ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

Is the weather station somewhere at a remote location or is it on the same network as the HA computer?

@stiwy81, if the weather station is located on the same network as the HA machine, then just use the local IP address of it. For port choose something else what is not in use, like 8300 or whatever is the default there.

If you define an address / or /anything in the WSView app then that has to be matched in the HA config.

If it is outside of the network, then you need to enable something in NGINX proxy settings to allow HTTP as the weather station does not support TLS/SSL.

See the reference at the bottom of the page:

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My ecowitt HP2551 has stopped working I have tried both plugins etc no joy. All on the same network wsview all fine in test mode tried various changes but no joy. It had been working fine. I still get all the data on my ecowitt app, website. Strange just stopped working tried hacs and official version little stumped.

Which version of HA are you on? Have you updated recently? Anything in the logs?

Hi no I dont see anything in the logs at the moment, I have updated to the latest version

Home Assistant 2022.11.4
Supervisor 2022.10.2
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221108.0 - latest

So, actually you did update HA recently. I have checked the commits related to Ecowitt, and I cannot really see anything relevant, why it would stop updating.

Maybe open an issue on Github, but you will need some logs to provide.

Try to change the logging level to debug for the ecowitt component and then you might can find something in the logs which would lead to the root cause.

Many thanks for your help I have these entries in my log I have tried numerous setting on my wsview app but no joy, on test mode on the app data is fine.

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: helpers/
First occurred: 6:00:06 AM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:00:06 AM

Error unloading entry Ecowitt on port 4199 for sensor
Error unloading entry Ecowitt on port 4199 for binary_sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 498, in async_unload
result = await component.async_unload_entry(hass, self)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/sensor/”, line 426, in async_unload_entry
return await component.async_unload_entry(entry)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 176, in async_unload_entry
raise ValueError(“Config entry was never loaded!”)
ValueError: Config entry was never loaded!

It is just an error when you removed the integration, that it could not unload the entities, because they were never loaded.

Maybe something else?

Try to restart HA without any of the integrations.

Then try to add it when it is freshly started. Try the official one only. And look for anything in the logs.

Also set the log level to debug for ecowitt before restarting. Then for sure you can catch what is happening with the integration.

How exactly did you solve your issue? I am in the same boat I suppose and stuck on the ecowitt integration.
I use cloudflare + Nginx (on a separate machine from HA). I also use Pihole. My weather station is on another subnet as HA which has no access to the internet (I have given internet access to this device for now).
I added a DNS record on my pihole that resolves to NGINX. And then NGINX resolves to HA. But something is wrong and I’m stuck. Any help is appreciated.

Just after writing this comment I suppose I found the issue. On device’s (ecowitt) config, I changed the port to 80 and now I have the device in HA.

Good afternoon!

I’ve been using the Ecowitt integration for a while, to largely great success, so thanks for all the hard work. It’s very nice to be able to key automations off it.

I am seeing strange behavior, though, where the WH68’s battery level is being reported as a voltage, not a percentage. It’s a bit annoying, since I have global automations and dashboards I shove all my batteries into, so I can warn and alert when they are getting low and need changing. Thankfully the WH68 doesn’t go through batteries very fast! Still, would be nice to fix.

Also have a bug with the WH57 lightning sensor not sending last strike time, but the whole thing seems unreliable so I might bag it anyway.


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Hi everyone,

Just received my 2 WH51 and integrated this.

Is it usual that the sensors don’t update frequently in HA? Sometimes it goes for 24 hours before the % changes.

The moisture level is the same, but shouldn’t HA detect the updates regardless of value changes or not?

I’m asking because I’m trying to see if it’s my range or the nature of the integration

How’d you end up going with that?
Is it normal behaviour?

Could you elaborate a bit on how to setup the nginx proxy add-on properly?

Sorry for late reply. There is not much you can configure on the proxy addon, below is my configuration. You will of course need a ssl certificate placed in the default HA ssl folder.

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Apologies if this is already answered elsewhere in this mega-thread, I didn’t manage to find anything but I didn’t read every single post either.

I’m curious to know why the Ecowitt integration doesn’t expose a ‘weather’ entity which can be directly used with one of the various weather cards (etc)? I know that it doesn’t provide forecast data, and maybe that is the explanation, that weather entities are assumed to provide a forecast and not just current conditions, I’m just not able to confirm this hypothesis.

Please don’t misunderstand me, it’s extremely helpful to have access to values from individual sensors, especially when it comes to automation - which is the whole point of HA. I also know I can create my own custom entities, I’m just surprised that it doesn’t include one.

Is there a way to change the way batteries are exposed to be a %? I keep getting low battery alerts for one of my devices as it comes back as 3.28 (but volts not %).

I think you are absolutely right. But additionally to that, you can build a weather entity by using the forecast from another source, like

I’ve installed the (non-HACS) Ecowitt integration and set up the station to report to the details given (host, path, port) but I got no data at all on Home Assistant.

I’m pretty sure this is because of SSL, do I’ve installed the “NGINX Home Assistant SSL proxy” add-on (3.2.0) and started it after setting up my domain on its configuration. So far It’s still not working. As fas as I understood, because ecowitt does not support SSL, this ngnix proxy should allow access to home assistant via HTTP rather than HTTPS, right? But it does not open:
What am I missing here?

Use your internal URL for HA in the Ecowitt configuration, not the external one (that will work only with SSL if you’ve setup nginx correct).