Emulated hue configuration step

damn, it’s still a mystery. I keep seeing threads like this every few months and some people just give up. I’d really like to know what keeps alexa from discovering!

Been working for a couple days now (I’m sure I just jinxed myself). If anyone has any ideas about tests to perform next time it fails I’m all ears. The partial working state it was in last time was really interesting. I wish there was some way to look at the details of each connection that Alexa maintains to the devices. It’s almost as if it discovered 2 hubs and most of the lights were associated with the hub that it couldn’t reach anymore.

Just got hosed again. I tread a little lighter this time and to avoid having to rebuild all my alexa routines. Nothing was working and I read through this about half the devices not working which seemed like 2 hubs were registered. That was not the scenario I was in this time but decided to check if there was anything odd in alexa app devices list. There was something called remote.ui connected by hass. I deleted it an vioala! everything back to normal

read this thread

I have exactly the same issue :< Just additional question as I’m using Alexa only on my phone and don’t have any speakers. Will I even be able to use it? Or do I need at least one speaker to detect emulated hue?

You’ll need a gen1 or gen2 echo dot to detech emulated hue. Without it, it’s impossible.

Disclaimer: This information might have changed. This was how it worked about a year ago. I no longer use emulated hue and this could have changed but I doubt it. The technology is emulating a gen 1 hue bridge which can only interface with old echos.

Erff… Not the solution I was hoping for. I have the exact same router and appear to be having the exact same problem. I don’t want to reset my router to factory and start over though. I’ve got a good many IPs assigned and probably other settings I’ll forget about.