Emulated Hue suddenly stopped working with Echo Dot V2

Interesting that both of you and @JR250 are reporting that it works with port 8300. That was first thing I tried and it failed. Then I tried port 80 which is mentioned in docs (https://www.home-assistant.io/components/emulated_hue/).

What kind of Echos you have? JR250 mentioned that he/she has Echo gen 2 and gen 3 in network. I have gen 2 Echo and gen 1 Echo dot. Maybe that is the difference? And that link I gave it states following:

# Required if there is no older Echo device (Like an Echo Dot 1 or 2) in the same network
 listen_port: 80

But in our cases this is exactly the opposite? I have older echo and you do not? Weird…

Hello all, Amazon Support replied to my inquiry:

"…there’s nothing wrong with your device. This is something that we are currently having an issue with and you are not the only one experiencing the problem.

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to resolve this technical issue as quickly as possible".


I’m in the same boat. Emulated hue stopped working some days ago.

I’m on 644580520.

Hi all,

Yesterday my Echo refused to turn off my tv saying something about a “unknow problem”. Right now it’s working again! So it seems that amazon fixed the problem.

Good to know, so, don’t update firmware!

Thanks for the update @JR250. Keep us posted

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Nope definitely not fixed for me. Still can’t find my emulated hue devices and says server is unresponsive.

There might be some confusion. Port 8300 works when running this in a browser http://Your.HA.IP:8300/api/pi/lights. Which just means that emulated hue is working. It does not work running port 80.

Just to clarify, nothing works with echo dot on either ports.

Hi, my echo dot is on 644580520 too and I’m having issue too. Is that the latest software?

I was checking amazon website and it 644580520 doesn’t seem to be the latest. Not sure though, is there anyway to get it updated to 641575220 instead??


My Echos do not find anything from emulated_hue when running on port 8300 even though that url does show everything fine. And when I run emulated_hue on port 80 (listen_port: 80) Alexa finds everything I want.

I do have gen 1 Echo dot on my network and gen 2 Echo.

I have gen 1 Echo dot and it has that same software version 644580520. I think that Echos are forced to auto-update so no luck trying to avoid that software :slight_smile: Most likely you are not able to downgrade software versions so we just have to wait until Amazon fixes everything.

The strange thing is, I have two echo dots of the same generation but they are on different software. The one that is working fine, I hope it won’t do a software update.

I’m also wondering if 644580520 is the latest software, why is it not listed on their website.

Really that’s interesting. Does it show up on the app as well? I remember trying this and it did not work on port 80.

I asked Amazon customer support about why the firmware was not listed on the website and try never gave me a straight answer about it. Just told me to speak to their tech support to fix the issue.

Everything works with port 80 exept Alexa answers with switches etc that “It seems that * is malfunctioning”. Previously it worked fine without any listen_port configured but couple of days ago it broke.

I have echo dot gen1 and gen2 echos…No devices discovered when using port 8300…all existing devices malfunctioning before I deleted them.

Setting emulated hue to port 80 allows devices to be discovered but they malfunction after one use. Function is not supported.

First they appear as lights and work correctly then after a few minutes they become lights with “colour” attribute and wont respond correctly.

Running v 96.0 and also tried 98.2

I have the same story and solution as many of the posts above.

Home Assistant 0.82.1 with emulated Hue, combined with Amazon Echo version 1 (and also Echo Dot v1) speakers have been working fine with voice control for almost a couple of years. Alexa stopped working yesterday with “that device is offline”. Hue emulation was working fine (tried a few different Hue clients), it was the Amazon voice control that was not.

Checked firmware and I have different firmware on each device:

Device software version 645582720

echo dot
Device software version 644580520

other echo dot

Device software version 645583020

I edited “configuration.yaml” as per https://www.home-assistant.io/components/emulated_hue/ to add a listen_port (of 80), I also added host_ip (not sure if that was needed or not - EDIT removed host_ip and still working). As this is now running on port 80 under Linux on a Raspberry Pi (v1 :scream:) I needed to issue:

    sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/bin/python3.5

after following the softlinks for /srv/homeassistant/bin/python3 - this is documented right at the end of https://www.home-assistant.io/components/emulated_hue/

Restarted and Alexa voice control was working again (with caveats), no need to rediscover or add devices.

My Alex routines are working fine (that turn on/off a bunch of devices). I’ve had a few instances where the speaker responds with “That value is out of range for device NAME OF DEVICE” and also “Sorry that device appears to be malfunctioning” after the switch/light changed the way I wanted. I mostly use routines and its only been a few minutes of playing with a couple of my lights/switches that get used but I’m not seeing the same problem @Jonde is seeing where it stops working .


Thank you, clach04. Adding listen_port: 80 and restarting HA made my Dots/Alexa work again with my lights. No more stubbing my toes in the dark! :slight_smile:

With listen_port: 80 my alexa - HA connection is not broken. It works but like you said, Alexa is not seeing devices properly (“Deivce seems to malfunction”). So I got everything working when I added the listen_port: 80 but Alexa is just saying “wrong” answer to my request even though it does what I ask.

Finally got Alexa to recognize homeassistant emulated hue devices. Configured emulated hue to listen on port 80. Used putty to enter command “sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8300”. That command eliminated permission error when trying to bind on port 80. As others report, Alexa sometimes successfully executes command, but erroneously says that the device is not responding. Erroneous response is not for homeassistant devices registered as “light”, but is for those registered as other than “light” (e.g. input_boolean and switch).

edit: running hassbian 72.1 on Raspberry Pi 3

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