Electrolux Pure A9 air purifier / Wellbeing app

Hi !
It would be great if you or someone could fix integration / support for Electrolux Pure A9

Here is a addon for openhab if that is any for any help:

Mobile app:
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/se/app/electrolux-wellbeing/id1436169315
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.electrolux.wellbeing&hl=sv&gl=US

I’m working on an integration and I’m almost done. It can currently only fetch data but setting mode and fan speed will come. Here’s a preview


Here’s the integration GitHub - JohNan/homeassistant-wellbeing: Get the status from your Electrolux devices connected to Wellbeing
More features will be added, but now you can at least see the state of the A9 :slight_smile:


Nice! Good job! :slight_smile: :star_struck: :+1: :+1:

Great job! Am I correct that this does not readout the sensor values for PM1, PM2.5 and PM10? Is this possible in the future?

You are correct. I will add it in a not too distant future. It should be fairly easy to add if someone would make a pull request. I’m currently away from home for a while.

Added PM sensors and released just moments ago.


Noob question here. I have installed the integration using HACS. But then what? How do I set up a username and password? What else do I need to do?

@iamequ Go to Configuration → Integrations → Search for Wellbeing and follow the instructions on the screen.

Wierd. It didn’t show up yesterday, but now it works just fine. Thanks for your assistance and thanks for a great integration.

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Next noob question: How do I use this device in NodeRed? I think I need an example on for example how to read a sensor or set the fan speed/mode.

This work exceptionally good, thx much!


Great Integration. It also works perfectly with the AEG AX91.

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When I have done this:
Go to Configuration → Integrations → Search for Wellbeing
[/quote] Wellbeing ask for username & password.
What should I enter? That for HA/github/windows or set the username & password in one of the files in the wellbeing folder?


You should enter the credentials you have set up in the Wellbeing app that you control the purifier with.

If you haven’t already done that, you have to do that before you can use the integration.

I totally forgoten about the login to the app.

I am trying to add Electrolux WELL A7 to HomeAssistant but I am stuck with:

I downloaded from HACS Electrolux Wellbeing and provided username, password… After that Integration still Retrying setup and…

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: config_entries.py:366
First occurred: 19:51:40 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 19:58:39

Config entry ‘XXX’ for wellbeing integration not ready yet; Retrying in background

Can you help me with that?

There’s a problem: when I install the add-on using the recommended method (HACS), it doesn’t ask for the username and password anymore. Not even after HASS restart. Is this a new problem?


Are you planning further development and adding the Pure Multi 700 (EPU73771DG) device?

Thank you very much! I noticed that the toggle shows safety lock off, but the sensor shows safety lock, locked.

If anyone is wondering, I have the [AEG AX91-604(DG) and this is what it’s showing for me. And it seems to update every 2 minutes. There are no atributes besides it showing the integration name.