Edilkamin pellet stove controlled with "the mind"

Development wasn’t that easy-at least for me. I’m currently in testing. If everything is fine, it should be pretty easy to deploy the code to an ESP32 Board. It’s developed with PlatformIO - so all you need to do is to compile & deploy it. Normally you only need to modify your WLAN and MQTT-Settings. Everything else is autodiscoverd (hopefully).

I’ve found the command-codes for Fan 2 & 3, but i could not test ist, cause i’ve only Fan 1.
But it shouldn’t be to hard to implement.

Answer of Edilkamin integration with Google home /assistant


The Google Home GUI is as you see it, there are no other options.

I will list below all the additional functions that can be given to Google using voice.


● Alexa schalte den Ofen ein

● Alexa schalte den Ofen aus


● Alexa aktiviere den manuellen Modus am Ofen

● Alexa deaktiviere den manuellen Modus am Ofen

● Alexa aktiviere den automatischen Modus am Ofen

● Alexa deaktiviere den automatischen Modus am Ofen


● Alexa stell die Ofenleistung auf 5

● Alexa erhöhe die Leistung des Ofens

● Alexa reduziere die Leistung des Ofens


● Alexa stell die Ofentemperatur auf 20°C ein

● Alexa erhöhe die Ofentemperatur

● Alexa reduziere die Ofentemperatur


● Alexa stell die Ventilator Leistung auf 5

● Alexa erhöhe die Ventilator Leistung des Ofens

● Alexa reduziere die Ventilator Leistung des Ofens

● Alexa stell die Ventilatoren auf Automatik Betrieb


● Alexa aktiviere den Relax-Modus am Ofen

● Alexa deaktiviere den Relax-Modus am Ofen


● Alexa aktiviere den Standby-Modus am Ofen

● Alexa deaktiviere den Standby-Modus am Ofen

Best regards,

As mentioned earlier: Here’s my Bluetooth-implementation based on ESP32:

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the long time without news. My pellet stove was shut during the summer, and I didn’t took time to fix the integration until now.

I just published a new release that fixes the alarm sensors with latest ha releases. I also added a “total working time” sensor which can be usefull in some cases.

I’ve setup an ESP32 D1 Mini. I changed ntp server and time offset in the code.
I followed your instructions and everything went fine.
I have a Celia AirTight C Plus.
Nice job that you did. Thanx!

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Thanks! Forgot to mention the NTP-stuff. I will add that in the setup-documentation.

Hi ! I also installed it on a D1 mini, haven’t tested it yet.

If I can improve the documentation, i made a mistake for the ip adress of the MQTT brocker, I’ve added the port numer to the IP adress (10.0.0.x:1883). After looking into the code I’ve noticed that the port is hardcoded.

What are you missing for Airkare ?

Thank you for the work done and for sharing it !

Thank you guys. I put the MQTT-Port and NTP-Settings to the settings.ini (formely secrets.ini).


I have the Bluetooth/Modbus-command for Airkare already but im not sure, which bits needs to be set (my stove doesn’t have Airkare-Addon)

So we have two options to implement it:

1- Someone must do a bluetooth-sniff with a stove that has Airkare, and find that out.
2- Simply trial and error in code - shouldn’t be to hard to find out.

Hi !

I notice a strange behaviour.

My MQTT broker is an addon of HA and when I reboot homeassistant the controls becomes unavailable.

Do you have an idea why it happen ?

did you try the latest Version? I made some connection-changes a few days/weeks ago.
I’ve tested it with the latest version:

Stopped MQTT-Broker - waited a few seconds - Started MQTT-Broker:

The controls became available in less than a minute.

Yes i grab the code this morning.

Will try to stop the broker as you did and see if It comes from the broker or from home assistant.

Have you set your broker has an addon of home assistant or as a VM ?

As an addon in HAOS.

After the summer I’m trying to use the integration again. With all manual commands to the stove I get “Failed to call service switch/turn_on. Sensor sensor.pelletkachel_last_alarm provides state value ‘11’, which is not in the list of options provided”
Also in the automations I get this error, causing them to stop.
In pelletkachel_last_alarm is stating “Unknown”.
Somebody any idea.

I think I found the problem. In sensor.py is a little table with errors. 11 was not in there. I added it. See table below.

# TODO : find other alarm codes
    0: "None",
    1: "Unknown code 1",
    2: "Unknown code 2",
    3: "Pellet End",
    4: "Failed Ignition",
	11: "Chimney pressure",
    21: "Power Outage"

Here is a compleet list according to my Slide 7 manual. Translated from dutch.

# TODO : find other alarm codes
    0: "None",
    1: "Low incomming air",
    2: "Wrong RPM exhaust fan",
    3: "No flame",
    4: "Failed Ignition",
	5: "Failed airflow sensor",
	6: "Failed thermocouple",
	7: "Exhaust to hot",
	8: "To hot stove",
	9: "Failed gear motor",
	10: "Circuit board to hot",
	11: "Chimney pressure",
	12: "Environment temperature sensor failed",
	13: "Environment temperature sensor failed",
	14: "Environment temperature sensor failed",
	20: "Failed triac gear motor",
    21: "Power Outage"

Ji it’s me again.
Winter is coming and i still have struggle with this error.

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 504 Server Error: Gateway Timeout for url: https://fxtj7xkgc6.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/prod/mqtt/command

Can’t understand what i have to do :frowning:

Suddenly the same here. Was working till this afternoon. Restarted the stove several times, reloaded the integration, no luck. Strange thing is that also the app on the phone (The mind) doesn’t connect. The stove is registerd with the network, I can ping it. Any ideas.

Hello,this is my first post… I need your help for my edilkamin stove and home assistant… How can I connect my stove in home assistant. Via hacs found edilkamin integration but I don’t have a id client and refresh token. On the mind app I found a Mac mqtt


I read things about restarting the MQTT broker. I haven’t installed one. Is that the reason why it doesn’t start.

Is Bluetooth more reliable. If so, how to switch to bluetooth?

Even suddenly everything is working again. The only thing what happens is that the internet connection and HASS computer has disconnected from power for about 30 minutes. I only switched everything back on and it worked.