Editing scene in the ui without activating it

I’m a heavy user of ha for many years.
I wish to have a way to edit my scenes in the ui without actually activating them. Just manually add/remove/change in the ui.
Some problems with the current state- let’s say I’m now editing my night / away scene in the middle of the day. Now:

  1. It turns off the light in my room which is really annoying.
  2. It turns off my other family lights/tvs/acs.
  3. If any of my kids now turn their light on other room back during my editing it corrupt my scene and i don’t even notice.

The way I see as ideal is: when clicking on scene to edit it will not activate it by default. And it will also won’t be affected by any state changes (manual or via ha) it’s a manual mode. You can add and change things in the ui entities list of the scene.
Then you have a button that put you in an interactive mode if you want. Once you click you will have a noticeable mark that you are now in an interactive mode. It will basically activate the scene and behave the same of now. Any change in entity state will change the scene.
In addition some kind of notification will pop in any change so if anyone changes something on other room because he don’t know you are in edit mode you will see it clearly.

That’s the most missing feature of ha ui fmo today.
Which leads me many times to either:

Edit scenes when no one at home or everyone sleeps.
Or move to edit the yaml manually just because of this which is much harder as i have tons of entities with many irrelevant data like the full climate state for 7 acs.

Thanks a lot,

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