Emulated Hue suddenly stopped working with Echo Dot V2

Nuts. I’m seeing that too. Reverts to a dimmer and doesn’t work right anymore. :rage:

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I finally switched to haaska. The Alexa smart home skill did not work for me.

I commented out emulated hue, deleted the emulated_hue.json file, unplugged my only echo dot 2 gen and clicked forget all devices BUT I still get emulated hue devices when discover new devices.

How to fix this?

EDIT: After a while and forgetting all devices again the emulated hue devices did not appear again. But after plugging in the 2. Gen Echo dot again and another Search the devices reappeared.
So do I have to leave the 2 Gen unplugged?

Thank you very much everyone. I changed to Alexa smart home skill. Works pretty well for me.

Was it possible for you to delete the emulated hue entities from the alexa app without unplugging the 2. Gen Echo?

so no more alexa emulated hue, only to install hasska :frowning:

if you are using hassio. If you aren’t (home assistant in a venv, hassbian, etc), you can apply the method mentioned in the thread above.

Ok, what a pain. Ive been having the same problems that are described here. Tried everything but getting nothing but device ranges out of range etc etc.

So, i went and tested ha-bridge. I used that with Domoticz many moons ago. Took around 5 mins to set up and bingo! Everything works as it did. My set up is simple enough, only lights and plugs with on-off.

If anyone wants any more info just ask.



I found that I had to delete the old emulated_hue devices individually in the Amazon Alexa app or web portal, rather than using the delete all button. FWIW. Maybe phase of the moon or something, but that’s what did the trick for me.

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Ok will try that.

They don’t reappear when you search for new devices?

No, after I deleted them individually, they did not return when I discovered new devices.


This worked for me too. Thanks for sharing.

Yes that also worked for me,

There is a fix out there that resolved this for me, pull request pending.

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Oof, that change won’t make it through the devs. He didn’t follow any code procedures and the code can be optimized.

What? Sorry I don’t see any step in order to fix it :pensive:

You convert all your code from ha to this system?

OK so do I understand this correct that the fix (if you do not want to wait for official fix) is to edit hue_api.py?
Replace line:

if (entity_features & SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS) or entity.domain != light.DOMAIN:


if (entity_features & SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS) or (entity.domain == climate.DOMAIN or entity.domain == fan.DOMAIN or entity.domain == media_player.DOMAIN or entity.domain == cover.DOMAIN):

The code does not pass the CI tests because of the format. And nested or’s like that can be optimized.

this mess:

entity.domain == climate.DOMAIN or entity.domain == fan.DOMAIN or entity.domain == media_player.DOMAIN or entity.domain == cover.DOMAIN

is the same as this, but optimized:

entity.domain in [climate.DOMAIN, fan.DOMAIN, media_player.DOMAIN, cover.DOMAIN]

So to test this I edited hue_api.py (using the dev port 22222), replaced line 574 to:

if (entity_features & SUPPORT_BRIGHTNESS) or entity.domain in [climate.DOMAIN, fan.DOMAIN, media_player.DOMAIN, cover.DOMAIN]: ,

Restarted HA and reimported all devices from alexa.amazon.com. Looking at http://HAIP/api/pi/lights, my switches (z-wave) devices shows up as ex:

"10": {"modelid": "HASS321", "name": "Bedside", "state": {"on": false, "reachable": true}, "swversion": "123", "type": "On/off light", "uniqueid": "switch.bedroom_bedside_switch"}

So looks OK and it works to switch then on/off but sometimes Alexa says that “Bedside appears to malfunctioning” when I turn it off (even though alexa manage to turn the switch off) so something seems still be still not quite right.

Feels like turning on a light with haaska takes longer than with emulator hue.

I know that it was local before and now it’s cloud based.

To those who also switched to haaska:
Do you also feel a little bit more delay than before?