ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

You have just over complicated the Automation, and you are using the wrong attribute, you don’t need that at all, neither the value template.

alias: Light test
description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.solar_radiation
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 30
    below: '4'
condition: []

Hey Gabor
That works a treat. I’m afraid that over 70years of age YAML has passed me by so I created the previous code using the HA wizard.
Thanks so much for your help. Now to work on some TAPO 110 smart plus I bought which do not natively work with HA but fir which a kind souk has created a custom integration.
Thanks again you are a star.

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Since the latest HA update, all of my ecowitt temperature sensors are showing in degrees C rather than degrees F. Changing the unit of measurement for temperature entities doesn’t work, and I have also tried removing my ecowitt instance integration and re-adding it without success.

Has anyone had this issue as well? If so, any luck fixing it? I have also tried adding an issue on the creator’s github but he is unresponsive.

It happens time to time with @garbled1. I guess you have tried to set everything to imperial at the integration’s configuration page.

I’ve looked at open issues regarding temperature and found this one, and some other mentions of similar issues… I think something has been changed without a breaking change notice.

Over 70, you shouldn’t have anything to be ashamed of, especially not this.
I built that YAML code with the Wizard as well, just easier to share the code this way.
So, you are just using the state of the entity, that is the main point. You don’t need the state of the unit_of_measurement, because that is actually W/m^2, and not a number value. So only the entity’s state is needed. That’s it.
For the Tapo, yes, look at HACS and there is a maintained custom component Github repository what you can add manually to HACS.
This one:

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply. Actually this is happening while using GitHub - PoppyPop/homeassistant_ecowitt: Ecowitt Weather Station integration for homeassistant repository.

That Repo should be about the same stage as the original one. Definitely look at the issue what I wrote about previously. It must be something on HA side screwed things up.

Does you weather station report in Metric or Imperial?

Should I add a condition to only enable this between say 16:00 and 0:00? Don’t want them coming back on after my other automation turns them of at 23:00 when it is obviously still dark?

I would remove the above 0 option. And yes, you can add that time condition. As I remember the automation would trigger only, if the value goes from above to below 4 and stays that way for 30 seconds. (Unless during a restart somehow it is re-evaluated, but I haven’t played with this sort of changes before.) Anyhow, it makes it more bulletproof to rule out any other options. So adding the time condition should work.

Everything is reporting in F from my weather station. I also confirmed that everything in both the Ecowitt integration and my HA settings is set to Imperial as default.

I think you’re right about the linked thread as the issue (device_class). I’ll take a look and see if I can fix it. Thank you!

Try to replace your custom component with @garbled1 's version. I think he has added a fix a few months back. I haven’t seen the PoppyPop’s code. But to be honest, there has been a lot of f’ups recently with the unit system and default units as trying to add an option to some edge cases like Canada where a mixture of metric and imperial is used.

Try to replace your custom component with @garbled1 's version

I actually was in the process of doing this when I saw your reply :slight_smile:

It looks like going back to @garbled solved the issue for me. I remember back about 6 months or so @garbled wasn’t working and it appeared that the repo was abandoned, so I switched to poppypop’s repo since it seemed like he fixed whatever issue there was.

Thanks for your help!

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Anytime! Probably as you installed that version, you will see a few more other warning messages in the log.

There is an open issue regarding that as a breaking change is coming up in HA 2022.7 which have to be fixed before that.

Just to let you know all working fine. Manythanks for your help.

Is it worth posting this as a project for others? It seems a little trivial but may help someone :blush:

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Hi everyone, does this just work for weather stations or does it work with the Ecowitt soil moisture sensors? Basically this one here:

My goal is to have the soil moisture level get reported back to HA. Thanks!

For that device you need a receiver first, which would be an Ecowitt display unit on one of the data collectors with Wifi. This integration will not work standalone without a base unit.
The sensor works on 433MHz or something similar. You can have a look at rtl_443 how to read it with an RTL433 modul:

Hello community,

yesterday i received my ecowitt wittboy with the GW2000 gateway where the Sensor WS90 is connected to. the gateway runs on firmware GW2000A_V2.1.4. i use the ecowitt weather station integration provided by @garbled1 (ver0.7). the communication from the gateway to home assistant works fine. the only issue i have are some sensors:

Logger: custom_components.ecowitt
Source: custom_components/ecowitt/
Integration: Ecowitt Weather Station
First occurred: 07:01:46 (1045 occurrences)
Last logged: 07:50:20

  • Unhandled sensor type mrain_piezo value 0.126, file a PR.
  • Unhandled sensor type yrain_piezo value 0.126, file a PR.
  • Unhandled sensor type ws90cap_volt value 1.2, file a PR.
  • Unhandled sensor type ws90_ver value 119, file a PR.
  • Unhandled sensor type wh90batt value 3.18, file a PR.

Do you have some insights or tips how to get this runnning?

best regards and thanks a lot in advance

P.S i have seen there is a simmilar topic open on github Ecowitt Wittboy support · Issue #107 · garbled1/homeassistant_ecowitt · GitHub

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I would have two questions on this integration.

.1 after adding the the device to HA … how can I modify the update interval?

  1. how does the magic happen at all? I just put my hostname:4199 and default /data/report/.
    Is the integration itself then opening port 4199? is the data atually written somewhere on the server and can this be accessed on the host system?


Update interval is what you set on the Ecowitt Weather Station.

I don’t fully understand your second question. The integration opens the port, and listens to any incoming messages on that.

Could you please elaborate a bit more on the second question, because I honestly do not understand what host system you are talking about?

thanks - sorry maybe I asked to complicated. But you answered it anyways with what I was looking for :slight_smile: