Emulated Hue suddenly stopped working with Echo Dot V2

I’ll give it a go. Thank you @petro

So so it’s the same functionality as with nabucasa clou, right?

Yep, identical

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Gave it a try but It looks like I’m failing at the last step. Was able to get a list with the long live access token, which I already deleted as adviced. So this looks fine.

But it seems like it’s not possible for me to link my account (Account linking section). Did everything exactly as adviced. I can see the login page of home assistant (I use 2 factor auth) and after filling everything out I get an error which says that it’s not possible to link the skill this time.

I’m based in Europe, Austria. I used EU (Irland), because docs say it’s for Germany and I hope it’s for Austria to, but I don’t know that. Maybe thats the issue.

Maybe it’s a good idea to open another thread for that issue.

Edit: Alexa Skill not linking

I tried the AWS integration and like many others it worked up to the point of trying to link the accounts from the Alexa app or website. Seems there is no consensus in the forums why it works for some and not others. I was one of the lucky where it simply will not work.

I also couldn’t change the emulated hue port to 80 because I already have apache running there with several applications I need. HA is in docker on a Debian host

So as a workaround I decided to try to use apache as a proxy to emulated hue and YEAH! It seems to work so far! If anyone is interested here is what I am doing:

Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf (at least on Debian) and add these lines at the end before </VirtualHost>

	ProxyRequests Off
	<Proxy *>
		Order Deny,Allow
		Deny from all
		Allow from 192.168.1 # Subnet where your Echo devices are

	# replace IP with your HA IP address, and 8300 with the emulated hue port
	ProxyPass /description.xml
	ProxyPassReverse /description.xml

	ProxyPass /api
	ProxyPassReverse /api

After editing the file run as root or via sudo:

a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http
systemctl restart apache2

This fixed “on then off plus value complaint” problem for me link .
(replace a “def entity_to_json” in hue_api.py, restart HA, and alexa is fine and happy).

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Not working for me…

Well, I tried this about 100 different ways. If I try it using the instructions provided on the Home Assistant page, my Lambda test works and discovers all my devices, but I can’t for the life of me link my account. On the other hand, if I use the method that was described in another (very long) thread that is a modified version the the haaska instructions, I get a link, but no devices are discovered. I rebooted many, many times. This just doesn’t work. (I am running .98.5 in a Docker container)

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are you removing the long lived access token after you test it?

Yes I did remove the long lived access token. Doesn’t seem to make a difference. I do see my Home Assistant login page, I put in my credentials, it appears to login in, then I get bounced back to the “Unable to link error from Amazon”

Are you using the same account for developer and what’s logged into the echo?

Yes it is the same account

We need more ideas :smiley:

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@h4nc @ericleejoe

I have no clue then. The only thing that could hinder it at this point would be your server that you selected. I went through the process step by step and everything worked.

If you can get haaska working, there’s no reason you can’t get this working. It’s identical, the only difference is the lambda function. So, just change your haaska lambda function to the other one.

To be honest, it makes no sense how haaska could work and the other does not. If i recall correctly haaska’s tutorial uses different authentication servers. If that authentication works, just use that! No need to bang your head.

I just installed haaska last night. It works perfectly. Like @petro mentioned before, my devices show up as switches, lights, locks, etc instead of just all lights like with the Hue emulation. I do especially like that I can ask the temperature in each room (I have sensors in most of my rooms). Also, I am able to have Alexa set the color on my colored bulbs now. For anyone still struggling, just install haaska and follow the instructions on their wiki.

Install Haaska. I installed last night and was quite pleased.

What’s the difference between haaska and Alexa Smarthome skill?

Guy a created haaska, guy b created smart home skill. I believe you need a custom component for haaska, it’s been a while.

I just looked into it, it’s identical. Haaska uses the same library & component/integration from home assistant as Alexa Smart Home Skill.

The only difference is that haaska’s installation instructions uses amazons authentication (I.E. you need to have the same account for alexa app as your developer account), where Alex Smart Home Skill uses Home Assistants authentication (I.E. log in with home assistant account).

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Honestly. The biggest difference was instead of copy/paste the Lamda function from the instructions on the HA home page, you download a .zip file from Haaska and upload that instead. Most of the stuff I had already setup in AWS stayed, I just made some changes for Haaska. I followed these instructions…

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Perfect so I’ll try haaska.

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