Emporia Vue

Can anyone tell what the IoT class of this integration is?

it is cloud-based. Normally I get updates every minute, but the integration hasn’t been very reliable the past few months (no reporting for hours), which is why I came searching through these threads to see if anyone found a solution.

It’s not the integration that is failing. It’s Emporia’s AWS Cloud Server. If you open the app when the reporting stops, you will notice that no data is being fed to their app either. I’ve confirmed this on numerous occasions with Emporia customer service via chat. I’ve begged them for a local API, but they are more interested in selling our data than doing what’s “right”.

There is a thread on converting the unit over to local access, but I really don’t feel like cracking open my electric panel again and messing with the unit.

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I can’t seem to figure out automations to be notified when my power goes crazy. My bill doubled this month and I can look back now and see some days it was high. But of course today while I am looking at it to flip circuit breakers to figure out where it is it is normal.
I am just trying a basic low value now to see if the automation works and it does not. If I manually fire the automation I do get notifications. I only have clamps on the 2 mains.

Any pointers?

I see it has to cross the above threshold and it only works once.

So How do I get an alert everytime it crosses the value?


id: '1663346668428'
alias: Power too high
description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.power_shop_123_1min
    above: 0.001
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
condition: []
  - type: turn_on
    device_id: 0ce2fc18f6464ee49c06b76c5456efa7
    entity_id: switch.plug_in_shop
    domain: switch
  - service: notify.mobile_app_sm_g960u1
      message: power too high
mode: single

hey guys… good discussion on this one. I am looking into the emporia vue but am not clear… does that system need internet to function? One of my use cases was to use it as a power monitor when my house is running offline (ie via generator) so if it only works by piping data back to the emporia cloud that might not work.

Out of the box it transmits data to their cloud but, it is ESP32 based so if you follow the link mentioned above, you can open it up and program it with ESPHome and then no cloud is required, just your local Wi-Fi connection for it & HA to communicate. Sc00bs110’s video link above is also worth watching.

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Thanks for the reply. I saw the posts about modding it to allow the firmware update. I was wondering though if you get any level of integration without doing that locally or is it purely a Cloud polling type connection unless you flash it?

The factory firmware only connects to the cloud. You’d have to use the HACS API integration which polls the cloud. That has limitations though due to Emporia restricting the number of API calls which is why I chose the custom ESP32 reflash route.

Will the reflash work with the Gen 1 version of Emporia vue?

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No. Gen 1 is totally different

Darn, OK, thanks

Just watching that video now. Looks like some great instructions on there how to flash it etc. It looked to me like the GitHub instructions are saying to connect RX to RX, TX to TX while the video said to cross them over. Any idea which is correct? Kind of seems like it should be crossover.

Also, if you flash with the ESPHome firmware does that mean it will no longer work via the Emporia app etc?


That is correct as it’s no longer running the Emporia firmware.

Generally that is true but it depends on the pin assignments at both ends. “Tx” usually means the device is transmitting on that pin and if that’s true at both ends then you need to crisscross them… Tx to Rx and Rx to Tx. There is a test via esptool to ensure you have it right but if you skip the test and try to flash and it fails then reverse them and try again.


Does anyone know where to enter the password for this.

Everything was working great, then I changed my password on the emporia website without thinking. Of course now it has stopped working.

I have searched all the files but cannot find where the username and password is stored.


So no way to access the device locally to retrieve the power and energy values?

That’s a bit of a downer. Was looking at getting an extra iotawatt, but they are hard to find in my part of the world (always out of stock). And I thought the emporia would be a good alternative.

You can try ESPHome Emporia Vue Utility Connect Unofficial Firmware

Yeah, I figured it’s a tad more involved than I’m comfortable dealing with. So unfortunate.
I bought a 2nd IoTaWatt instead.

You can use ESPhome to connect locally - GitHub - emporia-vue-local/esphome: Custom component for ESPHome to add support for the Emporia Vue 2 energy monitor

but that relies on making queries to their API which is cloud based.
Actually that needs flashing a new firmware and require solder. Not for me

Hi, folks.
Does anybody experience a glitch on the daily kWh data everyday at midnight when the data resets?
Here’s my data over a couple of days. As seen from the “live” Watts entity, there’s nothing there that pulls that many watts, yet the daily kWh reports around 9kWh glitch at midnight. And it’s not consistent 9kWh. Some days it’s 8.7kWh, other days it’s 9.3kWh, etc.