Enable debug logging for integrations - am I missing something?

How does Enable debug logging facilitate users to supply me info at what might go wrong with the integration? Is it different from opening the home-assistant.log manually? I really expected it would for example trigger the _LOGGER.debug lines added to the integration to show up in home-assistant.log but that does not seem to work or I’m doing something wrong. The documentation is not clear in advantages of this option. I would expect users not having to enable debug logging manually in the configuration.yaml.


I had the same question and at least me for it looks like that custom_components are not supported. I created an issue in the core repo.

hi @HAEdwin,

Found the solution after checking the code in detail:
Add “loggers”: [“custom_components.YOUR_DOMAIN”] to the manifest.yaml of the custom_component


Thanks for creating the issue and the solution.

If adding this line to the manifest.json is required to get debug logging going, then how come this isn’t mentioned in the docs?
I tried doing what your ‘solution’ suggests, and the result was that my integration completely failed to load. The error message just said “No such integration”.
I did double check and trippel check my spelling and syntax.

Maybe a faulty configuration? Here’s an example of my manifest.json which will show all logger.debug lines when image is applied.

  "codeowners": ["@ksheumaker"],
  "config_flow": true,
  "dependencies": [],
  "documentation": "https://github.com/ksheumaker/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur",
  "issue_tracker": "https://github.com/ksheumaker/homeassistant-apsystems_ecur/issues",
  "domain": "apsystems_ecur",
  "name": "APSystems PV solar ECU",
  "integration_type": "hub",
  "iot_class": "local_polling",
  "version": "v1.2.27",
  "requirements": [],
  "loggers": ["custom_components.apsystems_ecur"]

I came across this when I was trying to figure out how to have the UI debug logging enable also enable debug logging for pypi components used in requirements.
the documentation for “loggers” is not clear, and if I add my pypi component to “loggers” then the UI now longer shows the debug button.
I created a separate topic here, but maybe you have more info on how to get debug logging enabled for multiple components when using the UI?