Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

I have 3 Ring lights connected to my Echo 4.

(I don’t know what the official name of the product is but it’s the Echo with the built in Ring Lighting Bridge).

Anyway 2 of the 3 were discovered easily by this integration. The 3rd one is the Ring Transformer. The only thing I can think that is different is that the Transformer showed up in the Alexa app as a switch while the other two showed up as lights.

But the other two actually are more complicated as they have motion detection and dimming capabilities. The transformer is just straight on/off.

I’m wondering if I can provide any logs or help at all with testing to get this device discovered by the integration.


Hi all,

Is anyone having an issue where the last_called attribute is not populating/updating?

It was working fine, but now it’s stopped working (I’m not sure why).The attribute just states “null”.

There are no errors in my HA logfile.



In addition to what Didgeridrew wrote: Read the GitHub Thread.
last_called state attributes showing as null; api/activities returned 404:Not Found:text/html · Issue #2089 · custom-components/alexa_media_player (
There have been some possible workarounds posted, which may help to improve the situation

A fix that is working for me was posted 3 hours ago on a fork of the alexa_media_player repo on GitHub. At the time of this post one has to manually replace the file with a revised version. The function of the alexa_media.update_last_called and notify.alexa_media_last_called services is restored by this fix.

I am currently experiencing a problem where I keep getting served the Amazon captcha in a loop and cannot progress from that.
The configuration runs normally up to the point the external website is opened, then the captcha page is shown and after entering the correct code and clicking “Continue” a different code is shown, and this repeats again for each attempt. I tried it with several different browsers, and both with the local and the duckdns url as the “Home Assistant-URL”.
Any idea what else I could try?

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Need some help over here. I made the mistake of fixing what wasn’t broken.
I’ve used this integration for a many months now just fine. and I always had an error telling me the domain didn’t match the one from the account. but everything worked so…
yesterday I had the genius idea of finally correcting that. and I did. and now I only get the 1 (one) entity created for my echo devices.
before this I had multiple sensors created by device. and while I won’t miss most of them. I definitely want the temperature sensor one back.
and yes. I do have the " allow devices connected via echo" ticked. and the warning I was getting in the logs is as expected gone.
anyone got any idea of what could be going on?

I don’t have the answer but if you’re stuck, maybe you can restore a backup to go back to your former working settings.

Just figured it out…
After a couple reinstalls and fewer hairs on my head, turns out the “include devices” slot does exactly that and no sensors other than the actual media players are created. I thought that would exclude “this device” and “multiroom” but still create the associated sensors to the ones I included. It does not.
just left that blank and got the whole party again. I guess I’ll just disable the extra ones directly from Home assistant.

Just out of curiosity: when you say “I do have the " allow devices connected via echo” ticked." => where is that?
Can you share a screenshot please?

Same issue. I’m trying to reconfigure, and it is stuck on the Amazon captcha. Anyone find a fix?

Same for me. Tried a few things but no luck

Actually nermind. Got it to work by doing this on my phone instead.

Found a workaround detailed here Experiencing endless Amazon-Captchas while trying to install integration · Issue #2103 · custom-components/alexa_media_player · GitHub

You just mash the shit out of it until it works.

I noticed that alexa censors out all curse words in tts messages with bleeps. If you want to get her to fˈʌkɪŋ curse. do this international phonetic alphabet trick.

Copy the ipa text to the ph tag below and have fun

oh <phoneme alphabet='ipa' ph='ʃˈɪt'></phoneme> I know how to curse now

I know that this issue has been raised before and I wanted to confirm that specifying “type: announce” will not work with ecobee thermostats. I have an ecobee 4 thermostat and “type: tts” works, but “type: announce” doesn’t. Communications is enabled and Do Not Disturb is turned off in the Alexa app for the thermostat and announcements work to the thermostat when I send them from the Alexa app. Does “type: announce” work through an ecobee thermostat for anyone else?

I can use tts, but the announcement is nice because it plays the chime before, which gets people’s attention.

Check out the ChimeTTS custom component in HACS, I think you’ll find that it will do as you wish.

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Please forgive me if this has been answered. I’ve combed through Reddit, HA forums, and Google to find the answer. I’ve successfully installed and connected to Alexa and see all my devices except the two Alexa-branded thermostats. Is there any way to control them through HA?

Again, I apologize if this question has been asked/answered. I did try diligently to find one before posting.

As has been reported elsewhere, installing the integration fails sometimes due to a 500 internal server error. According to: and the cause is the absence of alexapy from homeassistant core.

The solution if you are running on Home Assistant OS is to use “Configurator” to install the missing library. Now, I have no idea what “Configurator” is referring to. Does anybody else?

I tried installing directly by using the backdoor into HA OS and running:
docker exec it homeassistant bash and then
pip3 install alexapy.
The library installed OK, but it made no difference.

“Configurator” is the old name for the “File Editor” Add-On.

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