ELEGRP dimmer switch…is it HA compatible?

So I came across the ELEGRP dimmer on Amazon (linked below) and I would like to know if anyone has experience with it and if it’s is HA compatible? Aesthetically and functionally it is exactly what I am looking for (with the exception that I would prefer it to be zigbee). I see that it can connect to Alexa, but I prefer to have direct integration in HA. Thoughts?



Did you find out if it was? I am considering it but I need a local only solution.

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So these were on sale so I bought one to play with and installed in a bedroom not previously controlled by HA. It is Tuya compatible so I was able to connect it to the tuya app, then set up a tuya iot developer account and use the HA Tuya integration. it works. but it is through the Tuya cloud. I am doing research now to see about flashing with tuya-convert for esp or tasmoda integration for local control. The switch is really nice looking and ideal for local control with on, off, and a touch dimmer slider that lights up. If i could get local control I would replace all my dimmers with it.


there are also some local-only integrations for tuya devices you could try, for example GitHub - rospogrigio/localtuya: local handling for Tuya devices

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Any luck so far? I am considering these as well, but I would definitely be sold if I could control it locally. If I end up buying one I’ll try out the local tuya integration but I’d rather not have to go all the way around the world to do it if anyone has found a simpler solution.

I have installed 4 in my house so far, I like them, using the tuya local integration. I think they have a new method but I set them up getting the local key and device address from the tuta ios developer platform. they are pretty reliable but occasionally will become unavailable in home assistant while still working at the switch. rebooting my router fixed it. I also recieved one switch that would not connect to the network at all, i had to return and replace on amazon for free but it was a pain.

for anyone interested, I did get these flashed with esphome after running the tuya-cloudcutter on them. I used ipchiptool to get a starting yaml and modified it to the below:

  name: esp-dimmer-1

  board: generic-bk7231n-qfn32-tuya


# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: ""

  password: ""




  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    ssid: "Esp-Dimmer-1 Fallback Hotspot"
    password: ""

  - platform: restart
    name: Restart

  update_interval: 30s

  - platform: debug
      name: Reset Reason
  - platform: libretiny
      name: LibreTiny Version
  #- platform: tuya
  #  sensor_datapoint: 109
  #  name: Hardware Version
  #- platform: tuya
  #  sensor_datapoint: 113
  #  name: Firmware Version

  rx_pin: RX1
  tx_pin: TX1
  baud_rate: 9600

  # DPIDs processed from schema model: 000004ngxw

  #- platform: tuya
  #  switch_datapoint: 1
  #  name: Switch
  #- platform: tuya
  #  switch_datapoint: 110
  #  name: Countdown Action
  - platform: tuya
    switch_datapoint: 114
    name: Set Brightness Min

  #- platform: tuya
  #  number_datapoint: 2
  #  name: Brightness
  #  min_value: 10
  #  max_value: 1000
  #  step: 1
  - platform: tuya
    number_datapoint: 3
    name: Brightness Min 1
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 500
    step: 1
  - platform: tuya
    number_datapoint: 5
    name: Brightness Max 1
    min_value: 550
    max_value: 1000
    step: 1
  #- platform: tuya
  #  number_datapoint: 6
  #  name: Countdown 1
  #  unit_of_measurement: S
  #  min_value: 0
  #  max_value: 86399
  #  step: 1
  - platform: tuya
    number_datapoint: 101
    name: Indicator Brightness
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 100
    step: 1
  - platform: tuya
    number_datapoint: 108
    name: Longpress Brightness
    min_value: 10
    max_value: 1000
    step: 1
  #- platform: tuya
  #  number_datapoint: 111
  #  name: Countdown Total
  #  unit_of_measurement: S
  #  min_value: 0
  #  max_value: 86399
  #  step: 1

  - platform: tuya
    enum_datapoint: 4
    name: Led Type
    optimistic: true
      0: Cfl
      1: Incandescent
      2: Halogen
      3: Led
  - platform: tuya
    enum_datapoint: 103
    name: Fade On Speed
    optimistic: true
      0: Immediate
      1: Fast
      2: Medium
      3: Slow
  - platform: tuya
    enum_datapoint: 104
    name: Fade Off Speed
    optimistic: true
      0: Immediate
      1: Fast
      2: Medium
      3: Slow

  - platform: tuya
    name: dimmer1
    dimmer_datapoint: 2
    min_value_datapoint: 2
    max_value: 1000
    switch_datapoint: 1
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Hey Rob just checking in to see if they’ve been pretty reliable after you flashing with esphome?

I’m also assuming you could now set them up for automation control, with a 2x,3x,4x… quick tap?

Thank you very much.

What model do you have?
Are they reliable when running ESPHome?


I have the DTR30 model flashed. Pretty sure the others should work the same. I only flashed one so far for testing. It has been rock solid so far, with no disconnections, and fast response every time I test it locally and remotely.All entities have remained exposed to HA so yes animations should work flawlessly. You can see in my yaml I commented out a few entities. Those are for the countdown function which could easily be done in HA. I used this tutorial as a guide: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VFsuza3UAhk&t=1456s&pp=ygUdVHV5YSBob21lIGFkZGlzdGFudCBmbGFzaCBlc3A%3D

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