Energy : adding pellets and wood to gaz and electricity

I really like the approach developped on energy dashboard (thank you for that) but I think it should be more “inclusive” for alternative energies.
I am thinking first to wood and pellets consumption on which I have already some meters (that could be easyly converted to KWh).
For people like me that are mixing different energies bringing more flexibility in defining additional sources like we have for consumptions wold be great.

I was just looking for the same thing. As my main heating is done with pellets it would be great to be able to add this to the energy tab.

I am just experimenting with adding wood pellets consumption as “gas consumption”.

Its a bit of a hack. I have a REST sensor that reads the total pellet comsumptiion from my ETA pellet burner. Then I add the following:

    # Add an entry for each entity that you want to overwrite.
      state_class: total_increasing
      device_class: energy
      unit_of_measurement: kWh

This is a solution for setting the state and device class until there is an integration for ETA or the REST platform supports to set this.

Now I am able to select this entity on the settings page for the energy dashboard. Using kWh is a hack, when I cange it to “kg” I get a warning in the settings dialog - I will see if it works anyway.

But yes, please add wood / pellets (and also oil) consumption in the energy dashboard.

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implemented the same hack in the meantime :smiley:

What does this “hack” look like in the energy dashboard?

I would also like to see this added to home assistant. Is there any news about this topic?

it would be fantastic, energy in this era will certainly be generated less and less by gas, there are many thermal power plants that can be integrated with homeassistant, I have an okofen and the custom integration works perfectly through the json protocol.
In my case, in addition to having the daily consumption of pellets directly from the machine, the solar thermal system has an accounting which indicates the thermal kW generated by the solar thermal, both daily and annual.
In the energy dashboard, being able to have the thermal energy generated by the pellets and the consumption and thermal power generated by the thermal panels would be what each of us deserves.
It would be necessary to be able to easily edit the dashboard for heat generators of various types and have a complete picture of all the energy flows that our homes use and consume.

The wood burner shows up at “Gas” - which is not entirely wrong, since the wood burner also burns (wood) gas in the end


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FYI, I switched to a new ETA pellet burner integration, which does not provide the total energy in kWh, but just the total pellets burned in kg. So I had to add another hack for conversion of pellets kg to energy kWh (which is just a constant factor of about 4.8):

# Convert pellet consumption (kg) to energy consumption (kWh)
  - sensor:
    - name: eta_gesamtenergie
      unique_id: '0a7576cc-d6c1-30ba-1ae1-611518c3497f'
      unit_of_measurement: kWh
      device_class: energy
      state_class: total_increasing 
      state: >
        {{ states('sensor.eta_kessel_zahlerstande_gesamtverbrauch') | float(default=0.0) | multiply(4.8) | round(1) }}
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