Eero Support

Thank you for the eero tracker!

It is also possible to get the state of the routers? I would like to get a notification via HA if a eero router lost the connection…

Thank you

VERY nice. Just purchased an Eero (over a Ubuquity setup). Couldn’t be happier…

Any chance you push it back into HA?

My Eero session kept expiring. I built a device tracker that utilizes ARP, and runs locally on my Raspberry Pi, every 10 seconds (since it’s cheap to run and fully local). It works great! I can put it in a repo, if folks are interested using it.

I have a manually run hass instance and I installed this plugin via HACS. I placed the eero.session token at ~/.homeassistant/eero.session.

There’s no abnormal errors but I still don’t see any trackers appear in the entity explorer. Did I miss something in the installation instructions.

Just pushed an update (changes only) since there were some errors as they move some of the code around in HA to different packages. I run the stable branch only at home, so those with the bleeding edge new releases were seeing the problems.

Sounds like you had a permissions problem. The token should auto-update. :confused:

I’m not the one that wrote the HACS integration part nor do I use it personally. Post the problem as a bug on the issue tracker in github, and I’ll route it to the dev that added that part for him to look at.

Any way to leverage the official Homekit support in Eero now?

I’m new to HA… I have a Raspberry Pi 4 haasio install and was able to install this under HACS. I tried to enter the example code in the config file and restart. No error reported, yet no devices found. The instructions step two " Generate Credentials for Connecting to Your Eeros" seems out of date as I do not have “” under /config? I have restarted a number of time and I assume I should find my wifi devices under HA Devices or Entities? I am not seeing anything?? I must still be having issues based on Step 2??

Here’s info on system:

System Health
arch armv7l
chassis embedded
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.8
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.10
installation_type Home Assistant
os_name Linux
os_version 4.19.126-v7l
python_version 3.7.7
supervisor 227
timezone America/Los_Angeles
version 0.111.2
virtualenv false

FYI, I recently expanded on @343max’s and @Scythe’s work and built a full integration for Eero (device trackers, sensors, switches, config flow). The forum thread is here for those that are interested.

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Installed and ALL my MAC addresses showed under “Entities” so I decided to use the only_macs: option and added our 4 iPhones… Restarted Home Assistant and still ALL of the MAC addresses are showing again? Is there a way to clear the list or am I doing something wrong?

Ahhh maybe I found it… I’ll edit the “/config/known_devices.yaml” file…

YES - That was it! Now just have my four phones…

So I’ve made it right to the end (and way outside my comfort zone) but I’m doing something wrong and need some help!

I have it all installed (afaik) and if I type python3 into the SSH terminal I get a readout of Eero.session already created dumping all devices and then a list of all devices on my Eero…

But I can’t then seem to find the devices in entities (or devices) where I assumed they would head to to be able to use them? Or am I totally missing something?


For those interested I have a PR to the main Eero Tracker by jrlucier that adds Eero Location names to the device tracker attributes.

This will allow you to have automations happen based on a device (like a cell phone) moving around your house and connecting to different Eeros.


Thanks Joe! Very cool.

Do you know if extra attributes like IP address per device is available?

After submitting my PR, I saw this one which was closed a few months ago.

It includes more information like IP.

Thanks! Sorry, dumb question (fairly new to all this git stuff), but does this mean this is merged? I tried to create an attributes template to get ip_address but that attribute doesn’t exist?

Edit: Now that I look at it more, looks like it was closed but not merged. The master branch doesn’t have this in there.

Jrlucier, any reason why?

The guy who made that PR ended up making his own repo, here’s a link. It does more stuff but it doesn’t get which devices are connected to which hubs, that would be super handy.

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I’ll vet the changes tomorrow hopefully. Been slammed with house projects lately so I have a few merges to review :slight_smile:

I just installed schmittx’s repo and it’s very nicely integrated into the integrations page with lots of extra data. Very impressed so far.