ECOWITT Weatherstation integration for Home Assistant

Have you followed these instructions?

The repo is there.

Configuration for the Ecowitt integration is now performed via a config flow
as opposed to yaml configuration file.

Go to HACS -> Integrations -> Click "+"
Search for "Ecowitt Weather Station" repository and add to HACS
Restart Home Assistant when it says to.
In Home Assistant, go to Configuration -> Integrations -> Click "+ Add Integration"
Search for "Ecowitt Weather Station" and follow the instructions to setup.

Ecowitt should now appear as a card under the HA Integrations page
with ā€œOptionsā€ selection available at the bottom of the card.

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Thanks for the reply.

Thatā€™s the problem Iā€™m having, itā€™s not appearing in the integrations after installing from the HACS repo or if I install manually.

I get to the 5th step and itā€™s just not there when I search for Ecowitt.

I am assuming you have restarted HA after installing HACS
Then launch HACS and search

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Thanks for the reply again.

I am able to get ecowitt installed from the HACS repo as youā€™ve detailed in your screen shot.

The instructions as I understand them want you to then reboot the server then go to config ā†’ integrations ā†’ add integration and find ecowitt in there to install and that is where the config options become available.

That is where I am unable to find ecowitt to finish the install and config. Hopefully that makes sense.

I hope this makes more sense

Now this

Hopefully you will get a screen full of possible integrations
search for ecowitt
if not there try the explore and download at the bottom right corner

Next to configure
Configuration ā†’ Devices & Services ā†’ Ecowitt and configuration

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Hi Ron,

I think Iā€™ve identified the problem Iā€™m running into and what I was missing.
Iā€™m at work right now but will check when I get home. Will let you know if Iā€™m successful.

I appreciate you taking the time to help me out.


Iā€™ve had some time and a bit of a play around and still nothing.

I had to stack the screenshots because of new user limitations on embeds, sorry about that.

You can see that Ecowitt Weather Station is installed and there is no red restart banner. Restart done as required.

Next is showing that Ecowitt doesnā€™t show up in Configuration ā†’ Devices and services.

If I understood the install instructions properly it wanted you to click on the add integration button on that screen to finish the install but as you can see when I search Ecowitt it doesnā€™t appear in that window either.

Iā€™m at a bit of a loss, any other suggestions?


I donā€™t know what changed but it just appeared in the setup new integrations.

I have no clue what fixed it but it seems to be fine now.

Well thatā€™s weird. I hate things that do that.
Anyway I am glad itā€™s working for you.

The last thing I was going to suggest was to use the SAMBA integration and inspect the files \\config\custom_components\ecowitt

IP xxx deliberate

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I will definitely install SAMBA at some point for easier file transfers.

Thanks again for the help.

just curious, if I want to add a second device to this integration, specically the Wittboy GW2000, do I simply just go to the custom server option of the WS View app and add all the necessary information?

I know not all the sensors will be supported (like Capacitor voltage).

I alread have the GW1100 setup, and its working fine (minus log messages about unhandled sensor types).

Anyone know if the Wittboy will show up in this integration? The thing is, I actually temporatily added the Wittboy to the GW1100 but no new entities showed up on Home Assistantā€¦so im not certain this would work even if Iā€™m able to add (configure) the GW2000 for this.

I have now tested the ecowitt integration, runs very well and all sensors of my HP2551 (Froggit HP1000SE Pro) are displayed.

My real goal was to find out where the data is stored.
Namely, I already upload the weather data of my weather station to another server where I run a small weather site. The file there is called ecco_lcl.arr and is uploaded every two minutes. And unfortunately there is only one custom upload possible.

My plan was actually to use a cronjob to regularly copy the data stored there to home assistants data directory, but the ecowitt data seems to be stored in ha directly in the database and not in the same format as it is stored at my weather server.

My solution is this:

RPi 0 W as s Wifi AP. Ecowitt connects to this AP. RPi 0 W runs WeeWX with interceptor. RPi 0 W connects to normal WiFi or by a USB Ethernet adapter to local network/Internet. Ecowitt send data to Weather Underground, WeeWX sniffs the WU packets, data stored in WeeWX. Ecowitt sends data to HA as well, HA stores data too.

Other option, without AP on RPi 0 W. Ecowitt connects to normal WiFi, sends data to Weather Underground and HA. Weather Underground data is redirected by the Router to server with weather site (WeeWX with Intercetor), site has to be able to decode WU packets (Interceptor does). Custom server is HA, stores data too.

Option 3, WeeWX with MQTT addon. MQTT data from WeeWX to HA.

Plenty options are with a WeeWX setup. I guess other weather servers must have to have some similar options.

Thanks, I will figure out, if WeeWX can send data in the ecowitt format, because WU cannot handle some sensors (e.g. soil moisture).

Here is a link to WeeWXā€™s Interceptor:

If you want to use the EcoWitt format then a RPi with an AP should be your way, where data sent to HA and WeeWX sniffs it meanwhile passing through.
Or you will need a solution where a data passes through a Switch which mirrors the data what goes to HA to another port which is connected directly to the server.

Sounds interesting. Thank you.
I have a raspi 4 lying around, but i donā€™t trust the SD card in the long run.
However, I also have a mini PC on which I have installed Xubuntu. With that I will test weeWX.

A Rpi 4 you can use with an SSD as well, booting from USB.

If you need any help, just drop a message.

I might have some old instructions how to set up an AP on Linux (Raspbian).

Iā€™m in the process of setting up my ecowitt and experienced the same issue with it not appearing as an integration to add, despite restarting HA twice.

However, it did appear after I rebooted the host. I donā€™t know if this points to any issue or not but I thought Iā€™d mention it, in case it helps anyone else

I see this issue many times. Wait a few minutes or so and look at the same place to add the integration.
I think it takes some time to the dependencies to be installed.
You can check the logs for any errors as well, might be a dependency conflict.

If you have ssh or File Editor add-on then you can check that the folder exists for the Ecowitt custom component.

I have successfully installed the Ecowitt I tegrstion and can seedata coming into a card.
I tried to setup an Automation which will turn on some lamps once the outside level falls to a determined level. YAML below
alias: Lights on when getting dark
description: Turn on lights when outside light reaches 4

  • platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.solar_radiation
    attribute: unit_of_measurement
    below: ā€˜4ā€™
    above: ā€˜0ā€™
    hours: 0
    minutes: 0
    seconds: 30
    value_template: W/m^2
    condition: []
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: 3c835f28215b4c9c43ed7b9db0f7cd58
    entity_id: light.living_room_wooden_lamp
    domain: light
    brightness_pct: 40
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: a1f0abf12d10370b32c997738c1b1ea2
    entity_id: light.living_room_soapstone_lamp_0471fe08_level_on_off
    domain: light
    brightness_pct: 60
    mode: single

The dashboard shows light levels with the units W/m2. The Automation fails with the following error

  • Error initializing ā€˜Lights on when getting darkā€™ trigger: In ā€˜numeric_stateā€™ condition: entity sensor.solar_radiation state ā€˜W/m^2ā€™ cannot be processed as a number

How do I get HA to recognise the light levels?
Thanks Andrew