ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant


I have just bought the ecowitt weatherstation and noticed they now also sell the “wittflow”. Basically a waterflow meter linked to the ecowitt gateway. Does anybody has experience with this and if/how the integration works? Can I control the waterflow via the gateway with home assistant?


That is somewhat the same question as I have. I was told by Ecowitt support, that the Wittflow only works with the GW2000 hub, which is a cloud connected hub and you cannot switch the Wittflow without it, so they told me.

I’m not really enthusiastic about that, that’s why I asked if the GW2000 is compatible with HA and therefor switching the Wittflow could also be possible without their cloud.

Ecowitt does not have plans to bring it to HA, is what they told me…

So I also hope that the Wittflow and GW2000 is compatible and working through the integration.

Indeed, now properly reading your post. Can somebody confirm that the HA integration with the GW2000 is working locally? I am under the impression it is.

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I’m running Wittboy with GW2000A towards HA using the Ecowitt integration. There are several cloud services which CAN be configured on the GW2000A, but I don’t see a reason why there is a must. I’ve connected my GW2000A to wounderground in order to get a mix of actual data and forcast information for my home, but I’m able to query the GW2000A from the HA integration without a need of cloud connection for the GW. The GW is connected by wire to my home network. As all serving systems - for stability reasons…

Hope that helps…


Thanks for your input. I also have a weatherstation (WS5500), connected to Wunderground and my Home Assistant environment, that is all working just fine, just like my GW1100A with soil sensors and thermometer for the pool.

Now I would like to have the Wittflow, but still doubting.
The reason why the Wittflow needs a cloud connection via de GW2000, is told by Ecowitt Support:

"…The smart flow valve needs a gW2000 hub.
The setup needs clouds service as the faucet needs to be registered via a cert released. So the current version needs cloud server for faucet register, as well as the setup downloading to the hub.

Once this is done, the system can work without cloud server to be involved: the only issue is that you are not able to control the valve remotely, and you are not able to see the real time data saved.

We are also developing an APP that can have the system running without cloud server to be involved at all. But this will needs time and we have no time table for this app availability…"

But that is their word :wink: I was hoping to hear, that I cán use the valve remotely, without cloud connection of the needed GW2000 hub.

Your view is very nice
Sorry for mi noob question - can you please tell me where I have to copy/paste the code to obtain this in my HAS ?
I have tryed to manualy add a card but not workink
Thnk you

I had this problem when I updated to HA 2023.8.4

You can find the file in the custom components folder, and edit the section

from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import (
    async_get_registry as async_get_entity_registry,

to this

from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_registry import (
    async_get as async_get_entity_registry,

and it fixed it for me.

That’s with the HACS version.


I’m looking at moving from the HACS version to the native integration - did you have any issues with sensor names changing? Just curious what steps to take - I have some automations linked to the ecowitt entities and want to avoid having to change all references to them…


The code I posted can be pasted directly into your raw configuration editor after all other code, make sure the indentation is correct. It’s set as a subview as I call it from a button but you can change subview: true to subview: false and it will show as a view with an icon and then should be editable as you normally would.

I figured out how to make this work with a HP2551. Adding the path directly to the device through its configuration is impossible. There is no field for it. But! you can add it through the [WS view] app. Setup with the local IP of the machine running HA. Once that was set within minutes the data started to come through.

GW2000 is working locally, so I guess the Wittflow should do too. Somebody already tried the Wittflow, seems like a great device to add (in combination with the weatherstation)

I have a GW1100 and have integrated it into HomeAssistant. Everything works fine.
However, I would also like to have the Ecowitt data in a program on the computer (PC weather station / wswin), as I have my history of the last years there.
In the weather station, however, I can only specify an export destination.
Is there a possibility to automatically export the data from HomeAssistant to a Synology. It would be also ok if I would make a manual exort every month or so.
Can someone help?
Thanks in advance.

I got the Wittflow and unfortunately it is not exposed (via the gateway) to homeassistant (using the ecowitt protocol). Of course I can use the wittflow via the ecowitt app, but that is not what I wanted. Anybody has a solution for this? Thanks!

Hello. In my country we start yearly rain measure from the first day of september. Is there any way to configure my ecowitt unit in home assistant to show yearly rain from this date?

I just got the gw1100 configured and it seems to send messages with all the data but from some reason I do not see entities :frowning:
Did you configured anything else but the ecowitt app to port 4199 and the integration on ha?
When listening (nc - l 4199) i do see data i just don’t see it creating the entities and updates.

Did you create a Customized DYI Upload server in the Ecowitt app for your bridge?

I also just got the Wittflow Ecowitt WFC01 smart tap timer and have it connected to my GW2000 Gateway. The Gateway data for the integrated temperature/humidity sensor appears correctly in Home Assistant via the native Ecowitt app. However nothing shows in HA for the Wittflow device. Will this device Support be added to the native Ecowitt app in the future?

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Sorry to ask for more info, but do you mean you can see temperature/humidity (if that is already accurate), but you cannot control the device (water on/off)? A bit of a bummer that this is (still) not possible and the main reason I still haven’t bought this device.

Just to clarify, I can only see the temperature & humidity readings from the sensor that is physically attached to the GW2000 Gateway. The Wittflow device does not show up at all in Home Assistant. Hence none of the associated Wittflow entities (valve on/off, water temperature, flow rate, daily litres, monthly litres, run time, battery level, etc ) show up either. So I can’t access the entities for automations or to turn the water on/off.

I have two other Ecowitt gateways (both GW1100) successfully integrated with Home Assistant via the inbuilt app and all the connected devices (rain gauge, wind speed, indoor & outdoor temp/humidity, solar, soil moisture, soil temperature) and associated entities come through. I’m sure if I connected any of my existing devices to the GW2000 Gateway they would also come through OK but the only device I have currently connected to the GW2000 Gateway is the Wittflow smart tap timer. I had wrongly assumed that it would be supported and that I would be able to control it via Home Assistant.

I was also looking at LinkTap smart tap timers also but ended up going with Wittflow as I was already in the Ecowitt ecosystem. I believe LinkTap can be successful integrated and controlled from Home Assistant. I’m still within the Amazon return window so may revisit my product selection decision before it’s too late to change.

I understand what you’re challenges are.
I’ve already posted something about this before
(ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant - #310 by Intro_Verti) , and was hoping it would evolve, but nothing yet.

Indeed, the GW1000pro and GW1100A are working just fine, all my Ecowitt stuff is in HA via those gateways.

I still hope for better news, as it would be great to stay on 1 ecosystem for these kind of sensors.