Emulated Hue suddenly stopped working with Echo Dot V2

Same thing here. Used the iptables trick to go to Port 80 mentioned in this thread. Everything is detected, but I get the issues mentioned by others. “Sorry, device appears to be malfunctioning”, but it works. It appears all my lights work, but anything that is a switch in HA does turn on, but Alexa says “sorry that value is out of range”, then turns it off. Didn’t realize how much I use the Hue emulation until it broke :confused:

None of the suggestions in this thread recommend running as root.

@clach04, understood regarding not recommending using root, however it looks like the options are :

  1. to use the iptables trick, or
  2. somehow give permissions to use port 80 to the homeassistant user.
  3. Wait for amazon to fix the echo dot firmware.

Is the favored method to map access to port 80 using iptables referenced above?

Edit: I used the iptables command referenced, Removed all the devices that were associated with emulated hue prior to the changes, and rescanned in alexa.amazon.com, And it works ok now.

I have now added the iptables command to my rc.local on my hassbian instance.

Looks like switches work, but alexa complains as mentioned by @ericleejoe.

What are you doing Amazon!?? :slight_smile:

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What if you are running HassOS? The iptables trick doesn’t work. On port 8300 if I go to http://hassio:8300/description.xml I see all of my devices. I configured HA to use port 80 for the hue and now if I go to http://hassio/description.xml I get a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. So I am thinking the hue is not binding to port 80.

On HassOS you are sol. Gotta move to alexa smart home integration.

EDIT: I just made the switch. It was time consuming, not hard. You get WAY more functionality out of home assistant and alexa. I can now ask for sensor reports. Alexa understands switch vrs light, etc.

Seriously!? For f* sake!

I like the hue because then I can interact with HA using my Harmony remote because the Harmony remote can talk to Phillips Hue.

Is this going to be fixed? Back to port 8300? Or is this the path forward?


I have just gotten off the phone with amazon help, and they created a ticket for the problem. I think the representative I spoke with understood what was happening, and they are gathering logs between my echo, my home assistant instance, and amazon. They are not using any of my home assistant logs, just the conversations between home assistant and the echo dot.


I will also switch. With this: Is it still possible to say “alexa turn XY on” or do you have to say “alexa tell home assistant to turn XY on”?

Do you mean the DIY skills where you create an SSL tunnel between Alexa and HA and setup your own custom skills?

If so, I already do this for some things. Like Alexa, “Ask Home Assistant the inside temperature” (I do it for scripts too)

If it IS this. This is way more involved then using the Hue Emulation. If it is NOT this, please point me in the right direction so I can give it a go.

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Everything seems to have started working again for me today using the Hue emulation. No issues with turning lights on or off and no errors from Alexa.

Are you still on port 8300? Because I switched to Port 80, but it’s still pretty flaky. All the stuff I mentioned above

Did you get a firmware update? Can you post your version?

I am running Hass OS. I set my Hue port to 80, installed the latest HA which is v0.98.5, and rebooted. My Alexas’ firmware version are 644580520. I have 6 Alexa Echo Dots.

I did not change anything else. No rediscovering of devices or anything like that.

My emulated hue hasn’t been working for weeks. I occasionally go to Amazon and try rediscovering things but it never works. However today I see the hue bulbs listed as usual but in addition there is a second entry for each hue bulb tagged with “Royal Philips Electronics smart device”. Anyone else getting that or know why it shows up?
I’m not running any skills for lighting, not even the hue skill.

Have you tried powering down your HA, doing Forget All in Alexa and Discover again while HA is still powered down to find that it is still showing the same device list.

I think the Forget All and Discover Devices are gone flaky in Alexa with the recent update. Maybe I’m wrong here.

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It’s very possible it has “gone flakey” I just had about 20 devices show back up yesterday that had been forgotten 3-4 days ago

I changed the port to 80 as recommended and found that since I do not run HA as root, it could not bind to port 80. So I put it back on port 8300 and used iptables “iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8300”. I removed all my devices and rediscovered them. I can now control my devices again with Alexa however Alexa complains on every device that it did not respond when turning it on even through the device does turn on. I don’t get this when turning a device off. Also when turning scenes on it says the value is not supported but still turns it on. This is annoying but at least I can control devices again by voice.

Total fail AMZN. But I’m thankful as I really hated cloud-provided services in home automation already. Now I have a good reason to build a Snips assistant.

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It’s the same phrases as emulated hue. So “turn on x”. Also you can ask “what’s the temperature in the living room” if you have a living room temp sensor. Tbh, it’s much better than emulated hue. I still run both, emulate hue for harmony and Alexa Smart home Skill


Start on the page you linked. Go from “ Create an IAM Role for Lambda” down. It technically is custom but there are links in the tutorial for the code you use. It’s a straight copy paste

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