function added to the base class alarm_control_panel

I posted this issue before and you reported this as harmless.
But now I have it permanentely
That’s not a normal behavior from my point of view.
Is there anything I should do?

Restarted homeassistant on 102.3 and received a new message.
alexa_media_player 2.3.5

2019-12-13 10:34:31 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Unable to prepare setup for platform alexa_media.alarm_control_panel: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘SUPPORT_ALARM_ARM_AWAY’ from ‘homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/alarm_control_panel/
2019-12-13 10:34:31 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player] Setting up media_player.alexa_media

v2.3.5 solved the alexa_guard problem I was having earlier
Thanks!! :slight_smile:

Not the same but I’m getting:

2019-12-13 13:16:09 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel] Setup of platform alexa_media is taking longer than 60 seconds. Startup will proceed without waiting any longer.

I’ve always seem complaints in my system about it taking more than 10 seconds like this:

2019-12-13 13:15:19 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel] Setup of platform alexa_media is taking over 10 seconds.

but this is new.

Sorry, stay on 2.3.4 if not on HA 103. I thought the minimum HA version check would stop HACS from offering it more broadly.

Think my 60 second giving up thing or whatever is gone now. Noticed there was an update from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5. So far not showing after reboot.

Hello All,

After update to v2.3.5 I get this error when restart HA:

Unable to prepare setup for platform alexa_media.alarm_control_panel: Platform not found (cannot import name 'SUPPORT_ALARM_ARM_AWAY' from 'homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel' (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/alarm_control_panel/

Read two posts above.

I’m still on 0.102.3 not 0.103.0

Then don’t use 2.3.5.

will update HA this weekend :slight_smile:

I’d like to confirm that I got all the new switches and sensors by switching to exclude_devices (from include_devices).

I than had a lot of unnecessary new entities, which I disabled directly in the core.entity_registry file (in the .storage folder). Be careful with this, because messing this file up, will brake your ha instance.
So entities that I want to be disabled got:

"disabled_by": "integration",

instead of

"disabled_by": null,

Restart ha after that.

There’s a UI under the Integrations section to disable entities. You don’t have to do it manually.

Thanks. I know, but it takes a lot more time to secant every new entry in the Integrations section and disable every single entry.
For me it’s easier to do it in the entity_registry file.

Can we queue up the phrases so that we don’t lose anything when we send multiple phrases at once to Alexa? I’m not seeing any status that I can monitor on the media player that let’s me know my Alexa is ready for me to send it a another phrase. Without some check like that, it’s a crap-shoot as to which phrase will actually get spoken.

Thanks to all that have put so much work into this project - it’s awesome!!

hello guys, is it possible to play a mp3 file locally to alexa like on a classic mediaplayer?

  - service: media_player.volume_set
      entity_id: media_player.alexa_echo_dot
      volume_level: 0.5
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.alexa_echo_dot
      media_content_id: !secret alarm_media_url
      media_content_type: audio/mp3

this works on a laptop type media player, but not on an alexa device

my amazon alexa media player component dosent work anymore.
i see Configurator Click button to configure Alexa Media Player - Captcha -
I keep typing the captha it asks for it again & again N number of times

restarted HA many times, that too dint work
Deleted Pickle file also dint work.
i also get an One Time password to my Mobile from Amazon everytime whwn i restart HA

What is happening please help to resolve.