ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

So, I got nginx configured like this:

And my weather station with the internal IP:

And I got absolutely no new devices or entities showing up.
What am I missing here?

I have the “offical” Ecowitt from @pvizeli
After upgrading my HA to a current version my automations all list “unknown” trigger

when I try to readd the correct trigger I see a lot of duplicates and e.g. wind gust is totally missing

anybody seeing this aswell and a possible solution?


To add to above…
Likely due to that change @epenet

Hi! Any luck getting this resolved? I have the same device and looking to get it working. Any insights are welcome. Thanks!

Morning Hi yes I did, I re did everything I moved to cloudfare to access from outside my home network. I then pointed the ecowitt to the local IP address of the home assistant. I had been running duckdns but that had failed a couple of times very happy with cloudflare various vids on youtube to setup. I thought I had checked it had been running local but I started again from scratch and it works fine now. Just make sure it is pointed to local

in ws view

under customized

Protocol type same as ecowitt
Server IP/ Hostname: (Your local IP)
Path:Path doesn’t matter as long as it ends in /, leave the default, or change it to just /.
Port: Mine is 8123
upload interval :60

hope this helps

Hi Paul,

Thank you for the reply. Just to clarify, for the server IP when you say “local IP”, is that the internal IP of the machine running HA or the external IP from your ISP (since you mentioned Cloudflare)?
If it is the last one, I would have to assume you have 8123 open to the web then?

And if I may ask (unrelated to the thread), how do you keep your Cloudflare DNS record up to date?

Thanks! KOO

I have an Ecowitt Gateway GW2000 with LAN/Wifi (868MHz to the sensors) connected via the RJ45-LAN to my router and installed succesfully via the Ecowitt WebUI 3 Temperature/humidity sensors type WH31 (multi channel, 868MHz, Temperature/Humidity/Battery 1/2/3, Indoor Dewpoint/Humidity/Temperature). Got “for free” the Weather station from the neighbor, 2 gardens away (Ecowitt “oldie” WH65, rest of the 868MHz sensors info). The Ecowitt protocol over the 868Mhz freq. is not really secure. I followed the install instruction of the HA site and of the Ecowitt integration.The Ecowitt integration via HACS works fine in HA. See also settings “customized” screen of Ecowitt WebUI for the upload to my HA.
I have set all other unused sensor options to “disable” in the GW2000 gateway via the Ecowitt WebUI, so no more devices/sensors can connect to the GW2000 than the currently linked ones to the gateway. I changed the default automatic link to the Ecowitt Weather site from every “1 min.” to “Never”, so there is no more any upload to the Ecowitt weather site! So the GW2000 gateway only uploads to my HA. I do NOT use the Ecowitt Gateway Wifi and the Ecowitt phone App. I can now follow-up all the actual information and history perfectly in HA (WebUI and/or HA App).
The sensor Hut on the foto is not an Ecowitt, but a “TFA Schutzhulle”.

Hi there,
After months of trouble-free operation of my Alecto 5500 linked to my Hass trough an Ecowitt GW1000 I had to reconnect the Ecowitt gateway to my Wifi because I intended to place it at an other location and therefore disconnected it from the power supply.

After re-connecting it to my home Wifi I followed the instructions and the connection to Hass was not successfull.

After hours of experimenting the following setting on both the Alecto PWS as well as in my home assistant Ecowitt integration resulted in a perfect connection with 26 entities:

  • in WSView > my devices > pick the PWS > then in the top right repeatedly hit the right arrow till “customized” appears > from top to bottom pick: Enable, Ecowitt, at Server IP fill in the IP of your Hass, Path /api/webhook/c631dcbc00773c865019c3e16f81be90, Port: 8123 (8080 can be successfull too)

Hope this info helps!

I have earned a Ecowitt Wittboy (GW2001) and already updated it to version 2.2.2 and connected to my Home Assistent.
Now I am asking myself would it be possible to receive the date and the time as a variable into homeassistent.

My second question is how can I connect the weatherstation to my node red running in home assistant to bring some values into my KNX setup.
I was thinking to do some automation with my shutters which are managed via knx and the temperature of the weather station.

If you have HA entities from the weather station you can just use knx: expose:, otherwise knx.send in an automation to bring its values to Knx. No need for NodeRed to do that :wink:

OMG that make my life so much easier :smiley: thank you!
So my problem with the date/time is solved I can easily export the date/time from HA :slight_smile:

But I think I need node red to convert wind and rain as an alarm to send it to knx to block my shutters or blinds.
Any hinds how I can do this? Maybe I also don’t need node red for this

You don’t. You can use an automation with knx.send to send any payload you like.

Yes you are right but I need some logic. For example
if the temperature goes down to -1 celsius block the shutters or the rain sensor on the station regognizes rain and my blinds should go back inside.

I hope you understand what I mean. Maybe someone has a easy way to implement that :slight_smile: or maybe someone has already done something similar.

We’re getting off topic here… but have a look at what exactly a Home Assistant “automation” is and what you can do with it :wink:

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I tried everything (well, obviously not everything or it would work) and I can’t get my weather station to show up on HomeAssistant.
I’m glad to pay a beer to anyone that has this working already, to help set this up via an Anydesk / Google Meet / Zoom / whatever call…
I’m in the Lisbon / London timezone.

Whoever is interested:

There is a firmware update for Ecowitt gateways available which finally lets you configure a static ip for the gateway manually. I had several discussions with the support regarding this topic (as DHCP is for some reasons not usable for me). I honestly did not expect this upgrade to ever happen but I really have to say those guy seem to care about customers.


Did you try these steps.

  1. Add Ecowitt Integration to HA (wait at SUCCESS dialogue and go to step 2)
  2. Configure your Ecowitt Gateway according to the information on SUCCESS page (ServerIP, Path, Port) and SAVE it
  3. Press the SUCCESS button in HA
  4. you should see the Ecowitt integration but no device or entities so far
  5. Wait for some minutes (i suggest 10 min or so). If still no entities/device go to step 6
  6. Login to your Ecowitt gateway and go to ‘Device Setting’ and do a reboot
  7. After reboot go back to HA and wait for about 2 minutes. Device/entities should now show up
  8. If still no luck try a Restart of HA

For me it was always working after step 7. No matter if Ecowitt or Froggit Weatherstation.

Hi @TheGsus,

Aren’t you using NGNIX HA SSL Proxy.

I think the problem is related to the fact my HA is running only in HTTPS and Ecowitt does not support it, and I might need the NGNIX HA SSL Proxy (which is obviously not working correctly for some configuration issues).

Just to be sure the weather station is reporting correctly, I created a small PHP script on a separate web server and configured the weather station to that URL and it works flawlessly. The script is just writing the payload to a txt file:

You are right yes. My HA is not running https. I did not even think of it so far. Did you try the latest firmware of the gateway? Maybe they added https support. If not I really suggest getting in touch with support team. Those guys seem to be really interested in solving customer issues. They considered my staticIP request within one month. Never expected that.
Reading through your posts I’m pretty sure your problem is https related. Maybe a ‘stupid’ workaround would be to add some sort of “http to https gateway”, which should be that nginx ssl proxy somehow… sorry a lil bit lost with such things

Shouldn’t there be an internal URL that can be used with your Ecowitt gateway? I would understand NGINX plugin to provide asecure way to access your HA instance from outside.
If your Ecowitt is in the same local network there should be a different way (address). Or am I wrong?