Elco Remocon Heating Integration

Hey Thomas how did you implement your elco now that you get all these values?

Hi Thomas,
Im beginner of Home assistant sorry for thatā€¦ I follow your documentation for the Remoconā€¦in the node Red I see the debug whit data. I copy the file yaml whit che folders but I donā€™t see the entities who is my problem whatā€™s is wrong ?

Hi all, I just added an easier way (I hope) to get measurements from your ELCO boiler.

I created an appdaemon :

If you are already using my manual Node-RED or python integration, the entities use the same names, you can easily continue with this one without losing the history or configuration.

Let me know if there is a better solution


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Hi @nechry ,
Just installed a Remocon at home and installed your appdeamon.

Seems to login correctly but receiving following error and entities not created, can you tell me whatā€™s going wrong ?


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                    <div class="gfm-tf-h2 mb-2">AN ERROR OCCURRED PROCESSING YOUR REQUEST</div>
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                            Please report the following error to the system administrator
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                            ERROR MESSAGE:
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                            Violated Postcondition (CheckId: 150420082657): Object is NULL

2023-05-25 15:21:44.304930 INFO remocon: Done fetching remocon data.

Is the gateway_id is correctly set in your apps.yaml?

I just update the app to log in error if the gateway_id is not set, can be helpfull

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Updated and restarted seems to have the same result

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                            ERROR MESSAGE:
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                            Violated Postcondition (CheckId: 150420082657): Object is NULL


You get this error in the AppDaemon Logs view under the Log error_log?

Can you share your apps.yaml for this daemon, but without your real credential and gateway_id

your gateway_is is 12 char long?
something like this: F0AB1A024465

I reproduced your error with a bad gateway_id. please make sure your gateway_id is correct.

The gateway_id isnā€™t your gateway serial number. you can get it via the web portal is contains in the url after you login.

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Yes !

I was using the serial number :frowning: Now logging in correctly.

Entities are currently not generated but I see this error in logs now

Sorry, Iā€™m a beginner with Appdaemon :flushed:

2023-05-26 10:46:09.330104 INFO AppDaemon: Calling initialize() for remocon
2023-05-26 10:46:09.331416 INFO remocon: Will fetch remocon.net data every 60 min
2023-05-26 10:46:09.333036 INFO AppDaemon: App initialization complete
2023-05-26 10:46:09.335218 INFO remocon: Fetching remocon data...
2023-05-26 10:46:10.669670 INFO remocon: Posting to entities...
2023-05-26 10:46:10.670250 INFO remocon: No Home Assistant URL could be found. Please configure ha_url in the app's configuration. Aborting.
2023-05-26 10:46:10.670745 INFO remocon: 'ha_url'
2023-05-26 10:46:10.671674 INFO remocon: Done fetching remocon data.

And here is my appdaemon.yaml

secrets: /config/secrets.yaml
  latitude: x.696803328
  longitude: x.170191617
  elevation: 80
  time_zone: Europe/Amsterdam
      type: hass
      ha_url: https://xxxxxxxxxxxx.duckdns.org
      token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

And my apps.yaml

  module: hello
  class: HelloWorld
  module: elco-remocon-net-appdaemon
  class: Remocon
  plugin: HASS
  base_url: https://www.remocon-net.remotethermo.com
  username: !secret remocon_username
  password: !secret remocon_password
  gateway_id: !secret remocon_gateway_id
  bearer_token: !secret remocon_bearer_token

Ok my bad I didnā€™t corectly handle the ha_url form the appdaemon.yaml, if not specified in apps.yaml

get the latest version and this time I hope is the good one

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Hi @nechry , itā€™s working now !

Many thanks !


great. can you share your boiler model?
to try to build a kind of compatibility table

Yes, sure.
Itā€™s an Altron B boiler with Logon B G1Z1 control module.
And the Remocon Net B :slight_smile:

@nechry thank you very much for the development of your AppDaemon variant.

How do you guys actually utilize this tho?

My goal is to be able to set the heat pump temperature dynamically depending on my current electricity price (available via API in HA). It changes hourly. Iā€™m also having a hybrid setup so thereā€™s a break-even point for electricity vs gas depending on outside temperatures and electricity prices.

But it seems that currently only reading data is supported, not writing/updating it.

Are there any plans in changing this? Does anyone have an idea what would be the best approach if I wanted to set the temperature of the heat pump according to outside temperatures and current electricity price?

This would be a huge step in raising efficiency at homes with dynamic electricity prices and/or Solar and/or hybrid heating solutions.

The capability to modify the set-point, mode, and more is planed.

the API is not officially documented, but I can in my opinion without too much difficulty intercept the commands to make a simplistic reverse.
However, I can only expose the commands available on the Thision S boiler model. But I think the basic functions should be the same for several models.

For my usage isnā€™t useful to modify the setpoint frequently as the gas boiler is coupled to heated floors and therefore with a very large inertness.

However, I have no idea when I will work on these changes. I already wanted to see the interest of this first iteration in the community. possibly look to officially publish in HACS.

Thank you very much for answering.

Iā€™m ready to support your development either by trying to contribute (I have some knowledge of Python) or financially.

Iā€™m not sure about the actual model of the gas heater and heat pump yet (only seen them, didnā€™t move in to that place yet). I only know theyā€™re both from Elco and that Iā€™m getting the Remocon WiFi module.

Iā€™ll happily contribute as soon as I moved in and could test the current state.

I did some tests todayā€¦
I made interception and replay with Burp Suite and Postman.

The API is really very cumbersome, you have to send the entire object model for any write action.
I thought I could, for example, modify the mode just by setting the value of the new mode, but no, you have to send all the other values. what happens is that there is a generic route for all the parametersā€¦

I tried to send simplified json but the instructions do not change. And the worst is that the API returns me that itā€™s OK when not.

I think it would be risky to set up and be confident that it is ok for other boiler models.