Ecodim .07 ZigBee Dimmer Issue: Incorrect State Updates for On/Off Actions

Hello Home Assistant Community,

I’m facing an issue with Home Assistant and a ZigBee dimmer integrated via ZHA. I’d appreciate any help in resolving this problem.

The Dimmer:

Problem Description:

The hardware dimmer controls the light bulb as expected, and Home Assistant updates the entity’s state accordingly when I use the hardware button on the dimmer. However, when I control the dimmer through Home Assistant, the light bulb and hardware dimmer respond correctly, but Home Assistant shows the incorrect state for the entity, specifically for on/off actions.

Video of the problem:


  1. When using the hardware dimmer:
  • All actions (on, off, dim) work as expected.
  • The light bulb responds correctly.
  • Home Assistant updates the entity’s state accordingly.
  1. When controlling the dimmer via Home Assistant:
  • On/off actions:
    • The hardware dimmer and light bulb respond as expected.
    • Home Assistant does NOT update the entity’s state correctly.
    • Home Assistant entity logs DO NOT show that the light was turned on/off via the light service
  • Dimming action:
    • The hardware dimmer and light bulb respond correctly.
    • Home Assistant updates the entity’s state correctly.


I turn off the light using Home Assistant. The light turns off in the room, but the entity’s state in Home Assistant remains “on.”

Any help or suggestions on how to fix this issue with on/off actions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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After trying various things, I seem to have found a workaround in the ZHA configuration:

  • Set the default light transition time to 1 sec (or 0 sec)
  • Disable advanced color transition from off-state
  • Disable enhanced brightness slider


  • Save
  • Restart the ZHA integration

After that my problem was solved and I could use either the hardware dimmer or home assistant to turn on / off / dim and the dimmers entity state would always be reflected correctly in HA.

Also: At this point in time my “default transition time seems to have been reset to 0 sec”.

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Hi there,

I’m having the same issue with the Eco-dim.05 which seems to be a similar device but with 2 dimmers. Really needed this one as it can use normal faceplates and controls 2 lights.

Although your workaround works for the status updates matching I’m still getting an error when using the HA button that the device did not respond: Failed to call service light/turn_on failed to send request: device did not respond.

Do you have the same issue?

What I did find out though, is that HA seems to have an issue with a button press when switching on the light through the (dashboard) switch. If I click on the light and use the slider to turn on the light by increasing the brightness from off to what ever percentage, the status of the light is correctly matched and switches on to that percentage. Sliding around, brightness follows. Turning the hardware dial also updates the status fine. When pushing the hardware button, the light turns off and status in HA switches to off. All is in sync.

As soon as I use the dashboard switch is when it goes wrong. Without the workaround, the light comes on or turns off but HA looses sync of the status and throws the failed to send light/turn_on message after about 10 seconds or so… Maybe there is something weird about the hardware switch not being a real switch that messes with HA?


Hi! I’m interested in these wall switches but I was wondering what functionality remains if HA goes down? Does the pulse button still switch the lights of/off?

If HA goes down the push button still does the exact same thing. You can turn it on and off and dimm the light. You can also use the switch as a normal dimmer switch without using the smart functions (this is quite a waste of money as they also have a non zigbee version for half the money)

Wow, thanks! This really saved my day!

Thanks for the suggestions to solve this issue. I am using the ECO-Dim.05 Duo dimmer and experiencing the same problem:

In HA:

  • Dimming works well
  • Turning off works well
  • Turning on also works, but lights turn off and on 2 times and getting “Failed to turn on” messages.

Using the buttons on the switch itself works and reports the correct status to HA.

A real solution would be very welcome! Anyone an idea?

I also sent a message to the shop ( I bought the switch to ask for a solution.