I was looking at this thread - Ecobee Dumped Developer Accounts
I didn’t want to add to it as it was marked as solved. I had a valid API key and it stopped working at some point. I have an ecobee3 and it indeed has homekit in the settings menus so I should be good…
Now I am not in the Apple ecosystem, my daughter has an iPhone but that is all, no hubs, iPads, whatever. I am looking at the HA Ecobee documentation and it says to use homekit, looks super easy, says my device should be waiting to setup. Not the case.
I am seeing conflicting information and it seems to be implied that anytime homekit is mentioned, the user knows they need a hub or that a hub is involved? I don’t get that impression reading the above thread.
I will mention that my HA install is on the same network as the thermostat and there are no firewalls or vlans going on. I purchased the Ecobee because it had API access and HA integration, and then they took it away. I relied heavily on the data it provided and 6 months without it I’m getting really bothered.
My HA install and Ecobee is up to date, there should be nothing in the way unless I actually need a hub to make it work. Should I start with wireshark and see if my unit is broadcasting mDNS or is the documentation lacking/making assumptions? I’d love to get this data back again.