Emporia Vue


Iā€™ve got two Emporia Vue systems. One is installed on my circuit breaker panel (by my electrician) and the other is still in brand new condition in an unopened box. Thinking about selling the unused one. I found your post because I was looking to integrate it into my HA, but was disappointed to find that an integration doesnā€™t exist. Iā€™d offer my help, as I have time on my hands, but unfortunately, only a few days experience with HA. What are your thoughts on getting it integrated with HA? Iā€™m not familiar with ESPHome or Tasmota, but Iā€™ll go see what they are.

I donā€™t know if youā€™ve found this yet or if you returned your second unit, but there is an Emporia Vue integration for HA. It does depend on the cloud though if thatā€™s a turn off. Works very well if you are interested and you can integrate multiple units.

Can someone confirm that the true Power (active Power in English?) Is measured?
I.e. does ist consider a Potential Phase Shift between current and Voltage?

What ist your Experience wrt accuracy?



Any ideas on real vs apparent power?

Sorry for the noob question, but does this integration work with the vue gen 2 system without the ESP or any modifications?

My understanding from reading above is that it does work, but it relies on the cloud.

Thanks for clarifying.

Correct, you can use the HACS addon that taps into their cloud API, but itā€™s just that, reliant on the cloud.

In order to have local control, you have to open it up and flash the esp firmware on it

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Hello, i am more than happy to check what u need/want to know. Have 2 in my breaker box and they are cranking along

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Thanks! How big is your panel? Curious how well it fits.

Second wasnt mounted at that point since backorder.
I have more than 16 breakers so i had to add a second device.
The craziness iss hidden behind the lid when closed and two antennas are sticking out for wifi

What a mess. Iā€™d at least bundle the excess cable with ties.

No worries, woth the second install it got cleaned up alot. I just do t have a more recent pic of it

I attached an external box to my main and sub panel by short pieces of conduit. That way the emporia is not in the panel and it gives more room to keep the wires cleaner. Hereā€™s a picture of how the box is attached to the panels. The wires to the uppermost circuits are barely long enough, but it works. I donā€™t have a picture with the box open and only a few of the clamps were connected at that point, but thatā€™s how I did it.



I am using the cloud integration (GitHub - magico13/ha-emporia-vue: Home Assistant Integration for Emporia Vue Energy Monitor).
It seems, that the sensors are not recognized as Energy-Monitor - at least they are not shown as Sensors in the energy-Dashboard. Is there anything that I need to configure for this purpose?


Hi Hendrik,
You can use only the power.xxxx.1d sensors for energymonitoring.

You can add them in the settings of the energy dashbord:


Thanks a lot. That works!

Does anyone know where the Vue 2 cloud data is stored locally and if it can be moved to a NAS since HA now support network storage?

Edit: found it

Hello Akifbayram, regarding your post emporia work well with Home assistant? as a new user i hope the integration itā€™S easy. thank you for your support

Hello how was the integration of emporia? i donā€™T see it in the buch of partner.
Best Regards