Echo Show 15 hybrid Home Assistant Wall Panel

I have an echo show 15 for a long time now and silk has always worked. I use it for the HA dashboard and I could always use the touch screen (I have not used the AppStore, just added some widgets and skills to it).

Did you sideload Silk or get it from the AppStore? Current Silk version may help others as well.

I was also using silk without any issues, but yesterday I noticed that it simple disappeared, so I try to install the version from App Store and this version has the same touching problems… overall this looks a big mess.
The idea of my experiment was to see if we could side load HA, in an official way

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Love your idea, I’m gonna do some testing. I have 4 Echo Show 15s and love this as a possibility.

I did yes - the same with widgets disappearing - i had to go and get it to search for more updates and have it install them for the main OS before my issues went!

I honestly can’t remember how silk got on the device. I think the unit came with it installed. I will check version number and post this here once back home (The device is from April last year).

I’m running Silk version (which I believe is the latest) and it works fairly well, though the UI isn’t always consistent. The HASS menu bar sometimes shows up, sometimes doest and some of the cards get cut off. I really wish there was a way to hide the browser bar at the top as well.

well my Echo Show 15 arrived today and its all setup via Silk Browser and with some Browser mod changes it looks great…and as I have some live video feeds on my dashboard, it stays up permantly…but I really hope we are able to manipulate this further as having simialr control that of FKB on a tablet would make this a perfect setup.

The biggest benefit to me is that when I ordered this yesterday, a day or two ago, I paid £157 for it (a refurbed model) and they agreed to refund £25 of that cost as I had a trade-in offer available after sending in an old Echo Dot…so had a nice email to confirm the refund had been made today, and upon checking the email AND my amazon account, they have refunded me in full as an account adjustment…so it looks like for now at least, I have an Echo Show 15 for free…(I know there is a chance they could block this)…

So the few potential issues I did forsee knowing that FKB wasnt an option right now have been pretty much aleviated.

Of course, when it was on battery power, (where I had a smart plug turning on and off at set charge levels to not kill the battery) the camera/motion sensor was used to turn the screen on…but that’s not really needed any longer…also, I have set a number of automations to turn the screen off when both adults in the home have their phones on charge, or if the home zone count is below zero… then when one of the two phones is off charge in the morning the screen turns on again and if anyone returns home (home zone count goes above one) the Echo screen will be turned on again…the above is all done using Browser mod of course…

It’s not quite the FKB experience, but it’s getting closer and of course, for free, I can live with this as it is for the time being,.

Also going to get myself the Gen 3 remote so I can use the screen for Plex etc as it works well with my library of 1080 content

no it is not working

mine also came with silk but then it disappeared.
The version on the store is which has issues (Amazon Silk - Web for Android)

so when you ask Alexa to open silk…what happens? nothing?

FYI, there is no icon for me to open Silk, all done by voice, when in the browser, I have version

Opens and loads to my HASS dashboard as standard…just annoying I can’t set it to auto “go to full-screeni”

FYI, this is on my new Show15 that arrived yesterday, went through the full usual updates when onboarding…and I have now blocked all the usual update channels in PiHole

its says opening silk, but nothing happens

interestingly, in the download page, it doesn’t list my Show 15 as compatible with that browser version but does list my existing tablets\

Have you tried a factory reset?

Yes, already did that, reach out to the supporting team that asked me to factory reset, install updates and still nothing, they created a ticket and told me that they will reply in 24 hours, let see.
Regarding the HA app, not really sure if it makes sense… having the browser should be more than enough, we can set the page as default for the browser and if you want to have fullscreen, just setup a dashboard with wall panel and fullscreen enabled.
so if you want to open it with Alexa, just open the browser, or add a shortcut on the widgets.


not used wallpanel before so will have a look into that but otherwise im pretty happy so far to be honest…look forward to seeing what you manage to sort out via the app and will be interest in the app testing when you are ready

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@fnxpt I am also trying to „sideload“ some apks via the Amazon developer app live testing site.
Does the invite link you get as a tester work for you?

All my invite links I send/resend in the invite emails end up in an „internal server error“ message from Amazon servers. I can‘t accept the tester invitation for my testing app.

Is this currently broken or do I something wrong?

It’s a tricky process, on the developer console make sure echo show is enabled on the devices (I disabled all the other ones and just kept echo show)
Then you receive 2 emails. 1 saying that the invitation was sent the other one with the invitation with a bunch of links to Amazon stores. When you click them you will need to accept the terms and conditions and then it should be there after 1 or 2 ours… it will appear directly on your App Library

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@fnxpt yea I did this all.
I also only selected the echo show 15 device.
I also get the 2 emails:
One is the invitation itself, where I have to click on one of the store links devided by country.
All those links end up in „internal server error“.

The second email I get is the sum up that how many of my tester groups got the invites.

The link which I need to click to accept the invite is broken. I can’t get further than this.

So the „terms and conditions site“ is broken for me.
I tried multiple different apps an tester groups.
All invite links end up in „internal server errors“.

I attatched a screenshot.

weird maybe try to create another test

@fnxpt are you using the same email for your Amazon tester account and for your developer account or do you use two different emails for both?