Hi! I’ve sent you a full log as you asked as a DM, but the particular bit that seems to cause or come just before the addon quitting is:

Mar 26 20:35:11 homeassistant addon_89275b70_dss_voiparm[488]: jq: error (at <stdin>:1): Cannot index string with string "call_duration"

It will fail sometimes?

So seems that SOXY cannot get file lengt.
Have you tried to enable TTS cache?

I use this setup:

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate
    service_name: google_translate_say
    language: 'it'
    cache: true
    cache_dir: /config/www/tts
    time_memory: 300
    #base_url: !secret http_base_url ###deprecated

So I managed to resolve my previous issue, this was my fault, caused by not closing my JSON bracket at the end of my input properly. D’oh!

New issue:-

[Info] Listening for messages via stdin service call...
[Info] Received messages {"call_sip_uri":"sip:[email protected]","message_tts":"Good morning, Mary. Today is Wednesday 27 March  "}
Converting audio file 'https://x.duckdns.org:8123/api/tts_proxy/21cda9b9cd6f0e09cf12cd2beebe60df90832cbf_en_-_google_translate.mp3'...
Audio succesfully converted...
Starting SIP Client and calling 'sip:[email protected]'...
This call will be terminated after '4.66' seconds.
13:38:39.778         os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.9 for POSIX initialized
13:38:39.778         sip_endpoint.c  .Creating endpoint instance...
13:38:39.779                  pjlib  .select() I/O Queue created (0x55ab9b5c90)
13:38:39.779         sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-msg-print" registered
13:38:39.779        sip_transport.c  .Transport manager created.
13:38:39.779           pjsua_core.c  .PJSUA state changed: NULL --> CREATED
13:38:39.798           pjsua_core.c  .pjsua version 2.9 for Linux-5.15.84/aarch64 initialized
13:38:39.802            pjsua_app.c  .Turning sound device -99 -99 ON
13:38:39.802                 main.c  Ready: Success
13:38:39.804            pjsua_app.c  .......Call 0 state changed to CALLING
Account list:
  [ 0] <sip:>: does not register
       Online status: Online
  [ 1] <sip:;transport=TCP>: does not register
       Online status: Online
 *[ 2] sip:[email protected]: does not register
       Online status: Online
Buddy list:
 [ 1] <?>  sip:[email protected]
|       Call Commands:         |   Buddy, IM & Presence:  |     Account:      |
|                              |                          |                   |
|  m  Make new call            | +b  Add new buddy       .| +a  Add new accnt |
|  M  Make multiple calls      | -b  Delete buddy         | -a  Delete accnt. |
|  a  Answer call              |  i  Send IM              | !a  Modify accnt. |
|  h  Hangup call  (ha=all)    |  s  Subscribe presence   | rr  (Re-)register |
|  H  Hold call                |  u  Unsubscribe presence | ru  Unregister    |
|  v  re-inVite (release hold) |  t  ToGgle Online status |  >  Cycle next ac.|
|  U  send UPDATE              |  T  Set online status    |  <  Cycle prev ac.|
| ],[ Select next/prev call    +--------------------------+-------------------+
|  x  Xfer call                |      Media Commands:     |  Status & Config: |
|  X  Xfer with Replaces       |                          |                   |
|  #  Send RFC 2833 DTMF       | cl  List ports           |  d  Dump status   |
|  *  Send DTMF with INFO      | cc  Connect port         | dd  Dump detailed |
| dq  Dump curr. call quality  | cd  Disconnect port      | dc  Dump config   |
|                              |  V  Adjust audio Volume  |  f  Save config   |
|  S  Send arbitrary REQUEST   | Cp  Codec priorities     |                   |
|  q  QUIT   L  ReLoad   sleep MS   echo [0|1|txt]     n: detect NAT type     |
You have 1 active call
Current call id=0 to sip:[email protected] [CALLING]
>>> 13:38:39.810       tcpc0x55aba09f08  TCP connect() error: [code=120111]: Connection refused
13:38:39.810        tsx0x55aba09108  Temporary failure in sending Request msg INVITE/cseq=17050 (tdta0x55aba00408), will try next server: Connection refused
13:38:39.811            pjsua_app.c  SIP TCP transport is disconnected from Connection refused [status=120111]
13:38:40.803            pjsua_app.c  .Turning sound device -99 -99 OFF
13:38:41.490            pjsua_app.c  .....Call 0 state changed to CONNECTING
13:38:41.496            pjsua_app.c  ........Turning sound device -99 -99 ON
13:38:41.497            pjsua_app.c  .....Call 0 state changed to CONFIRMED
>>> 13:38:44.424            pjsua_app.c  .....Call 0 is DISCONNECTED [reason=200 (Normal call clearing)]
13:38:44.425     pjsua_app_common.c  .....
  [DISCONNCTD] To: sip:[email protected];tag=bbbe96c8-6bba-4a45-b6cc-f66d730cf92e
    Call time: 00h:00m:02s, 1st res in 1687 ms, conn in 1694ms
    #0 audio PCMU @8kHz, sendrecv, peer=
       SRTP status: Not active Crypto-suite: 
       RX pt=0, last update:00h:00m:02.624s ago
          total 141pkt 22.5KB (28.2KB +IP hdr) @avg=61.7Kbps/77.2Kbps
          pkt loss=0 (0.0%), discrd=0 (0.0%), dup=0 (0.0%), reord=0 (0.0%)
                (msec)    min     avg     max     last    dev
          loss period:   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
          jitter     :   0.000   0.100   0.125   0.125   0.049
       TX pt=0, ptime=20, last update:never
          total 145pkt 23.2KB (29.0KB +IP hdr) @avg=63.5Kbps/79.4Kbps
          pkt loss=0 (0.0%), dup=0 (0.0%), reorder=0 (0.0%)
                (msec)    min     avg     max     last    dev 
          loss period:   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
          jitter     :   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
       RTT msec      :   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
13:38:45.425            pjsua_app.c  ..Turning sound device -99 -99 OFF
[Info] Call ended...

So the issue is the call is being terminated too early - not sure why? The sound file (which I’ve played from the URL above) is full and complete and is accurate at about 5s. But as you can see the call only lasts about two seconds and terminates after ‘today’…

any ideas??!

Thank youuu!!! :smiley:

If I send a really simple message without any jinja template, mostly it fails too

[Info] Listening for messages via stdin service call...
[Info] Received messages {"call_sip_uri":"sip:[email protected]","message_tts":"Good morning. Today is Never mind  Never mind at all "}
Converting audio file 'https://x.duckdns.org:8123/api/tts_proxy/453f4cc88943d8085f7097a483bff49b39d973c2_en_-_google_translate.mp3'...
Audio succesfully converted...
Starting SIP Client and calling 'sip:[email protected]'...
This call will be terminated after '8.07' seconds.
14:05:22.844         os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.9 for POSIX initialized
14:05:22.845         sip_endpoint.c  .Creating endpoint instance...
14:05:22.846                  pjlib  .select() I/O Queue created (0x558ac09c90)
14:05:22.846         sip_endpoint.c  .Module "mod-msg-print" registered
14:05:22.846        sip_transport.c  .Transport manager created.
14:05:22.846           pjsua_core.c  .PJSUA state changed: NULL --> CREATED
14:05:22.866           pjsua_core.c  .pjsua version 2.9 for Linux-5.15.84/aarch64 initialized
14:05:22.869            pjsua_app.c  .Turning sound device -99 -99 ON
14:05:22.869                 main.c  Ready: Success
14:05:22.870            pjsua_app.c  .......Call 0 state changed to CALLING
Account list:
  [ 0] <sip:>: does not register
       Online status: Online
  [ 1] <sip:;transport=TCP>: does not register
       Online status: Online
 *[ 2] sip:[email protected]: does not register
       Online status: Online
Buddy list:
 [ 1] <?>  sip:[email protected]
|       Call Commands:         |   Buddy, IM & Presence:  |     Account:      |
|                              |                          |                   |
|  m  Make new call            | +b  Add new buddy       .| +a  Add new accnt |
|  M  Make multiple calls      | -b  Delete buddy         | -a  Delete accnt. |
|  a  Answer call              |  i  Send IM              | !a  Modify accnt. |
|  h  Hangup call  (ha=all)    |  s  Subscribe presence   | rr  (Re-)register |
|  H  Hold call                |  u  Unsubscribe presence | ru  Unregister    |
|  v  re-inVite (release hold) |  t  ToGgle Online status |  >  Cycle next ac.|
|  U  send UPDATE              |  T  Set online status    |  <  Cycle prev ac.|
| ],[ Select next/prev call    +--------------------------+-------------------+
|  x  Xfer call                |      Media Commands:     |  Status & Config: |
|  X  Xfer with Replaces       |                          |                   |
|  #  Send RFC 2833 DTMF       | cl  List ports           |  d  Dump status   |
|  *  Send DTMF with INFO      | cc  Connect port         | dd  Dump detailed |
| dq  Dump curr. call quality  | cd  Disconnect port      | dc  Dump config   |
|                              |  V  Adjust audio Volume  |  f  Save config   |
|  S  Send arbitrary REQUEST   | Cp  Codec priorities     |                   |
|  q  QUIT   L  ReLoad   sleep MS   echo [0|1|txt]     n: detect NAT type     |
You have 1 active call
Current call id=0 to sip:[email protected] [CALLING]
./run: line 337: echo: write error: Broken pipe
./run: line 337: echo: write error: Broken pipe
./run: line 337:   413 Exit 1                  ( sleep $MAX_CALL_TIME_VALUE; echo h; sleep 0.5; echo q )
       414 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) | ( pjsua --app-log-level=3 --config-file '/share/dss_voiparm/dss_pjsua.conf' $CALL_SIP_URI_VALUE 2> /share/dss_voiparm/dss_pjsua.log )
[Error] pjsua Exit code: 139
[Info] Call ended...
[Info] Listening for messages via stdin service call...

I just installed this add-on and its fantastic!
I got it working only with audio_file_url parameter.
I need some assistance with the TTS part. I have already installed The Piper add-on and Wyoming integration. I would like to use Piper as my tts service but could not figure out how to configure it for this purpose. (I already works with assist pipeline). I tried adding these lines to my configuration.yaml but did not help.

  - platform: piper

Fo this addon I specified the platform_tts parameter, but it did not help either.

  caller_id_uri: sip:[email protected]:5060
  realm: "*"
  username: username
  password: password
platform_tts: piper
max_call_time: 120

Is it possible to use with Piper? I know it is somewhat different from the google service, as it runs as an add-on.

Have worked around the issue, am using NodeRed and Chime TTS instead for now.
Would prefer to use DSS VoIP Notifier as it’s much simpler to implement.
If anyone wants my Node Red flows, shout up! :slight_smile:

hej @daneboom gladly, please share it :slight_smile:

Can you put dss_voip34 back in the repository so i can get rid of the annoying “Add-on DSS VoIP Notifier34 has been removed from the repository” in homeassistant?

Version 4.0.0 isn’t working for me.

download zip file and unpack it on local add-on folder. install it and it should stop annoying you with that message

1 Like

Thanks for your reply.
Where can i find the dss_voip34 zip file for download?
GitHub - sdesalve/hassio-addons only 4.0.0 is available.

browse file at 3.5.9 commit and download

For others searching: The options must be edited in YAML Mode, otherwise it will not work.

Hassio was changed and developers have introduced this switch to show all options:

Is there a way to track if call was made successfully? I have a HA script which calls addon when button is clicked, but quite often addon fails to make a call. Is there a way to repeat a call till successfull one?

[Info] Received messages {"call_sip_uri":"sip:[email protected]","audio_file_url":"https://ha-url/local/sound.mp3"}
Converting audio file 'https://ha-url/local/sound.mp3'...
Audio succesfully converted...
Starting SIP Client and calling 'sip:[email protected]'...
This call will be terminated after '3.88' seconds.
15:27:56.074         os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.11.1 for POSIX initialized
./run: line 337: echo: write error: Broken pipe
./run: line 337: echo: write error: Broken pipe
./run: line 337:   562 Exit 1                  ( sleep $MAX_CALL_TIME_VALUE; echo h; sleep 0.5; echo q )
       563 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) | ( pjsua --app-log-level=3 --config-file '/share/dss_voip/dss_pjsua.conf' $CALL_SIP_URI_VALUE 2> /share/dss_voip/dss_pjsua.log )
[Error] pjsua Exit code: 139
[Info] Call ended...
[Info] Listening for messages via stdin service call...

I want it to use it to make internal calls to get an alarm call to my phone.(txt2speech)
For me its the first time i try to use this addon.
i go cracy because it doesnt work for me. I use the ARM version.
My configs are:

For my automation:
addon: 89275b70_dss_voiparm
call_sip_uri: “**[email protected]:5060”
message_tts: Achtung Feueralarm wurde ausgelöst
adapter config: sip_parameters:
caller_id_uri: sip:[email protected]:5060. # (homeassistant=fritz-phonename)
realm: “*”
username: homeassistant # (Fritzphone Username)
password: #########. # (Fritzphone Password)
max_call_time: “120”
pjsua_custom_options: “–ip-addr=” # ip=my homeassistant-ip

the error log i get:

[Info] Listening for messages via stdin service call…
[Info] Received messages {“call_sip_uri”:“**[email protected]:5060”,“message_tts”:“Achtung Feueralarm wurde ausgelöst”}
Converting audio file ‘’…
Audio succesfully converted…
Starting SIP Client and calling ‘**[email protected]:5060’…
This call will be terminated after ‘120’ seconds.
13:05:55.756 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.9 for POSIX initialized
13:05:55.756 sip_endpoint.c .Creating endpoint instance…
13:05:55.756 pjlib .select() I/O Queue created (0xaaaaef816c90)
13:05:55.756 sip_endpoint.c .Module “mod-msg-print” registered
13:05:55.756 sip_transport.c .Transport manager created.
13:05:55.756 pjsua_core.c .PJSUA state changed: NULL → CREATED
13:05:55.756 pjsua_app_config.c Invalid SIP URI **[email protected]:5060
13:05:55.756 pjsua_core.c Shutting down, flags=0…
13:05:55.756 pjsua_core.c PJSUA state changed: CREATED → CLOSING
13:05:55.756 pjsua_call.c .Hangup all calls…
13:05:55.756 pjsua_media.c .Call 0: deinitializing media…
13:05:55.756 pjsua_media.c .Call 1: deinitializing media…
13:05:55.756 pjsua_media.c .Call 2: deinitializing media…
13:05:55.756 pjsua_media.c .Call 3: deinitializing media…
13:05:55.756 pjsua_pres.c .Shutting down presence…
13:05:56.758 pjsua_core.c .Destroying…
13:05:56.758 pjsua_media.c .Shutting down media…
13:05:56.758 sip_endpoint.c .Destroying endpoint instance…
13:05:56.758 sip_endpoint.c .Module “mod-msg-print” unregistered
13:05:56.758 sip_transport.c .Destroying transport manager
13:05:56.758 sip_endpoint.c .Endpoint 0xaaaaef80bf08 destroyed
13:05:56.758 pjsua_core.c .PJSUA state changed: CLOSING → NULL
13:05:56.758 pjsua_core.c .PJSUA destroyed…

try to add “sip:”… like is stated on docs :wink:

1 Like

Great. and a lot of thanx. i has tomatos on my eyes. works now perfect !!!

1 Like

Hi @sdesalve - noticed your github repos have been archived/made read only ?
many thanks!

1 Like

Yes, i haven’t much time to follow it and some dude don’t make any effort to read docs before open issue…

it will be available as local addon

1 Like