Emulated hue 0.92.1 - "Item" isn't responding, please check network connection etc

For my setup the issue is fixed with 0.94:
Zigbee / deConz switch Osram smart plug.

Confirmed working for me, Docker on Ubuntu. No issues as yet using a variety of Osram, MQTT, WeMo and Xiaomi products.

But are your strange results what this thread is about? Or are they completely unrelated?

Well the fact they don’t switch on correctly and I guess they must be

Yeah, unrelated. This thread is about them alexa falsely saying that the light is not responding when it in fact does respond. Please ask your question in new post tagging your hardware and your issue.

I get that too. I have flagged a new post about my issue but no response yet…


Works fine after upgrade for me

Is there a database in emulated hue that i can reset

Still not working for me in .94 . :frowning:

Guys this is not a ‘emulated hue isn’t working thread’. This thread is dedicated to 1 issue which is unrelated to @huckabeec, @brinzlee issues. I’m assuming this is also the case for @_Mike as well.

If you are having issues with emulated hue unrelated to this thread, please make a new post.

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@petro I don’t know that it isn’t an issue with emulated hue…and that the fix is still not working for some…The control of the sonoff’s work fine through the mosquitto broker…its just not reliable with emulated hue and alexa…I assume alexa is not at fault…I still get an occasional not connected and check the power supply so how do we rule it out

This thread has nothing to do with that. The bug in this thread refers to "Item" isn't responding, please check network connection etc when switching a non-brightness light from on to off. Is that your problem? No, no it’s not. The fix deployed in this thread only fixes that, nothing else.

These claims of it not working coming to this thread would be akin to:

“hey my tires don’t spin” In a thread about windshield washers.

Sorry if it’s confusing…but “not connected and check power supply” in my previous post from alexa when I switch on an emulated philips light is what it says…!!! You’re very defensive…I’m sorry I don’t drive so can’t relate to your post about wheels and windscreen washers !!

Right, but does it say that at all times? Or only when you turn it off? Also, does it actually turn the light on and off?

The issue address in this thread is this:

Lights work (They turn ON and OFF without fail), but Alexa will say the phrase Item" isn't responding, please check network connection etc when moving from the state on to off on non-brightness domains (switch, input_boolean, etc).

If you or anyone else doesn’t have this issue. Move to another thread.

Thats better a dialogue…Thanks for you’re help
It does it after the light has switched off…not all the time…but the bigger issue and I don’t know how explain it properly other than to say I have groups within the alexa app, when I ask for example all the lights in the lounge within the Lounge group to switch off, half respond but weirdly the other half will respond from another group totally unrelated…for example the lights in the dining room…there is no correlation between them…

Take a look at my response in the thread you created. I’ll help you over there.

Thank you…!!

You’re error has nothing to do with the thread.

Literally 2 bytes of code were added. As I said. This is unrelated.

Listen. You are having an unrelated issue. The upgrade changed this line:

            data[STATE_BRIGHTNESS] = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS)

to this

            data[STATE_BRIGHTNESS] = entity.attributes.get(ATTR_BRIGHTNESS, 0)

That’s it. Nothing more nothing less.

Your error is 100% fluke unrelated to the issue addressed in the thread. If you move it to another thread, people won’t ignore you. But you just don’t understand that.

Do you understand the issue in the thread? This is a very nich issue related to a very specific bug. I am 100% certian that you haven’t not fully read the comments and are just trying things.

Let me break it down to you.

This Fix Only fixes THIS:

Physically, your light will turn on and off via Alexa without failure. When your light turns off from on and she says "Item" isn't responding, please check network connection. But the light still shuts off.

That’s it.

If she says "Item" isn't responding, please check network connection and your light doesn’t turn on and off then it has NOTHING to do with this thread.