ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

Not at the end, but in the path field. See screenshot.

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oh I see. Mine is /data/report/
Will try with just /

Ok, I see that you are not a starter in the subjectā€¦

So first of all, make sure that you are receiving the Ecowitt messages in you HA instance.

Look at the comments from this point in the topic, there are some troubleshooting steps.

So, how do you get the data into WeeWx? What format are you using? (I guess you forward the WU messages from your router, or have you set the server as your gateway for the weather station and it just does intercept the WU or Ecowitt messages? I guess you must use interceptor with WeeWx. Donā€™t askā€¦ I went down this rabbit hole as well.)

For the MQTT solution in WeeWx, I havenā€™t tried that, but the duty cycle of WeeWx is 5 minutes by default if you havenā€™t changed that. I wasnā€™t really fancy about to get weather data every 5 minutes only. Especially if you want to use wind and gust data for Automations. And I am not sure that is the MQTT extension still updated or not. I came across an extension for SmartThings, and maybe I am mixing with that.

Oh, does the WeeWx running on the OS or in a container as well. If OS, then I guess you need to forward the port 4199 to the Docker container as well. (But I am not experienced with this. I do run my setup on Debian, but I havenā€™t had to do anything extra, as I just followed the instructions for a supported installation. )

Not much time to test this week-end but thought it would be rude to ignore you.

Yes WeeWx runs on the same server as the Homeassistant in a Docker as well. I configured the weather station to send its data to the IP of the server using port 9998. Weewx does then use Interceptor to collect the data.

The MQTT plugin for WeeWx works really well and if honest I could stay as it is now. I created sensor out of the MQTT message coming from WeeWX and it suits my need. I donā€™t do any automation with it. I just use it to display temperature and a general Wind Direction

The integration would be better as it ā€œdiscoversā€ the sensor automatically

Hoping to do more troubleshooting in the next few days.

Edit Scratch what I just wrote. I reconfigured the Ecowitt app on my phone to use the port 4199 and suddenly the integration reported 1 device with 26 entities.

Not sure what happened but it works now!

The downside is that it stopped sending data to my WeeWx instance so that is a bummer as it is more important to me to get that data.

Try to reconfigure interceptor for that port. There is an option where it just intercepts and not receives, I cannot remember how it is called. I use that way my WeeWx setup.

In my config the unit sends data to WU what is routed through the RPi running WeeWx. It intercepts the data, and passes to WU as well.

The option for custom output came with a later firmware, so I configured Ecowitt messages for HA and sent directly to there. Interceptor doesnā€™t care about it.

Thanks for the pointer. I will delve into the Interceptor documentation.

It is called sniff mode. Make sure the data is sent through and you can sniff it. Or do a duplication on the server side and forward it to both containers.

I have found about that sniff mode. I now need to understand how to install it in my weewx docker that is using alpine.
I think I might migrate my docker to ubuntu or something like that. Alpine is good but I always have to fight with it to install package.
Anyway we digress and this is no longer related to this great integration or HA!

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Hey, I just set up my GW1000 and one wh51 sensor successfully in HA. Iā€™m having the same issue you described with the soil moisture sensor not updating frequently. The other entityā€™s from the GW1000 update regularly, but not from the individual sensor. Did you ever find out a fix to this?

Thanks to this thread managed to set up my HP2551 (thankyou :grinning:). Did anyone ever find an answer to no lux sensor entity for the HP2551?

If you think, that there should be a lux entity and value, then open an issue on GitHub. The author will take care of it, if it provides lux values.

Iā€™ll give that a go, thank you.

Hi all,

I recently switched my HA container installation from a Raspberry pi 3B to an Intel NUC running Ubuntu server. I got everything working as before again, except the Ecowitt integration.

Iā€™ve double checked the settings in the app (although it worked with the Pi and the settings didnā€™t change). The NUC runs on the same IP address the Pi used to run and using nc -l 4199 I do see traffic coming in:

Iā€™ve tried the obvious stuff:

  • Restart Home Assistant
  • Restart Container
  • Restart NUC
  • Re-install the integration

None of it seems to be working, it just seems that the container never starts listening on the configured port.

Anyone any ideas for next steps?

Kind regards,

Is this picture from inside the container or from the server?

The container should have the incoming traffic, not just the Ubuntu server, so you need it to pass through.

Good question! Itā€™s on the Ubuntu server.

With ā€œpassing throught the trafficā€ you mean I should set up a port mapping for the docker container? I never used to do that on my Pi and still it would pickup on the Ecowitt traffic, so I kind of expect it to automagically work.

Iā€™ll try mapping the port and see if it fixes the issue.

Using netstat -tulpn I noticed that inside the container something is actually listening on port 4199, but running netstat -tulpn on Ubuntu server it doesnā€™t list the port.

Iā€™ve updated my docker-compose file to map port 4199 and restarted the container and it solved the issue.

I still think itā€™s weird that I do need to map the port now, while I didnā€™t have to do that before. But Iā€™m happy itā€™s working again :smile:


Just got this working on a fresh RPi 4B running HA. I see my Ecowitt sensor data on my dashboard, looks great!

Iā€™d like to take this a step further. On my home network, I also have a Ubuntu Computer/Server that is running InfluxDB and Grafana (its collecting and logging data from another RPi for my off-grif solar panel system).

How can I get the Ecowitt sensor data from HA Ecowitt plugin and send it over to InfluxDB/Grafana on the Ubuntu machine and use that as the logger and plotter of the data?

I guess I have to create a new ā€œbucketā€ in influxDB on the Ubuntu machine, but how do I send the data there?


I think this is what you are looking for:

thanks so much, I actually ended up using Node-Red and its sending the data to influxdb (and then to Grafana). I should say, its sending the pure numbers to InfluxDB, as some of the values, im not exactly sure how NodeRed can process them.

For example, winddirection is number, but it complains that its a string of some sort, but also also for the binary sensors like leak and battery, just curious, how do I set this up in NodeRed?

Iā€™ve just spun up a new instance of HA 2022.4.3, installed HACS and have tried both garbled1 and poppypopā€™s (manually installed since you canā€™t use the repo to install).

My problem is that I canā€™t then complete the installation as per instructions by config ā†’ integrations ā†’ add integration since ecowitt just doesnā€™t appear in the list so I donā€™t have the option to configure.

Logs confirm HA sees ecowitt as it warns about not being tested by home assistant but thatā€™s it. Iā€™ve restarted dozens of times, reinstalled from both repo and github direct with no success.

What on earth am I missing here?