ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

I have contacted Ecowitt Support to ask them whether they intend to support WFC01 integration with Home Assistant. I will update this thread with their response once received.

Curious what they will tell you. Like mentioned before, they told me not to.

(ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant - #310 by Intro_Verti)

Hopefully they have more requests and re-consider.

Here is the response from Ecowitt support concerning WittFlow integration with Home Assistantā€¦.

Hiļ¼Œ Steve

We have a meeting for your points made. We come up with this initial conclusion:

1. We will make a plug in for home assistant that can be used to control our IoT devices. The plug in will be a complete new one as the data obtaining will be different from current ā€œecowittā€ plug in. So we should have this device supported for home assistant. The time line will be about 2months time.
2. We will also make cross hub integration for the smart option to be possible. This will be bridged via the server, so that user can have hubs in remote locations to trigger the control of his other devices under his account or even possible if like other public events can be triggered as well. This needs a lot more work to be done on the server integration side. So this might take us 3 ~4 months time.

So seems more encouraging that the response you received. I will also follow up with the owner of the existing Home Assistant core Ecowitt built-in integration (plug in?)


Sounds promising!
I assume they have received many, many requests.
But youā€™re right, they can build whatever they want (and it is needed!), but the real appreciation will be there, if the owner of the existing HA core Ecowitt build is willing to work on this too.

Thanks for the update!



I recently got the " [2023 Newest Upgraded] ECOWITT Wittboy Weather Station GW2001, with Wittboy Wi-Fi Hub and 7-in-1 Outdoor Solar Powered Weather Sensor, Supports WU/WeatherCloud/Wow/Ecowitt Servers, 915 MHz" from Amazon. However, no entities are being shown in HA. Iā€™m not sure if the is due to the issues others are having with 2023.12.x, or my configuration?

I have Nabu Casa remote access setup, and when the Ecowitt integration pops up with the configuration information the URL is Nabu Casa, not my local IP address. It also shows port 443.

Question #1: Whatā€™s the proper LOCAL configuration information I should use? HA IP and port 8123?

Question #2: Does HA 2023.12.x have widespread issues with the Ecowitt integration? Github has a number of broken users. I canā€™t tell if my ā€˜no entityā€™ issue is due to the apparently broken Ecowitt integration, or my URL/token information.

I also use HTTPS (trusted certificate) with my local HA instance. Iā€™m unclear from the Ecowiit HA page if that works or not? It mentions NGINX proxy, but the details are so vague itā€™s useless. I found an Ecowitt proxy add on (to help address HTTPS issues), but that Github repo fails to add to HAOS 2023.12.

Iā€™m having the same issue as DuckDuck25:

  • my HA instance has local https
  • I have HA cloud
  • the ecowitt integration suggests a nabu casa URL/api endpoint for the weather API (and I would prefer local)
  • no entities are created/found

Are you using the Ecowitt app already @DuckDuck25 / @ano ?
If so, did you add your HA instance in the app, to connect your Gateway with HA under DIY Upload Servers ?

Back then, I followed a tutorial of mostlychris, maybe it can help you too. It is a bit old now, but it could be helpfull:

I wrote this post on how to get it working with HTTPS:


Ah ā€“ Iā€™m using home assistant core so thatā€™s going to be a little more complicated for me, but thanks for the pointers!

In case this helps anyone, I was (apparently) able to get this integration working with HA Core, and HA Cloud enabled. Steps:

  1. Remove any existing nonfunctional Ecowitt configurations
  2. Log out of HA Cloud in the HA backend
  3. Add the Ecowitt integration: this will now (apparently) generate a local webhook with a local IP address. Save the api details (the /api/webhook/string-of-characters part). Note: Iā€™m not 100% certain that this webhook wouldnā€™t also exist locally if you leave HA Cloud connected, but this is what I did.
  4. In the Ecowitt backend, update the custom weather service details to use your local IP or machine name. In the api field, pick something sensible ā€” I went with /ecowitt/weather/, including the first / as I was using the web interface rather than the app. For the port, choose a high port that you know isnā€™t in use (one way to check is to run ā€˜sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTENā€™ from the command line on your HA server). I picked a random number in the 6xxx range.
  5. Install and configure NGINX manually.

To install and configure NGINX (NB: Iā€™m not an expert, this may not be the ā€˜bestā€™ way, but itā€™s a summary of what I did minus lots of false starts and cockups):

  1. Install NGINX using apt
  2. Find the NGINX config files (/etc/nginx on my distro).
  3. Edit the config files (use nano, or a preferred text editor). The block you will need to add looks a bit like:
server {
                listen PORT NUMBER;
                location /ecowitt/weather/ {
                        proxy_pass https://YOUR-HA-IP-OR-NAME:8123/api/webhook/THE-WEBHOOK-GUID;

NGINX has a ā€˜sites-enabledā€™ subfolder in the config folder (so /etc/nginx/sites-enabled, on my instance) with a default configuration in it that already has a server defined, on port 80 ā€“ this might conflict with existing services running on your HA machine so you should probably comment this default configuration out and then add in the code above, putting in the port number you selected when configuring the Ecowitt backend, your HA instance IP/name and the webhook string in the appropriate spots.

I didnā€™t realise this and so added my new server section to the main config, then spent 20 mins trying to figure out why NGINX wouldnā€™t start ā€” I run pihole on my HA server and its admin page webserver defaults to port 80, which I hadnā€™t changed.

With luck, and if you did it right, you should shortly see a device and entities appear in the ecowitt integration in the HA backend. You can now log back into HA cloud and it should continue working (it has done so far for me).

YES!! You legend thank you so much! Iā€™ve been bashing my head against the wall for days trying to get Ecowitt working again after i enabled https

This worked a treat. :smiley: The only downside is it only accommodates 1 weather station and i have 2, one for outside and one for a greenhouse with chilli peppers that has soil moisture sensors, itā€™s own temp/humidity sensors etc.

I dont know if 2 stations is possible via YAML (maybe under a different port) as iā€™m only new to HA, but hey 1 station is far better than none. Thanks mate i really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

I had the same issue, I have a fully equipped weather station and a GW1000. Luckily I could add my moisture sensors to my weather station, which I did not knew/try.
Maybe you can do that too?

today I updated my GW2000 to the firmware version V3.0.9 (and using a Wittboy).
Since I updated the gateway, I get warnings from HA after every update message (every minute):

  • Unhandled sensor type heap value 126452
  • Unhandled sensor type heap value 126460
  • Unhandled sensor type heap value 127660
  • Unhandled sensor type heap value 127680
  • Unhandled sensor type heap value 127364

The gateway and sensors are working fine in HA.

Does someone has the same issue?

Iā€™ve have a HP2551 working perfectly with all the sensors reporting just fine. Today, I changed the Outdoor Station to the newer WS90 and I now donā€™t get any Rain Data coming through to HA (but I do to WU). When I look at the existing rain entities they are now marked as ā€œThis entity is no longer being provided by the ecowitt integrationā€.

This may make sense as in the HP2551 I had to change the rain sensor type from the old style to the new WS90 haptic sensorā€¦ but HA is not showing any other rain sensor entities, and I have enabled both ā€œnewly added entitiesā€ and ā€œpolling for updatesā€ in the config.

Any suggestions? Thanks Nathan

FWIW, Iā€™ve sent the following e-mail to [email protected]


Iā€™ve been using my HP2551 with Home Assistant and it all has been working perfectly (reporting Indoor, Outdoor, and additional H&T sensor data).

I recently changed the outdoor weather station that came with my HP2551 to the new WS90 by:

  • Upgrading the firmware on the HP2551
  • Adding the WS90 on the HP2551
  • Disabling the WS57/45 on the HP2551

All data is being sent to Home Assistant for the WS90 with the exception of Rainfall data. Is there something I need to do to get Rainfall data working again? There is no issue with Rainfall Data being shown on the HP2551 unit itself and is also being correctly sent to Weather Underground, just not to Home Assistant.


EDIT - The forum will not let me add another post (3 in a row max apparently).

I got this response:

I think the reason is that the plug in for home assistant is not supporting ws90 piezo rainfall data integration. Can you check with home assistant? This plug in is developed by home assistant, so that we have no access to modify for system integration.

Can I check if anyone has the WS90 working for rainfall (or anyone with a piezo rain sensor)?

I have the WS90 and rainfall sensor is working fine

Thanks Martijn, Can I ask what the Entity IDā€™s are you see for Rain on your WS90?

Thanks and sorry for my poor wording. I was after what rain Entity IDā€™s you have in HA, eg I for Wind I have:

- sensor.wind_direction
- sensor.wind_speed

Iā€™m trying to work out if it is my HP2551 not sending any rain data or if it is HA not picking it up (I suspect the former).

Thanks again,