Echo Devices (Alexa) as Media Player - Testers Needed

Is this integration dead now?
On install i never get to the config page, just this:


Config flow could not be loaded: 504 Gateway Time-out

504 Gateway Time-out



The last update was 2 days ago… so, no.

If you are using a proxy like NGinx, you likely have not configured it correctly. Other things to check would include Pihole or AdGuard.

It seems the latest 4.9.0 was released with tagged to minimum HA 2024.1.0b0 so you cannot upgrade to it. Is that a mistake? There is nothing about this is the release note. When you try to upgrade you get a spinning wheel forever and manual reinstall in HACS shows the warning about 2024.1.0b0

Were you able to solve this? I’m with the same problem.

No. It was dealing with a deprecation issue in 2024.1. HACS should prevent you from seeing or installing the update until you satisfy the minimums.

It does. But it still shows up as an upgrade in Home Assistant and since the release note says nothing about the need to wait I think 100s of users like me cannot understand why clicking on Install in HA (not HACS) ends up hanging with a spinning progress wheel forever. HA should not show that upgrade while still in a 2023.12.x release. It is the first time I see an integration do this

You need to report the issue to HACS. We are populating it’s minimum requirements string.

I saw it appear in HACS (experimental mode on) too. When I tried to install it, it failed and explained that it was due to an incompatible version. The option to install it has since gone away.

I suspect it’s an issue with the experimental version of HACS. I’ll report it on the HACS repo when I’m next near a keyboard.

Just updated Alexa Media Player addon to version 4.9.0

It says added suport for Amazon Smart Plug.

How do I use this?

Kindly guide how to add Amazon Smart Plug or how to control it via homeassistant

In the integration config, enable this option

Include devices connected via Echo

Did that, but the plug is not showing. The plug is configured with the same account as echo devices…

I got the AZ smartplugs to “show” (reloading integration seems to do the trick), but they become unavailable within a few minutes… good progress, tho.

Do they show in “Alexa Media Player” integration ?

As entities, yes.

Just restarted homeassistant, now the amazon plug is showing in entities. Thank you

Hey there - I use alexa_media_player to control my lights which I have not been able to directly integrate with Home Assistant, and it has worked quite well.

However, I just got some new Govee lights (model H6008 if that helps) and I couldn’t figure out how to directly integrate them with HA so I paired with my Echo. The lights work great through the Alexa app, but the new entities never showed up in HA. I found another way to get these lights directly into HA via a cloud API and I have rate limit problems with that integration - plus I’d prefer local control if possible.

Anyone know why these lights won’t show up through the alexa_media_player integration like my other lights have?


Amazon Plug goes offline after some time in homeassistant. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong ?

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Even after they added its support in 4.9.0?

Yes the Amazon smart plug in homeassistant goes offline after some time, have to reload the Amazon Media Player intergration every time

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Yes, I mentioned that previously… still the same with HA 2024.1.2 – I rolled back because of other issues (with my setup) as well. Awaiting either a AMP update or HA.

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