Empty configuration.yaml file

Most help threads and tutorials I read have large .yaml files. Mine is mostly empty (see below). Is this normal for just getting started?
Q: Will a feature I add using the hassio UI show up in the yaml file? Or if I add to the yaml for that feature, will it conflict with that which was set up via the UI?

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url: example.duckdns.org:8123

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml


That’s fine. Homeassistant is moving away from text configuration. That’s basically all you need until you want to do something ‘advanced’

In answer to your question, no, if you set something up with the ui it won’t change the content of that file, but if you want to use advanced options or components that are not available via the ui then you will add them there.


Home Assistant is making the text configuration optional. The difference is quite important :wink:

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You are incorrect.

It is now impossible to set up owntracks and gpslogger without using the ui. You can add advanced options in the yaml, but you cannot actually set it up without using the ui system.

You also cannot include any devices that you have set up via yaml in to areas, nor can you configure areas via the yaml.

There’s plenty of other examples. You’re just hanging on to the ‘promise’ that was made, but it’s long since been broken.


Direct quote from a dev 25 days ago: “many integrations have ended support for configuration.yaml in favour of config entry support.”


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I want to say OpenHab went this way also, but I only looked at that, then chose Hass.
I wonder what is pushing these systems away from such text based configuration files.
One-click set-up is nice, but not having the text to inspect reduces clarity.


The set up is still saved in text files. Just different ones.


I have a sonoff/tasmota device connecting to the Hass.io MQTT broker.
I do not know where in the UI I need to have it discovered.

Here is where I see configuration.yaml edits on various tutorials (most of which are 2018 and earlier). Do I need to start adding to my yaml file, or do I still work inside the UI?

Is this web page still valid? It talks about setting up a broker, but I thought the Mosquitto add-in was the broker.

Does anyone have any good links for getting MQTT going?

If you have added the broker then you need to add the MQTT integration - configuration>integrations. It is normally detected automatically though. If not, manually add it.

There was a step to add MQTT integration earlier in the setup process.
When I go to configurations:integrations and choose MQTT, there is text that states ‘This integration has no devices’. Do you have a link on how to add manually?

Ok so when you added the integration, did you check the box for discovery?
If you did then you just need to enable discovery on the device. From a console (web interface of tasmota) type in

SetOption19 On

I removed the integration and re-added. I set option 19 to ON (1 actually).
Now I am seeing the device.

So again, nothing for the yaml files. Thanks DavidFW1960!!!

The process to get it up and running:
go to hassio>add-ons
search for and add mosquitto
start mosquitto

go to configuration>general
restart system

go to configuration>users
add new user to the ‘user’ group
This is the user that the device/client will use to log into hassio’s mqtt

go to configuration>integrations
click configure next to mqtt
Choose discovery box and submit

go to configuration>general
restart system

In device/client, add the IP of hassio mqtt, and the username and password
for sonoff/Tasmota device, >console execute ‘setoption19 ON’

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On, on, 1 are all the same and any of those options will work.