ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

Hey crazy question, if I get more than one gateway so I can have more moisture sensors, how would I add two gateways? That wouldn’t like, break anything would it?

No, I have this setup, with both a HP255x, plus a GW1000 both reporting into HASS on my Pi, which then stores the data in influx DB on my NAS. I’m using different ports for each one.

Currently I’ve got 14 soil moisture and 12 temp-humidy sensors. Hass works great for consolidating all the sensors into single reports/dashboards.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve read a few reviews on weather forums pointing out this accumulation issue. One post was comparing it to other consumer grade monitors that have constantly spinning intake fans. The suggestion is that it isn’t accurate because of this issue at low pm2.5 levels. Below 12 μg/m³ is considered good quality but it would show above 15 when all other sensors indicate around 2-3. But there was no issue when actual levels were much higher. Do your sensors show low levels more accurately?

What about the sampling interval? Do you run the wh43 at a higher polling frequency? Any differences when run like that? Do you think there could be a workaround for the WH41 to run more frequently?

BTW I’m in Sydney as well and have been monitoring pm2.5 using cleargrass and xiaomi sensors - it’s been pretty bad for a few hours each day and then drops off. Hoping it will end soon! :smiley:

My experience is mainly with the WH41 (indoor/outdoor) as I only received and set up the WH43 a few days ago. Also, I’ve mostly only compared my readings to the DPIE site when levels have been higher because that’s when I’ve been wondering what’s happening at the surrounding stations and which way the wind is blowing.

Now that I know about the possible issue, I’ll start paying more attention to the low readings. That said, when the air is good (<25μg/m³), there’s no need to check that the air purifiers have come on trigger a reminder to check that my wife has got her puffer with her, so I’m not that fussed if its a bit out so long as it doesn’t affect my automation triggers.
Are you close to an official site? If not, how are you taking account of (a) the delay before the official website does its hourly update and (b) variation between your home and the closest site?

My closest stations are about 3-4km away and the sensors are relatively similar - by that I mean when the official sensors show around 2-4μg/m³ mine do as well and when they hit highs mine have shown similar values around the time when I track back (hope that makes sense). I’ve mainly used mine for internal monitoring but have taken manual readings externally and they do seem to correlate if accounting for time delays. Do you find the wh41 particulate count matches the dpie when factoring for wind, elevation and other factors? That’s pretty impressive if you can calculate using those variables.

My interest in the external sensor is to help alert the local community when local air quality is poor. Having readings that are an hour late and 4km away isn’t very useful. But a reading that is falsely over 12μg would also a bit of a concern.

I try to ensure PM2.5 levels inside are never above 12μg/m³ - I base it on the US AQI limit for “good” quality - above that to 35μg is considered moderate. Does the wh41 ever drop below 15μg?

With respect to your wife needing a puffer, is the PM2.5 count the issue or does it just correlate to overall poor air quality? From my understanding, a high PM2.5 count doesn’t cause an immediate respiratory response or an asthma attack, that’s more likely PM10 or other air quality components? My understanding is that PM2.5 particulates can cause long term damage to lungs, heart and other organs because they are so small and lodge in lung tissue, get into the blood stream, etc… can be carcinogenic. They can be a catalyst for asthma and other illnesses to develop. But where there are high levels of PM2.5, PM10 and other noxious substances are bound to be high as well. That’s just my understanding of course and I’m happy to be corrected :grinning:.

Hi all,
I’m struggling with the new Ecowitt HACS update. I have it installed, but the new instructions are to add Ecowitt using the standard +Integrations method.

In the instructions, this is where it does not appear in my list.

  1. In Home Assistant, go to Configuration → Integrations → Click “+ Add Integration”
  2. Search for “Ecowitt Weather Station” and follow the instructions to setup.

I have it configured correctly in my WS View app

What am I doing wrong? Anyone experiencing the same issue?
thanks in advance

I am having the same problem. Added via HACS, restarted then when searching in integrations, nada. Other HACS installs are working as expected but ecowitt seems to be not really happy. Did try clearing my cache and that didn’t help much.

you reported issues to Seems ecowitt integration is broken · Issue #60 · garbled1/homeassistant_ecowitt · GitHub

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Thanks rontaylor for the pointer. I’ve now got the Integration to load, but the sensors haven’t yet appeared. Will try again in the morning. Fingers crossed, nearly there.

I had to restart my instance before the sensor showed up. Added the version number and blanked the integration owner with [email protected]. Did a full restart, then cleared my cache to install the integration. Got it installed and configured then saw the same thing that the devices weren’t showing up. Tried restarting and there they were.

yep, mine have appeared too :slight_smile:

I was having similar problems as @smurry where nothing was sent out from ecowitt to my HA/RPi. Tonight I discovered that by adding an IP address instead of the host address (with DDNS) everything is working fine. Strange thing is that even with hostname it was working, although just for a few hours.

Has anyone else experienced similar problems?

What naming convention is used for the sensor?

I have installed via hacs and finally got the integration to install buy can’t see any new sensor

If you do run 2021.5 or newer, then you need to add to the manifest.json the version number, otherwise it will not run. (Look at the GitHub issues and PR requests. You will find there what to do.) You might be missing the sensors because of that. Otherwise the integration should show up on the Integrations page with all details available there.

Yes I saw these issues and I think it is sorted as the integration is installed!

I have configured the integration and on my phone I set the ip to my HomeAssistant ip and the port to 4199 and restarted a couple of time but nothing happens.
I can’t see any new sensors :frowning:

So you set up the Weather Station with the App to send Ecowitt formatted messages to you HA Server to 4199.

Then you downloaded the integration through HACS, edited the manifest.json. Restarted HA, added the integration through the Integrations page by providing the port, and still no sensors?

It should say something like this on the Integrations page:

Ecowitt on port 4199

Ecowitt Weather Station

[1 device] and [22 entities]

Have you checked that are there anything is coming from the weather station to HA Server?

There are some guides above in this topic what you need to do to check it.

Otherwise answering your original question:


Like this…

Have you looked at the logs? Is there any error message there regarding Ecowitt?

Hello @GSzabados and thanks for your help.

Yes to the best of my knowledge I have configured everything properly. Now of course I could be wrong but I checked and redid it several time.

I will check to see if things are coming to the server.

What I am missing is the [1 device] [ 22 entities]

in HA logs the only thing I can see is that I installed the integration and it is not tested which is standard and normal

@ppmt, then browse along this topic and you will find the commands how to check that you have the Ecowitt messages coming through to your HA Server.

Otherwise what weather station do you have? Has it got Internet connection? Do you have any quirks on your network, like VLANs or different IP ranges, etc. ? What version of the HA installation do you have (software/hardware)?

@ppmt I had to put / as the path in the app, without it was not working.

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It would have been good but there is alreadt a / at the end!

I have a MISOL HP2550 weather station and it is connected to both Ecowitt and Wunderground. It also update regurlarly so connection is good.

My network is straight out of the box with nothing fancy.

I just upgraded to 2021.7.0 and it is installed on a Intel server with Hassio (Docker)

One thing that I don’t understand and may this is where I am getting it wrong. It says to use the android app to configure the customise section to use port 4199. This is what I did but does it mean that the android app must always be running?

What about the weather station itself? As well as being configured to connect to Ecowitt and Wunderground I have it connected to a instance of Weewx on port 9998 (running on the same server as HA).
Weewx then has a MQTT plugin that HA is listening to so I can use it in HA.

Could it be that the 2 are interfering?

Sorry lots of questions